To connect to a remote server, just tap a connection in the Connections list.
Read this chapter to learn what you can do when connected to a remote server via a Remote Application Server connection and via an RDP connection.
Note: When you open Parallels Client, you can rearrange your connections the way you need. Just tap a connection and hold it for a while, then drag the connection to the place you want, hold for a while again and release the finger.
When you tap an app icon in App Launcher, the application opens. Application Toolbar is displayed on the right side of the screen:
This toolbar has essential system functions and is always there when you need it. You can move the toolbar on the right side of the screen by dragging it up or down.
Tap to hide the remote application screen and return to App Launcher. Your session will continue to run on the remote server.
App Switcher displays remote applications that you have currently running on your device. To switch to an application, tap it in App Switcher.
This menu contains the following:
Additional Keys. When enabled, additional keyboard keys are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Mouse Mode. Tap this icon to choose one of the following mouse modes:
Touch Mode. If you use this mode, there's no mouse pointer on the screen.
To imitate a left-click, tap the screen with one finger.
To imitate a right-click, tap the screen with 2 fingers.
To display a magnifying glass (helps to see small things), tap the screen with one finger and hold for a while.
Dumbo Mouse. If you select this mode, a virtual mouse with 2 buttons and a pointer appears on the screen.
To move the mouse pointer, drag the mouse with one finger.
To imitate a left- or right-click, use the mouse buttons.
To zoom in/out the remote screen, double-tap the bottom part of Dumbo mouse.
Pointer. If you use this mode, the mouse pointer and 2 buttons (for left- and right-click) are displayed on the screen.
To move the mouse pointer, tap the screen with one finger and move it - the pointer will move correspondingly.
To imitate a left- or right-click, use the buttons at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, you can tap the screen with one finger for left-click and with two fingers for right-click.
To display a magnifying glass (helps to see small things), tap the screen with one finger and hold for a while.
Desktop Resolution. Tap this icon to choose the screen resolution that best fits your needs. You can choose between Best for Your Device, More Space, or set a custom resolution.
Microphone. Tap this icon to mute or unmute the device microphone.
Printing. Tap this icon to modify printing settings.
Session Info. Tap this icon to see the detailed information about your session.
Tap to import a file or a folder from your iOS device to the remote server. To import an object, click this icon and the copy files that you want to import to the folder that opens. The folder is added to the "This PC" section on the remote server.
Tap to zoom in. Tap this button again to return to the original view.
Tap to see Help.
Tap to display or hide the keyboard.
Tap to display App Switcher at the bottom of the screen.
Note: When in App Launcher, you can open App Switcher by clicking the same double-window icon in the top right corner of the screen. You can then tap an application to switch to.
Tap to open the settings menu:
When connected to a remote server via a Remote Application Server connection, Parallels Client shows the App Launcher screen. On this screen, you can find all the applications published for the user you used to connect to the remote server.
Here's what you can do on the App Launcher screen:
To launch an application, just tap its icon. If you launched an app, read this topic to learn how to use Application Toolbar.
Note: If a remote application is temporarily unavailable (e.g., your system administrator is installing updates, backing up the data, etc.), its icon will be grayed out. You can tap this app to get a message with more details or contact the administrator for information.
If there's a lot of applications, use the Looking glass icon in the top right corner of the screen to find the application you need.
When an application is added to favorites, you are able to quickly access it on the Favorites tab.
To add an application to favorites:
Long press the icon of the application that you want to add to favorites. A context menu will appear.
In the context menu, tap the Add to Favorites option.
The application will appear on the Favorites tab.
To remove an application from favorites:
Long press the icon of the application that you want to remove from favorites. A context menu will appear.
In the context menu, tap the Remove from Favorites option.
The application will be removed from favorites.
Refresh. Tap this item to refresh the list of published applications and connection settings.
Change Domain Password. Tap this item to change the user's domain password. Depending on Parallels RAS configuration you will be able to change the password either via Parallels Client itself or a third-party identity provider. To be able to change the password via Parallels Client, you must know the current password.
Settings. Tap this item to edit the Parallels Client settings.
Log Off. Tap this item to terminate your session and return to the list of connections.
Note: Your session on the server will finish and all running apps will be closed.
When connected to a remote server via a standard RDP connection, Parallels Client shows the remote desktop:
You can start working with the remote computer the same way you would as if you were sitting in front of it. will make your working process more comfortable.
You can import files from your iOS device to the remote server you are connected to. Tap to open the import dialog. For information on how to import files, see Application Toolbar.
If you have two or more applications running at the same time, tap App Switcher in the top right corner of the screen to easily switch between the application windows.
To close a running application, tap App Switcher and tap Close on the application you want to close.
Tap the icon in the top right corner to open the menu that allows you to perform the following actions:
Tap Settings in the top left corner of the screen to edit the Parallels Client settings.
Tap Help in the top left corner of the screen to get help with Parallels Client.