Retrieve the list of all processes for all the VDI Host sessions.
Site ID from which to retrieve the specified Provider server information (optional).
The name of the Provider server for which to retrieve the information (optional).
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/VM/Host/Process'
"name": "text",
"appName": "text",
"process": "text",
"pid": 1,
"user": "text",
"session": 1,
"serverID": 1,
"vdiHostId": "text"
Retrieve the list of all processes for all the sessions of a specified Provider.
The ID of the Provider server.
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/Host/Process'
"name": "text",
"appName": "text",
"process": "text",
"pid": 1,
"user": "text",
"session": 1,
"serverID": 1,
"vdiHostId": "text"
Retrieve the list of all processes for a specified VDI Host of a specified Provider.
The ID of the Provider server.
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Host/Process'
"name": "text",
"appName": "text",
"process": "text",
"pid": 1,
"user": "text",
"session": 1,
"serverID": 1,
"vdiHostId": "text"
Retrieve a specified process for a specified session of a specified Provider.
The ID of the Provider server.
ID of the process to be retrieved
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Host/Process/{pId}'
"name": "text",
"appName": "text",
"process": "text",
"pid": 1,
"user": "text",
"session": 1,
"serverID": 1,
"vdiHostId": "text"
Retrieve the list of all statuses.
Site ID of which the sessions will be retrieved (optional)
Filter the result by server name (optional)
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/VM/Host/Status'
"name": "text",
"server": "text",
"state": [
"0 = On",
"1 = OnAgentConnected",
"2 = Off",
"3 = Paused",
"4 = RASTemplate",
"5 = MaintenanceMode",
"6 = Cloning",
"7 = Personalizing",
"8 = FailedToCreate",
"-1 = Unknown"
"connection": [
"0 = Disconnected",
"1 = Preparing",
"2 = Waiting",
"3 = Connected",
"4 = RASTemplate",
"-1 = Unknown"
"templateName": "text",
"templateID": 1,
"templateType": [
"0 = SingleSession",
"1 = MultiSession"
"user": "text",
"ip": "text",
"hostID": "text",
"providerID": 1,
"serviceStartTime": "text",
"systemBootTime": "text",
"unhandledExceptions": 1,
"logLevel": [
"0 = Critical",
"1 = Error",
"2 = Warning",
"3 = Standard",
"4 = Extended",
"5 = Verbose",
"-1 = None"
"session": {
"sessionID": 1,
"ip": "text",
"serverID": 1,
"type": [
"0 = Desktop",
"1 = PublishedApps",
"2 = Application",
"3 = VDI",
"4 = VDIApp",
"5 = PC",
"6 = PCApp",
"7 = Admin",
"8 = Unknown",
"9 = RemoteApps",
"10 = DirectRDP",
"-1 = All"
"user": "text",
"themeID": 1,
"connectionMode": [
"0 = GatewayMode",
"1 = DirectMode",
"2 = GatewaySSLMode",
"3 = DirectSSLMode",
"4 = DirectRDPMode",
"200 = Unknown"
"authenticationType": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Credentials",
"2 = SCard",
"3 = SAML"
"idleStartTime": "2025-03-11T05:57:56.755Z",
"mfaProvider": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Deepnet",
"2 = SafeNet",
"3 = Radius",
"4 = AzureRadius",
"5 = DuoRadius",
"6 = FortiRadius",
"7 = TekRadius",
"8 = GAuthTOTP",
"9 = TOTP",
"10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
"11 = EmailOTP"
"rfiCount": 1,
"rfiInfoList": [
"type": [
"0 = Unknown",
"1 = HALBInst",
"2 = Gateway",
"3 = ForwardingGateway",
"4 = HALBDevice",
"5 = HTML5",
"6 = Other",
"7 = AVDGateway"
"ip": "text"
"logonDuration": 1,
"connectionDuration": 1,
"authenticationDuration": 1,
"rasPolicyLookup": 1,
"hostPreparation": 1,
"groupPolicyLoadTime": 1,
"userProfileLoadTime": 1,
"desktopLoadTime": 1,
"logonOthersDuration": 1,
"userProfileType": [
"0 = Unknown",
"1 = Others",
"2 = UPD",
"3 = FSLogix"
"uxEvaluator": 1,
"connectionQuality": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Poor",
"2 = Fair",
"3 = Good",
"4 = Excellent"
"latency": 1,
"protocol": [
"0 = Console",
"2 = RDP",
"10 = RDP_UDP"
"bandwidthAvailability": 1,
"lastReconnects": 1,
"reconnects": 1,
"disconnectReason": "text",
"state": [
"0 = Active",
"1 = Connected",
"2 = ConnectQuery",
"3 = Shadow",
"4 = Disconnected",
"5 = Idle",
"6 = Listen",
"7 = Reset",
"8 = Down",
"9 = Init",
"-1 = All"
"logonTime": "2025-03-11T05:57:56.755Z",
"sessionLength": 1,
"idleTime": 1,
"incomingData": 1,
"outgoingData": 1,
"verticalResolution": 1,
"horizontalResolution": 1,
"colourDepth": [
"bandwidthUsage": 1,
"deviceName": "text",
"clientIPAddress": "text",
"clientOS": "text",
"clientOSVersion": "text",
"clientVersion": "text",
"hostId": "text"
"isMaintenance": true,
"isTemplate": true,
"agentState": [
"0 = OK",
"1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
"2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
"3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
"4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
"5 = ConnectionFailed",
"6 = InvalidCredentials",
"7 = NeedsSysprep",
"8 = SysPrepInProgress",
"9 = CloningFailed",
"10 = Synchronising",
"13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
"14 = LogonDrain",
"15 = LogonDisabled",
"16 = ForcedDisconnect",
"17 = CloningCanceled",
"18 = RASprepInProgress",
"20 = InstallingRDSRole",
"21 = RebootPending",
"22 = PortMismatch",
"23 = NeedsDowngrade",
"24 = NotApplied",
"25 = CloningInProgress",
"26 = MarkedForDeletion",
"27 = StandBy",
"28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
"29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
"30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
"32 = InvalidHostVersion",
"33 = NotJoined",
"35 = LicenseExpired",
"36 = JoinBroken",
"37 = InUse",
"38 = NotInUse",
"39 = Unsupported",
"40 = NoAvailableGateways",
"41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
"42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
"43 = InvalidCAConfig",
"44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
"45 = InvalidESSettings",
"46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
"47 = NoDevices",
"48 = NeedsAttention",
"49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
"50 = ImageOptimization",
"51 = Unavailable",
"52 = UnderConstruction",
"53 = Broken",
"54 = NonRAS",
"55 = Provisioning",
"56 = Invalid",
"57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
"58 = NoMembersAvailable",
"59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
"60 = FailedPerfCounters",
"61 = PendingRecreation",
"62 = RemovingMembers",
"63 = AddingMembers",
"64 = DeleteInProgress",
"66 = JoiningToHostPool",
"67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
"68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
"-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
"-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
"-6 = Unknown",
"-5 = NeedsUpdate",
"-4 = NotVerified",
"-3 = ServerDeleted",
"-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
"-1 = Disconnected"
Retrieve a list of statuses for a specific Provider.
The ID of the Provider server.
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/Host/Status'
"name": "text",
"server": "text",
"state": [
"0 = On",
"1 = OnAgentConnected",
"2 = Off",
"3 = Paused",
"4 = RASTemplate",
"5 = MaintenanceMode",
"6 = Cloning",
"7 = Personalizing",
"8 = FailedToCreate",
"-1 = Unknown"
"connection": [
"0 = Disconnected",
"1 = Preparing",
"2 = Waiting",
"3 = Connected",
"4 = RASTemplate",
"-1 = Unknown"
"templateName": "text",
"templateID": 1,
"templateType": [
"0 = SingleSession",
"1 = MultiSession"
"user": "text",
"ip": "text",
"hostID": "text",
"providerID": 1,
"serviceStartTime": "text",
"systemBootTime": "text",
"unhandledExceptions": 1,
"logLevel": [
"0 = Critical",
"1 = Error",
"2 = Warning",
"3 = Standard",
"4 = Extended",
"5 = Verbose",
"-1 = None"
"session": {
"sessionID": 1,
"ip": "text",
"serverID": 1,
"type": [
"0 = Desktop",
"1 = PublishedApps",
"2 = Application",
"3 = VDI",
"4 = VDIApp",
"5 = PC",
"6 = PCApp",
"7 = Admin",
"8 = Unknown",
"9 = RemoteApps",
"10 = DirectRDP",
"-1 = All"
"user": "text",
"themeID": 1,
"connectionMode": [
"0 = GatewayMode",
"1 = DirectMode",
"2 = GatewaySSLMode",
"3 = DirectSSLMode",
"4 = DirectRDPMode",
"200 = Unknown"
"authenticationType": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Credentials",
"2 = SCard",
"3 = SAML"
"idleStartTime": "2025-03-11T05:57:56.755Z",
"mfaProvider": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Deepnet",
"2 = SafeNet",
"3 = Radius",
"4 = AzureRadius",
"5 = DuoRadius",
"6 = FortiRadius",
"7 = TekRadius",
"8 = GAuthTOTP",
"9 = TOTP",
"10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
"11 = EmailOTP"
"rfiCount": 1,
"rfiInfoList": [
"type": [
"0 = Unknown",
"1 = HALBInst",
"2 = Gateway",
"3 = ForwardingGateway",
"4 = HALBDevice",
"5 = HTML5",
"6 = Other",
"7 = AVDGateway"
"ip": "text"
"logonDuration": 1,
"connectionDuration": 1,
"authenticationDuration": 1,
"rasPolicyLookup": 1,
"hostPreparation": 1,
"groupPolicyLoadTime": 1,
"userProfileLoadTime": 1,
"desktopLoadTime": 1,
"logonOthersDuration": 1,
"userProfileType": [
"0 = Unknown",
"1 = Others",
"2 = UPD",
"3 = FSLogix"
"uxEvaluator": 1,
"connectionQuality": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Poor",
"2 = Fair",
"3 = Good",
"4 = Excellent"
"latency": 1,
"protocol": [
"0 = Console",
"2 = RDP",
"10 = RDP_UDP"
"bandwidthAvailability": 1,
"lastReconnects": 1,
"reconnects": 1,
"disconnectReason": "text",
"state": [
"0 = Active",
"1 = Connected",
"2 = ConnectQuery",
"3 = Shadow",
"4 = Disconnected",
"5 = Idle",
"6 = Listen",
"7 = Reset",
"8 = Down",
"9 = Init",
"-1 = All"
"logonTime": "2025-03-11T05:57:56.755Z",
"sessionLength": 1,
"idleTime": 1,
"incomingData": 1,
"outgoingData": 1,
"verticalResolution": 1,
"horizontalResolution": 1,
"colourDepth": [
"bandwidthUsage": 1,
"deviceName": "text",
"clientIPAddress": "text",
"clientOS": "text",
"clientOSVersion": "text",
"clientVersion": "text",
"hostId": "text"
"isMaintenance": true,
"isTemplate": true,
"agentState": [
"0 = OK",
"1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
"2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
"3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
"4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
"5 = ConnectionFailed",
"6 = InvalidCredentials",
"7 = NeedsSysprep",
"8 = SysPrepInProgress",
"9 = CloningFailed",
"10 = Synchronising",
"13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
"14 = LogonDrain",
"15 = LogonDisabled",
"16 = ForcedDisconnect",
"17 = CloningCanceled",
"18 = RASprepInProgress",
"20 = InstallingRDSRole",
"21 = RebootPending",
"22 = PortMismatch",
"23 = NeedsDowngrade",
"24 = NotApplied",
"25 = CloningInProgress",
"26 = MarkedForDeletion",
"27 = StandBy",
"28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
"29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
"30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
"32 = InvalidHostVersion",
"33 = NotJoined",
"35 = LicenseExpired",
"36 = JoinBroken",
"37 = InUse",
"38 = NotInUse",
"39 = Unsupported",
"40 = NoAvailableGateways",
"41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
"42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
"43 = InvalidCAConfig",
"44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
"45 = InvalidESSettings",
"46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
"47 = NoDevices",
"48 = NeedsAttention",
"49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
"50 = ImageOptimization",
"51 = Unavailable",
"52 = UnderConstruction",
"53 = Broken",
"54 = NonRAS",
"55 = Provisioning",
"56 = Invalid",
"57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
"58 = NoMembersAvailable",
"59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
"60 = FailedPerfCounters",
"61 = PendingRecreation",
"62 = RemovingMembers",
"63 = AddingMembers",
"64 = DeleteInProgress",
"66 = JoiningToHostPool",
"67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
"68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
"-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
"-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
"-6 = Unknown",
"-5 = NeedsUpdate",
"-4 = NotVerified",
"-3 = ServerDeleted",
"-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
"-1 = Disconnected"
Retrieve a specific Host Status.
The ID of the Provider server.
curl -L \
--url '/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Host/Status'
"name": "text",
"server": "text",
"state": [
"0 = On",
"1 = OnAgentConnected",
"2 = Off",
"3 = Paused",
"4 = RASTemplate",
"5 = MaintenanceMode",
"6 = Cloning",
"7 = Personalizing",
"8 = FailedToCreate",
"-1 = Unknown"
"connection": [
"0 = Disconnected",
"1 = Preparing",
"2 = Waiting",
"3 = Connected",
"4 = RASTemplate",
"-1 = Unknown"
"templateName": "text",
"templateID": 1,
"templateType": [
"0 = SingleSession",
"1 = MultiSession"
"user": "text",
"ip": "text",
"hostID": "text",
"providerID": 1,
"serviceStartTime": "text",
"systemBootTime": "text",
"unhandledExceptions": 1,
"logLevel": [
"0 = Critical",
"1 = Error",
"2 = Warning",
"3 = Standard",
"4 = Extended",
"5 = Verbose",
"-1 = None"
"session": {
"sessionID": 1,
"ip": "text",
"serverID": 1,
"type": [
"0 = Desktop",
"1 = PublishedApps",
"2 = Application",
"3 = VDI",
"4 = VDIApp",
"5 = PC",
"6 = PCApp",
"7 = Admin",
"8 = Unknown",
"9 = RemoteApps",
"10 = DirectRDP",
"-1 = All"
"user": "text",
"themeID": 1,
"connectionMode": [
"0 = GatewayMode",
"1 = DirectMode",
"2 = GatewaySSLMode",
"3 = DirectSSLMode",
"4 = DirectRDPMode",
"200 = Unknown"
"authenticationType": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Credentials",
"2 = SCard",
"3 = SAML"
"idleStartTime": "2025-03-11T05:57:56.755Z",
"mfaProvider": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Deepnet",
"2 = SafeNet",
"3 = Radius",
"4 = AzureRadius",
"5 = DuoRadius",
"6 = FortiRadius",
"7 = TekRadius",
"8 = GAuthTOTP",
"9 = TOTP",
"10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
"11 = EmailOTP"
"rfiCount": 1,
"rfiInfoList": [
"type": [
"0 = Unknown",
"1 = HALBInst",
"2 = Gateway",
"3 = ForwardingGateway",
"4 = HALBDevice",
"5 = HTML5",
"6 = Other",
"7 = AVDGateway"
"ip": "text"
"logonDuration": 1,
"connectionDuration": 1,
"authenticationDuration": 1,
"rasPolicyLookup": 1,
"hostPreparation": 1,
"groupPolicyLoadTime": 1,
"userProfileLoadTime": 1,
"desktopLoadTime": 1,
"logonOthersDuration": 1,
"userProfileType": [
"0 = Unknown",
"1 = Others",
"2 = UPD",
"3 = FSLogix"
"uxEvaluator": 1,
"connectionQuality": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Poor",
"2 = Fair",
"3 = Good",
"4 = Excellent"
"latency": 1,
"protocol": [
"0 = Console",
"2 = RDP",
"10 = RDP_UDP"
"bandwidthAvailability": 1,
"lastReconnects": 1,
"reconnects": 1,
"disconnectReason": "text",
"state": [
"0 = Active",
"1 = Connected",
"2 = ConnectQuery",
"3 = Shadow",
"4 = Disconnected",
"5 = Idle",
"6 = Listen",
"7 = Reset",
"8 = Down",
"9 = Init",
"-1 = All"
"logonTime": "2025-03-11T05:57:56.755Z",
"sessionLength": 1,
"idleTime": 1,
"incomingData": 1,
"outgoingData": 1,
"verticalResolution": 1,
"horizontalResolution": 1,
"colourDepth": [
"bandwidthUsage": 1,
"deviceName": "text",
"clientIPAddress": "text",
"clientOS": "text",
"clientOSVersion": "text",
"clientVersion": "text",
"hostId": "text"
"isMaintenance": true,
"isTemplate": true,
"agentState": [
"0 = OK",
"1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
"2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
"3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
"4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
"5 = ConnectionFailed",
"6 = InvalidCredentials",
"7 = NeedsSysprep",
"8 = SysPrepInProgress",
"9 = CloningFailed",
"10 = Synchronising",
"13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
"14 = LogonDrain",
"15 = LogonDisabled",
"16 = ForcedDisconnect",
"17 = CloningCanceled",
"18 = RASprepInProgress",
"20 = InstallingRDSRole",
"21 = RebootPending",
"22 = PortMismatch",
"23 = NeedsDowngrade",
"24 = NotApplied",
"25 = CloningInProgress",
"26 = MarkedForDeletion",
"27 = StandBy",
"28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
"29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
"30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
"32 = InvalidHostVersion",
"33 = NotJoined",
"35 = LicenseExpired",
"36 = JoinBroken",
"37 = InUse",
"38 = NotInUse",
"39 = Unsupported",
"40 = NoAvailableGateways",
"41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
"42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
"43 = InvalidCAConfig",
"44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
"45 = InvalidESSettings",
"46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
"47 = NoDevices",
"48 = NeedsAttention",
"49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
"50 = ImageOptimization",
"51 = Unavailable",
"52 = UnderConstruction",
"53 = Broken",
"54 = NonRAS",
"55 = Provisioning",
"56 = Invalid",
"57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
"58 = NoMembersAvailable",
"59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
"60 = FailedPerfCounters",
"61 = PendingRecreation",
"62 = RemovingMembers",
"63 = AddingMembers",
"64 = DeleteInProgress",
"66 = JoiningToHostPool",
"67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
"68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
"-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
"-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
"-6 = Unknown",
"-5 = NeedsUpdate",
"-4 = NotVerified",
"-3 = ServerDeleted",
"-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
"-1 = Disconnected"
Invoke the VDI Process Command to send the Kill command to the Process with specified Process ID.
The ID of the provider.
Process ID.
curl -L \
--request POST \
--url '/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Host/Process/{id}/Kill'
No body
No Content