-m: operating mode
2G for Parallels RAS gateway access client(default)
2D for Parallels RAS direct access client
AL for Parallels RAS application list
MS for Microsoft Terminal Server client
MF for Microsoft Terminal Server fullscreen client
MX for Microsoft Terminal Server fullscreen client, that spans over all monitors
-s: server[:port] (default port is 80 for 2G and 2D modes and 3389 for MS and MF modes)
-s: ssl://server[:port] secure access client (TLS/SSL)
-b: altserver[:port] (default port is 80 for 2G and 2D modes and 3389 for MS and MF modes)
-u: user name. It can include domain: -u user@host.domain or -u user@ntdomain
-p: password.
-d: domain.
-a: application to start.
-f: working folder.
-i: 2xa shortcut file.
2xa shortcut files available through Parallels RAS web interface, and include published application settings.
-o: full path to application listing output file
-x: proxy, can be: