Log in to https://manage.auth0.com/.
Navigate to Getting started and click Create Application.
Do one of the following:
If you don't have any specific requirements for your environment, select either Single Web Page Applications or Regular Web Applications.
If you know that your environment requires a specific type of application, select that type.
Click Create.
Select the Settings tab and copy the values of Client ID and Client Secret.
In the Allowed Callback URLs field, specify https://pbi.parallels.com/rbi/oidc/signin/callback
and https://pbi.parallels.com/owner/test-idp
Select the Endpoints tab in the Advanced settings section and copy the value of the OpenID Configuration field.
In the left pane, navigate to Users under User Management.
Navigate to Create Users and click Create User.
Add the email and password of the user.
(Optional) Verify the user's email:
Click the three dots button.
In Details, go to email and verify the email.
Once the above steps are completed, copy the values from which should mimic the table below, and paste them into the Parallels Browser Isolation IDP configuration section as shown below:
Ex: acme.com or parallels.com or <yourorgdomain.com>
The domain name should always match the value used in the email or UPN after the "@" symbol. [Ex; login using TestUser@pbi.parallels.com or TestUser@acme.com]
Discovery URL
Copy this value from Auth0 IDP Settings. It should follow the format specified in the Value Column
Client ID
Copy this value from Auth0 IDP Settings
Client Secret
Copy this value from Auth0 IDP Settings
Username Claim Name
For more info visit;
Groups Claim Name
For more info visit;
Click Save and proceed with adding users using the Admin Management section that was configured in the OIDC.