Modifies the specified preferred route for the specified published resource.
Set-RASPubItemPreferredRoute [-Id] <uint> -PreferredRouteId <uint> [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-Name <string>] [-Priority {Up | Down}] [-ReferenceId <uint>] [-ReferenceType {Gateway | HALB | Custom}] [-SiteId <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASPubItemPreferredRoute [-InputObject] <PubItem> -PreferredRouteId <uint> [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-Name <string>] [-Priority {Up | Down}] [-ReferenceId <uint>] [-ReferenceType {Gateway | HALB | Custom}] [-SiteId <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet modifies the specified preferred route for the specified published resource.
To add a preferred route, use the Add-RASPubItemPreferredRoute cmdlet.
-PreferredRouteId <uint> The ID of the Preferred Route to be modified.
-Name <string> The Name of the Preferred Route
-Description <string> Description of the Preferred Route
-Enabled <bool> Whether the Preferred Route is enabled or not
-ReferenceType <RoutingType> Reference Type of the Preferred Route
Possible values: Gateway, HALB, Custom
-ReferenceId <uint> Reference ID of the Preferred Route
-Priority <MoveDirection> The direction to move the Publishing Route object: Up or Down (changes the priority of the Publishing Route accordingly)
Possible values: Up, Down
-Id <uint> Published resource ID.
-InputObject <PubItem> An object specifying the published resource.
To obtain the object, use the Get-PubItem cmdlet.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Set-RASPubItemPreferredRoute -Id 12 -PreferredRouteId 1 -Enabled $False
Disable the preferred route with ID 1 for the published resource specified with ID 12.