Adds a new Schedule target.
Add-RASScheduleTarget [-Id] <uint> -ObjType {RDS | VDI | AVD} -TargetID <uint> [-TargetType {Host | HostPool}] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-RASScheduleTarget [-Id] <uint> -ObjType {RDS | VDI | AVD} -PoolId <uint> [-GuestName <string>] [-GUID <string>] [-HostAzureID <string>] [-TargetType {Host | HostPool}] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-RASScheduleTarget [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {RDS | VDI | AVD} -TargetID <uint> [-TargetType {Host | HostPool}] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-RASScheduleTarget [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {RDS | VDI | AVD} -PoolId <uint> [-GuestName <string>] [-GUID <string>] [-HostAzureID <string>] [-TargetType {Host | HostPool}] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a new Schedule property.
-Name <string> Scheduler job name.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID to modify the schedule job.
-Id <uint> Scheduler job ID.
-ObjType <ScheduleObjType> Schedule object type.
Possible values: RDS, VDI, AVD
-TargetType <ScheduleTargetType> Schedule target type.
Possible values: Host, HostPool
-TargetID <uint> The target RD Session Host server or server group Ids depending on the TargetType parameter.
-PoolId <uint>
-GUID <string>
-GuestName <string>
-HostAzureID <string>
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Add-RASScheduleTarget -ObjType VDI -Id 1 -TargetID 1
Adds a schedule target id to the schedule item specified by id. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------
Add-RASScheduleTarget -ObjType VDI -Name "My Schedule" -TargetID 1
Adds a schedule target id to the schedule item specified by name. ---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------
Add-RASScheduleTarget -ObjType VDI -Id 1 -PoolID 1 -GUID "SampleGUID" -GuestName "SampleGuestName"
Adds a schedule target native host to the schedule item specified by id. ---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------
Add-RASScheduleTarget -ObjType VDI -Name "My Schedule" -PoolID 1 -HostAzureID "SampleAzureID"
Adds a schedule target native host to the schedule item specified by name.