Sends RAS support request to Parallels Support.
Send-RASSupportRequest -Type {Email | SaveToZip | SendReport} [-AttachmentPath <string>] [-Company <string>] [-Fullname <string>] [-Message <string>] [-SaveZipToPath <string>] [-Subject <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Either saves the zip file with all support information or
sends the information as an attachment to Parallels Support to investigate the problem at hand.
Please note that the current information, Parallels Remote Application Server settings and current Log files are sent as an attachment.
-Type <SupportType> Support type.
Possible values: Email, SaveToZip, SendReport
-Fullname <string> Full name of Administrator requesting support.
-Company <string> Company of Administrator requesting support.
-Subject <string> Subject of request.
-Message <string> The message query for support.
-AttachmentPath <string> The path of the attachment to be sent to Parallels support.
-SaveZipToPath <string> The path where the .zip file (with support data) should be saved.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Send-RASSupportRequest -Fullname "John Doe" -Company "Parallels" -Subject "Publishing issue" -Message "My message here" -Type Email
Sends request to RAS support server for further investigation of issue by support.
Returns: The report ID that was generated when generating the issue report. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------
Send-RASSupportRequest -Fullname "John Doe" -Company "Parallels" -Subject "Publishing issue" -Message "My message here" -Type SaveToZip
Saves Support Request attachment zip to a auto generated path (unless specified).
Returns: the path where the attachment zip is saved.