TWAIN applications that will use the Universal Scanning feature have to be added in the TWAIN tab by selecting the TWAIN Applications button so they can use the Twain driver, hence making it easier for the administrator to set them up.
To add an application to the list of scanning applications:
With the Universal Scanning category selected in the RAS Console, click the TWAIN tab.
Click the Twain Applications button (below the Servers in Site list) and then click Add.
In the TWAIN Applications dialog, click Tasks > Add and browse for the application executable. Select the executable and click Open.
Note: Some applications might use different or multiple executables. Make sure that all required executables are added to the list of scanning applications.
To delete a scanning application from the list, highlight it and click Tasks > Delete.
Note: If you delete an application from the list, the installation of the application will not be affected.
You can also specify a universal scanning compression policy. For more info see Client Policies > Experience.
Universal Scanning uses TWAIN and WIA redirection to let any application using either technology hardware connected to the client device for scanning. With Universal Scanning there is no need to install a specific scanner driver on the server.
Note: The server feature Desktop Experience is required in order to enable both WIA and TWAIN scanning on RD Session Hosts.
To configure Universal Scanning, select the Universal Scanning category in the RAS Console.
By default, the Universal Scanning driver is automatically installed with RD Session Host, Guest VM, and Remote PC agents. Therefore, upon adding a server to the Farm the Universal Scanning is installed.
By default, Parallels RAS renames scanners using the following pattern: %SCANNERNAME% for %USERNAME% by RAS
. For example, if a user named Lois, who has SCANNER1 installed locally, connects to a remote desktop or published application, her scanner is renamed to "SCANNER1 for Lois by RAS".
To change the pattern used to rename scanners, specify a new pattern in the Scanner rename pattern input field. The variables that you can use for renaming are:
— client-side scanner name.
— username of the user connected to the server.
— ID of the active session.
You can configure a different renaming pattern specifically for each server in the list.
Note: Redirected scanners are only accessible by the administrator and the user who redirected the scanner.
To enable or disable the WIA or Twain Universal Scanning support for a particular server, click the WIA tab or the TWAIN tab, then right-click a server and click Enable or Disable in the context menu.
Scanner redirection enables users who are connected to a remote desktop or accessing a published application to make a scan using the scanner that is connected to the client machine. This chapter describes how to configure and use RAS Universal Scanning services.