To view and manage active session on the RD Session Host, click Active Sessions in the navigation bar. To see the detailed session information, click the user name in the list. This opens the Session Info view. For a detailed description of session metrics, please see Session information.
To perform an action on a session (or multiple sessions), select it in the list and click the ellipsis menu. Choose from one of the following items:
Show session info: Opens the Session Info view.
Message: Send a message to the session owner.
Disconnect: Disconnect the session.
Log off: Log off the session.
Show resources: Opens a view displaying running resources.
Show running processes: Opens a view displaying running processes.
Monitoring settings: Opens a dialog where you can configure monitoring settings to highlight values in session metrics for RD Session Hosts. The dialog lists available metrics and allows you to set Warning and Critical thresholds for a given metric. To set a threshold, select the checkbox in front of a metric name and specify the desired values. During the RAS Farm operation, when a threshold is reached, a session metric value is highlighted as follows: Warning threshold — orange; Critical threshold — red.
To reset values for a given threshold, select it and choose Reset from the ellipsis menu (or right-click > Reset). You can also enable or disable threshold color coding for a metric. To do so, select a metric and choose Enable or Disable from the ellipsis menu.
Refresh: Refreshes the list.
Export: Exports the information to a CSV file.
To view running resources for an RD Session Host, click the Running Resources item in the navigation bar. To see the detailed resource information, click the resource name. This opens a view displaying the basic resource information (ID, name, target, etc) and the corresponding session information. For the detailed information about session metrics, please see Session information.
To perform an action on a resource, select it in the list and click the ellipsis menu. Choose from one of the following:
Message: Send a message to the session owner.
Disconnect: Disconnect the session.
Log off: Log off the session.
Show running processes: Opens a view displaying running processes.
Show user session: Open a view displaying the information about the session.
Show information: Opens a view displaying the resource information.
Monitoring settings: See the description in Active Sessions.
Refresh: Refreshes the list.
Export: Save the list into a CSV file.
The Overview screen displays the following information:
The Information section displays the RD Session Host information similar to what is shown on the main RD Session Host list but in one convenient view.
The Actions section lists actions that you can perform on a host (see below). Please note that you can also perform actions from the main RD Session Host list view by selecting a host and choosing an option from the ellipsis menu.
You can perform the following actions on an RD Session Host:
Message all: Send a message to users connected to the host.
Disconnect all: Disconnect all current users.
Logoff all sessions: Log off all current sessions.
Update agent: Update the RD Session Host Agent, if required.
Disable agent: Temporarily disable the agent.
The Control sub-menu contains the following items:
Enable logons: Enables logons from client sessions, but not from the console. This option performs the same action as the change logon /enable
Disable logons: Disables subsequent logons from client sessions, but not from the console. Does not affect currently logged on users. This option performs the same action as change logon /disable
Drain: Disables logons from new client sessions, but allows reconnections to existing sessions. Drain is kept even after reboot until the admin enables logons.
Note that while a host is in drain mode, administrators may still log on to the physical console or remotely log on using the /admin or /console command-line option for MSTSC. This allows administrators to remotely maintain the RDS host via Tools > Remote Desktop.
Drain until reboot: Disables logons from new client sessions until the computer is restarted, but allows reconnections to existing sessions. Drain is kept until the host is restarted. Same action as the change logon /drainuntilrestart
Cancel pending reboot (scheduler): Cancel pending reboot.
Cancel disabled state (scheduler): Cancel disabled state.
Install RDS role: Allows to install the RDS role on the host.
Reboot: Reboot the host.
Shutdown: Shut down the host.
The Logs sub-menu contains the following items:
Configure: Allows you to configure logging. For the explanation of log levels, please see below.
Retrieve: Retrieves a ZIP archive containing the log files to the specified location.
Clear: Clears all existing logs.
The available log levels are:
Standard: This is the standard log level that records only the most important events. Unless you are asked by Parallels RAS support to use one of the log levels described below, you should always use this one.
Extended: This logging involves more information than the standard logging, but it slows down the system because of the additional information that it needs to collect.
Verbose: Verbose logging involves even more information than the extended logging and can slow down your system significantly.
Please note that to avoid degraded performance, extended and verbose logging should only be enabled for a limited time period (enough to collect the necessary information for analysis). You can set this time period using Reset to the standard level after option. The default value is 12 hours. In specific cases, a Parallels support engineer will advise you whether this time period should be set to a different value. Once this time period is over, the log level will be reset back to standard.
The remaining items include:
Assign to host pool: Assigns the host to a host pool.
Remove from host pool: Removes a host from a host pool.
Refresh: Refreshes the host information displayed on the screen.
Site Defaults: Opens the RDSH site defaults screen where you can view and configure site defaults.
Delete: Deletes the host from the RAS Farm.
To view running processes for an RD Session Host, click the Running Processes item in the navigation bar. This opens a view displaying all running processes.
To kill one or multiple processes, select them in the list and chose Kill processes from the ellipsis menu. To refresh the list, choose Refresh.
To perform RD Session Host management tasks:
Navigate to Infrastructure > RD Session Hosts.
Click a host to open the host properties view.
Use the navigation bar to switch between different views where you can view additional information and perform actions. These views are described below.
For troubleshooting information and tasks, select Troubleshooting in the navigation bar.
The data displayed in the Troubleshooting view is retrieved by the RAS Management Portal directly from the RD Session Host, not through the RAS Connection Broker. This view can show data important to troubleshoot issues with the RAS RD Session Host Agent even if the agent cannot be reached by the RAS Connection Broker or is currently registered with a different RAS Connection Broker.
The following data is displayed:
Host: The RD Session Host name.
Agent: Agent status (e.g. OK).
Version: Agent version.
RDS role: Whether RDS role is enabled on the RD Session Host.
OS type: Operating system type installed on the host.
Status: Displays a long version of the agent status. If the agent is OK, it will say so. If there's an issue, this field explains what is wrong with the agent. You can use this information to troubleshoot the issue.
You can also perform the following actions in the Troubleshooting view:
Retrieve logs: Retrieve host logs as a single ZIP archive.
Configure logs: Allows you specify a log level for Parallels RAS Components. Note that you should use Extended and Verbose logging for troubleshooting only. When selecting one of these levels, you can also set the time period after which the log level will go back to Standard.
Clear logs: Clear all existing logs.
Reboot agent: Reboot the RAS RD Session Host Agent.
Uninstall agent: Uninstall the agent.
Refresh: Refresh the agent information.