Upload an FSLogix Installer file to the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature Site Settings.
The Site ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature settings.
Upload File
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Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature Site Settings.
The Site ID for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature settings.
Update the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature Site Settings.
The Site ID for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Containers Feature settings.
<para type="synopsis">Install Type values.</para> <para type="description"></para>
0 = Manually,1 = Online,2 = NetworkDrive,3 = UploadInstall
<para type="description">Specifies the 'Install Online URL Online'.</para>
<para type="description">Specifies the 'Network Drive Path'.</para>
<para type="description">Specifies the 'Installer File Path'.</para>
<para type="description">Enable or disable replication of settings to other sites.</para>
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