Delete an Auto-upgrade Message by ID.
The ID of the message to remove.
No Content
Removes Default Windows Component Custom From Optimization.
The Site ID of the optimization setting to remove the windows component custom.
Windows Componenct Custom Settings
Windows Component Name
No Content
Removes Default Windows Service Custom From Optimization.
The ID of the optimization setting to remove the windows Service custom.
Windows Service Custom Settings
Windows Service Name
No Content
Remove Default Registry Image Optimization Object.
The Site Id of the Optimization Settings to remove the registry object.
Registry Settings
Registry Id
No Content
Retrieves FSLogix Office Container CCDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Retrieves FSLogix Office Container VHDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container CCDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container Folder Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container VHDLocation List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Retrieve FSLogix Profile Container User Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Remove the default assigned application package.
Site ID for which to remove the assigned application package.
Assigned application package settings.
The name of the application package for which to remove the assigned packaged application. This must be the actual application package name used in the RAS farm.
No Content
Retrieves FSLogix Office Container User Exclusion List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Remove a CCDLocation from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
CCDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'CCDLocation' path to remove from the CCDLocation List.
No Content
Remove a folder from the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Folder configuration.
Specifies the 'Folder' path to remove to the Include/Exclude Folder List.
No Content
Remove a VHDLocation from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
VHDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'VHDLocation' path to remove from the VHDLocation List.
No Content
Remove a CCDLocation from the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
CCDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'CCDLocation' path to remove from the CCDLocation List.
No Content
Remove a folder from the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Folder configuration.
Specifies the 'Folder' path to remove to the Include/Exclude Folder List.
No Content
Remove a VHDLocation from the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
VHDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'VHDLocation' path to remove from the VHDLocation List.
No Content
Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
No Content
Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
No Content
Remove a user from the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
No Content
Remove a user from the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to remove from the FSLogix Container.
No Content
Update the default assigned application package settings with the specified Site ID.
The Site ID for which to modify the default assigned application package.
Assigned application package settings.
The name of the application package for which to change the version. This must be the actual application package name used in the RAS farm.
The new version of the application package. This must be the actual application package version used in the RAS farm.
No Content
Removes Default Windows Scheduled Task From Optimization.
The Site Id of the optimization setting to remove the windows scheduled task.
Windows Scheduled Task Settings
Scheduled Task
Scheduled Task Location
No Content
Update the Auto-upgrade settings of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to modify the Auto-upgrade settings (optional).
Auto-upgrade settings (optional).
Modify the Auto-upgrade settings
No Content
Retrieve an Auto-upgrade Message.
The ID of the message to retrieve.
ID of the object.
Message title
Seconds before message is sent
Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. Send Message When can only be set to After in the case of Reboot.
Adds a CCDLocation to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
CCDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'CCDLocation' path to add to the CCDLocation List.
Retrieves FSLogix Office Container User Inclusion List of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Adds a VHDLocation to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
VHDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'VHDLocation' path to add to the VHDLocation List.
Add a CCDLocation to the CCDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
CCDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'CCDLocation' path to add to the CCDLocation List.
Add a VHDLocation to the VHDLocation List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
VHDLocation configuration.
Specifies the 'VHDLocation' path to add to the VHDLocation List.
Retrieve the default assigned application package settings by Site ID.
The Site ID of the default assigned application package.
Application version
Application version tag name
Application version tag ID
Assigned application package name
Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
Add a folder to the Folder Inclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Folder configuration.
Specifies the 'Folder' path to add to the Include/Exclude Folder List.
Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
Add a user to the User Inclusion List of the FSLogix Office Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
Add a user to the User Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
User configuration.
The name of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
The SID of the user/group account to add to the FSLogix Container.
Retrieve Default Windows Scheduled Task
The Site Id of the optimization setting to retrieve the windows scheduled task.
Scheduled Task
Scheduled Task Location
Whether file type is a folder or a task.
Add a default assigned application package.
The Site ID for which to add the assigned application package.
Assigned application package settings.
The application package name. This must be the actual application package name used in the RAS farm.
The version of the application package. This must be the actual application package version used in the RAS farm.
Adds a Windows Scheduled task to default optimization.
The Site Id of the Optimization settings to retrieve the windows scheduled task.
Windows Scheduled Task Settings.
Scheduled Task Name
Scheduled Task Location
Retrieve Auto-upgrade Message(s).
ID of the object.
Message title
Seconds before message is sent
Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. Send Message When can only be set to After in the case of Reboot.
Retrieve Default Windows Service Custom
The Site ID of the optimization setting to retrieve the windows service custom list.
Details Type
Windows Services Name
Windows Services Display Name
Windows Service Aliases
Retrieve Default Windows Custom Component
The Site ID of the optimization setting to retrieve the windows component custom list.
Details Type
Windows Components Name
Windows Components Display Name
Windows Components Aliases
Create an Auto-upgrade Message.
Message settings.
Whether to enable or disable the message.
The title of the message.
A message that should be sent to users before the job starts.
Time interval in seconds before the job starts when the message to users should be sent.
Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. Send Message When can only be set to After in the case of Reboot.
Adds a default Windows Component Custom to optimization.
The site ID of the Optimization settings to retrieve the windows component custom.
Windows Componenct Custom Settings.
Windows Components Alias
Windows Components Diplay Name
Windows Components Name
Adds a default Windows Service Custom to optimization.
The Site ID of the Optimization settings to retrieve the windows services custom.
Windows Services Settings.
Windows Services Alias
Windows Services Diplay Name
Windows Service Name
Update an Auto-upgrade Message.
The ID of the message to modify.
Message settings.
Whether to enable or disable the message.
The title of the message.
A message that should be sent to users before the job starts.
Time interval in seconds before the job starts when the message to users should be sent.
Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. Send Message When can only be set to After in the case of Reboot.
No Content
Modify an item in the folder exclusion list of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Folder configuration.
Specifies the 'Folder' path to modify within Exclude Folder List.
Exclude Folder Copy values.
Add a folder to the Folder Exclusion List of the FSLogix Profile Container settings.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Folder configuration.
Specifies the 'Folder' path to add to the Include/Exclude Folder List.
Exclude Folder Copy values.
Retrieve the Auto-upgrade settings of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the Auto-upgrade settings (optional).
Enable auto-upgrade maintenance window
Start Date
Drain mode duration
Force logoff sessions at the end of the drain mode period
Repeat Type
Repeat Specific Days
ID of the object.
Message title
Seconds before message is sent
Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. Send Message When can only be set to After in the case of Reboot.
Retrieve default Registry.
The Site Id of the optimization setting to retrieve the registry.
The Id of the registry
The action type for add registry entry
Registry Name
Display Name
The hive type for add registry entry
The value type for add registry entry
String Value
Adds Registry to the default optimization.
The Site Id of the optimization to retrieve the registry.
Registry Settings
The action type for add registry entry
Display Name
The hive type for add registry entry
The value type for add registry entry
String Value
Update the FSLogix General Settings of a Site Defaults object.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix General Settings (optional).
FSLogix General Settings (optional).
Specifies if the 'Cleanup invalid sessions' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Roam recycle bin' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'VHD compact disk' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Cache directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Cache directory'.
Specifies if the 'Write cache directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Write cache directory'.
Specifies if the 'Proxy directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Proxy directory'.
Specifies if the 'Silence ACL warning' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Log enabled values.
FSLogix log level values.
Specifies the 'Log keeping period in days'. Default: '2'.
Specifies the 'Log directory'. Default: '%ProgramData%\FSLogix\Logs'.
Specifies the 'Robocopy log path'.
Log specific components values.
No Content
Retrieves the FSLogix General Settings of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix General Settings (optional).
FSLogix App Services Settings
Specifies if the 'Cleanup invalid sessions' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Roam recycle bin' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'VHD compact disk' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Cloud Cache General Settings
Specifies if the 'Cache directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Cache directory'.
Specifies if the 'Write cache directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Write cache directory'.
Specifies if the 'Proxy directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Proxy directory'.
Specifies if the 'Silence ACL warning' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Logging Settings
Log enabled values.
FSLogix log level values.
Specifies the 'Log keeping period in days'. Default: '2'.
Specifies the 'Log directory'. Default: '%ProgramData%\FSLogix\Logs'.
Specifies the 'Robocopy log path'.
Log specific components values.
Update the Azure Virtaul Desktop default settings.
The site id for which to modify the Azure Virtaul Desktop default settings.
Azure Virtaul Desktop default settings.
User Profile Technology values.
Disconnect active session after (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.
Logoff disconnected session after (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.
Session readiness timeout (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-3600 seconds.
Specifies if 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option is enabled or disabled.
URL and Mail Redirection values.
Specifies if 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.
Manage RDP transport protocol.
Specifies if 'Allow RDP Shortpath' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow Application Monitoring' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow RDP Shortpath' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Use Smaller Port' option is enabled or disabled.
The minimum RDP Shortpath Port.
The maximum RDP Shortpath Port.
Drag and drop redirection values.
File Transfer Control modes.
Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
Specifies if the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option is enabled or disabled.
Session Action type
Perform Action type
Perform action after (in seconds)
Printer Name Format
Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.
No Content
Update the Default Image Optimization settings with the specified Site ID.
The Site Id for which to modify the Image Optimization.
Image Optimization Settings.
Whether Optimization is Enabled or not
Optimization Type
Whether Windows Defender ATP is enabled or not
Whether Windows Components is enabled or not
Whether Windows Services is enabled or not
Whether Windows Scheduled Task is enabled or not
Whether Windows Advanced Options is enabled or not
Whether Network Performance is enabled or not
Whether Registry is enabled or not
Whether Visual Effects is enabled or not
Whether Disk Cleanup is enabled or not
Whether Custom Script is enabled or not
Windows enable options
Disable Real Time Protection
Exclude Folders List
Exclude Processes
Exclude Extensions
Partial Start menu layout
Whether Hibernate is enabled or not
Whether TeleCollection is enabled or not
Whether System Restore is enabled or not
Whether Additional Error Reporting is enabled or not
Whether Tiles is enabled or not
Whether Cortana is enabled or not
Whether Microsoft Consumer Experience is enabled or not
Whether Windows Tips is enabled or not
Whether Common Program Groups is enabled or not
Whether Partial Start Menu is enabled or not
Directory Cache Value
Dormant File Limit Value
File Not Found Cache Value
File Info Cache Value
Whether File Info Cache is enabled or not
Whether Directory Cache is enabled or not
Whether File Not Found Cache is enabled or not
Whether Dormant File Limit is enabled or not
Whether Disable TCP is enabled or not
Whether Disable IPv6 Components is enabled or not
Whether Disable IPv6 To IPv4 is enabled or not
Whether Disable IsaTap for IPv6 is enabled or not
Initial Directory
Whether Clean up windows SxS Folder is enabled or not
Whether Clean up system files is enabled or not
Whether Clean up temporary file logs is enabled or not
Whether Remove One Drives is enabled or not
Whether Delete User Profiles is enabled or not
Visual Effects Type
Whether Animate Control Select Elements is enabled or not
Whether Animate Windows When Minimizing Or Maximizing is enabled or not
Whether Animate Taskbar is enabled or not
Whether Peek is enabled or not
Whether Fade Slide Menus is enabled or not
Whether Fade Slide Tool Tips is enabled or not
Whether Fade Out Menu Items is enabled or not
Whether Taskbar Thumbnail is enabled or not
Whether Shadow Under Mouse is enabled or not
Whether Shadow Under Windows is enabled or not
Whether Thumbnails instead of icons is enabled or not
Whether Translucent Selection is enabled or not
Whether Windows Content Whilst Dragging is enabled or not
Whether Slide open combo boxes is enabled or not
Whether Smooth Edges Screen Fonts is enabled or not
Whether Smooth Scroll List Boxes is enabled or not
Whether Drop Shadow Icon is enabled or not
Force Optimization.
No Content
Retrieve the default image optimization settings by Site Id.
The Site Id of the default image optimization
Whether Optimization is enabled or not
Optimization Type
Image Optimization - Windows Defender ATP
Windows enable options
Disable Real Time Protection
Exclude Folders List
Exclude Processes
Exclude Extensions
Image Optimization - Windows Components
Windows Components List
Details Type
Windows Components Name
Windows Components Display Name
Windows Components Aliases
Whether Windows Defender ATP is enabled or not
Whether Windows Components is enabled or not
Whether Windows Services is enabled or not
Whether Windows Scheduled Task is enabled or not
Whether Windows Advanced Options is enabled or not
Whether Network Performance is enabled or not
Whether Registry is enabled or not
Whether Visual Effects is enabled or not
Whether Disk Cleanup is enabled or not
Whether Custom Script is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Windows Services
Windows Services List
Details Type
Windows Services Name
Windows Services Display Name
Windows Service Aliases
Image Optimization - Windows Advanced Options
Partial Start menu layout
Whether Hibernate is enabled or not
Whether TeleCollection is enabled or not
Whether System Restore is enabled or not
Whether Additional Error Reporting is enabled or not
Whether Tiles is enabled or not
Whether Cortana is enabled or not
Whether Microsoft Consumer Experience is enabled or not
Whether Windows Tips is enabled or not
Whether Common Program Groups is enabled or not
Whether Partial Start Menu is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Network Performance
Directory Cache Value
Dormant File Limit Value
File Not Found Cache Value
File Info Cache Value
Whether File Info Cache is enabled or not
Whether Directory Cache is enabled or not
Whether File Not Found Cache is enabled or not
Whether Dormant File Limit is enabled or not
Whether TCP is disabled or not
Whether Disable IPv6 Components is enabled or not
Whether Disable IPv6 To IPv4 is enabled or not
Whether Disable IsaTap for IPv6 is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Custom Script
Initial Directory
Image Optimization - Disk Cleanup
Whether Clean up windows SxS Folder is enabled or not
Whether Clean up system files is enabled or not
Whether Clean up temporary file logs is enabled or not
Whether Remove One Drives is enabled or not
Whether Delete User Profiles is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Visual Effects
Visual Effects Type
Whether Animate Control Select Elements is enabled or not
Whether Animate Windows When Minimizing Or Maximizing is enabled or not
Whether Animate Taskbar is enabled or not
Whether Peek is enabled or not
Whether Fade Slide Menus is enabled or not
Whether Fade Slide Tool Tips is enabled or not
Whether Fade Out Menu Items is enabled or not
Whether Taskbar Thumbnail is enabled or not
Whether Shadow Under Mouse is enabled or not
Whether Shadow Under Windows is enabled or not
Whether Thumbnails instead of icons is enabled or not
Whether Translucent Selection is enabled or not
Whether Windows Content Whilst Dragging is enabled or not
Whether Slide open combo boxes is enabled or not
Whether Smooth Edges Screen Fonts is enabled or not
Whether Smooth Scroll List Boxes is enabled or not
Whether Drop Shadow Icon is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Windows Scheduled Tasks A List of Windows Scheduled Task settings
The Windows Scheduled Tasks List
Scheduled Task
Scheduled Task Location
Whether file type is a folder or a task.
Image Optimization - Registries A list of Registries
The Registry List
The Id of the registry
The action type for add registry entry
Registry Name
Display Name
The hive type for add registry entry
The value type for add registry entry
String Value
Image Optimization - UWPApps
All Except List
Following Pkgs List
Remove Type
Retrieve the Azure Virtaul Desktop Default settings.
Site ID for which to retrieve Azure Virtual Desktop Default settings (optional)
Site ID
AVD Default Object Type
Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Agent Settings
Disconnect active session after (in seconds). 0 for 'Never'.
Logoff disconnected session after (in seconds). 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.
Session readiness timeout (in seconds).
URL and Mail Redirection values.
Specifies if 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.
Drag and drop redirection values.
Specifies if 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option is enabled or disabled.
Manage RDP transport protocol.
File Transfer Control modes.
Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
Specifies if the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow RDP Shortpath' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow Application Monitoring' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow RDP Shortpath' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Use Smaller Port' option is enabled or disabled.
The minimum RDP Shortpath Port.
The maximum RDP Shortpath Port.
User Profile Settings
User Profile Technology values.
FXLogix Settings
FSLogix Profile Container Settings
Specifies if the Container is enabled or disabled.
Location Type values.
Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.
Specifies the 'CCDLocations'.
Profile Disk Format values.
Allocation Type values.
Specifies the 'Default size'.
Specifies the 'User Inclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Specifies the 'User Exclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
FSLogix Cloud Cache Settings
Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.
Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies whether the 'Customize Profile Folders' is enabled or disabled.
Exclude Common Folders.
Specifies the 'Folder Inclusion List'.
Specifies the 'Folder Exclusion List'.
Specifies the 'Folder' path.
Exclude Folder Copy values.
FSLogix Profile Container Advanced Settings
Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Roam search values.
Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.
Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Ignore non-AVD values.
Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Redirect type values.
Specifies if the 'Keep local profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory'.
Specifies if the 'Profile type' option is enabled or disabled.
Profile Type values.
Specifies if the 'Temporary folders redirection mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Temporary Folder Redirection Mode values.
Specifies if the 'Clean out notifications' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the Install Appx packages' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Reboot computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Roam identity' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Shutdown computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Office Container Settings
Specifies if the Container is enabled or disabled.
Location Type values.
Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.
Specifies the 'CCDLocations'.
Profile Disk Format values.
Allocation Type values.
Specifies the 'Default size'.
Specifies the 'User Inclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Specifies the 'User Exclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
FSLogix Cloud Cache Settings
Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.
Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Office Container Advanced Settings
Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Roam search values.
Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.
Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Ignore non-AVD values.
Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Redirect type values.
Specifies if the 'Include Office Activation' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneDrive' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneNote' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneNote UWP' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Outlook Personalization' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Sharepoint' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Skype' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Teams' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Mirror Local OST-VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Mirror Local OST-VHD values.
Specifies if the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep'.
Specifies if the 'Outlook Folder Path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Outlook Folder Path'.
Specifies if the 'Refresh User Policy' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'VHD Access Mode' option is enabled or disabled.
VHD Access Mode values.
FSLogix General Settings
FSLogix App Services Settings
Specifies if the 'Cleanup invalid sessions' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Roam recycle bin' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'VHD compact disk' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Cloud Cache General Settings
Specifies if the 'Cache directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Cache directory'.
Specifies if the 'Write cache directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Write cache directory'.
Specifies if the 'Proxy directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Proxy directory'.
Specifies if the 'Silence ACL warning' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Logging Settings
Log enabled values.
FSLogix log level values.
Specifies the 'Log keeping period in days'. Default: '2'.
Specifies the 'Log directory'. Default: '%ProgramData%\FSLogix\Logs'.
Specifies the 'Robocopy log path'.
Log specific components values.
Application Packages Assigned
List of Application Packages Assigned
Application version
Application version tag name
Application version tag ID
Assigned application package name
Image Optimization
Whether Optimization is enabled or not
Optimization Type
Image Optimization - Windows Defender ATP
Windows enable options
Disable Real Time Protection
Exclude Folders List
Exclude Processes
Exclude Extensions
Image Optimization - Windows Components
Windows Components List
Details Type
Windows Components Name
Windows Components Display Name
Windows Components Aliases
Whether Windows Defender ATP is enabled or not
Whether Windows Components is enabled or not
Whether Windows Services is enabled or not
Whether Windows Scheduled Task is enabled or not
Whether Windows Advanced Options is enabled or not
Whether Network Performance is enabled or not
Whether Registry is enabled or not
Whether Visual Effects is enabled or not
Whether Disk Cleanup is enabled or not
Whether Custom Script is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Windows Services
Windows Services List
Details Type
Windows Services Name
Windows Services Display Name
Windows Service Aliases
Image Optimization - Windows Advanced Options
Partial Start menu layout
Whether Hibernate is enabled or not
Whether TeleCollection is enabled or not
Whether System Restore is enabled or not
Whether Additional Error Reporting is enabled or not
Whether Tiles is enabled or not
Whether Cortana is enabled or not
Whether Microsoft Consumer Experience is enabled or not
Whether Windows Tips is enabled or not
Whether Common Program Groups is enabled or not
Whether Partial Start Menu is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Network Performance
Directory Cache Value
Dormant File Limit Value
File Not Found Cache Value
File Info Cache Value
Whether File Info Cache is enabled or not
Whether Directory Cache is enabled or not
Whether File Not Found Cache is enabled or not
Whether Dormant File Limit is enabled or not
Whether TCP is disabled or not
Whether Disable IPv6 Components is enabled or not
Whether Disable IPv6 To IPv4 is enabled or not
Whether Disable IsaTap for IPv6 is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Custom Script
Initial Directory
Image Optimization - Disk Cleanup
Whether Clean up windows SxS Folder is enabled or not
Whether Clean up system files is enabled or not
Whether Clean up temporary file logs is enabled or not
Whether Remove One Drives is enabled or not
Whether Delete User Profiles is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Visual Effects
Visual Effects Type
Whether Animate Control Select Elements is enabled or not
Whether Animate Windows When Minimizing Or Maximizing is enabled or not
Whether Animate Taskbar is enabled or not
Whether Peek is enabled or not
Whether Fade Slide Menus is enabled or not
Whether Fade Slide Tool Tips is enabled or not
Whether Fade Out Menu Items is enabled or not
Whether Taskbar Thumbnail is enabled or not
Whether Shadow Under Mouse is enabled or not
Whether Shadow Under Windows is enabled or not
Whether Thumbnails instead of icons is enabled or not
Whether Translucent Selection is enabled or not
Whether Windows Content Whilst Dragging is enabled or not
Whether Slide open combo boxes is enabled or not
Whether Smooth Edges Screen Fonts is enabled or not
Whether Smooth Scroll List Boxes is enabled or not
Whether Drop Shadow Icon is enabled or not
Image Optimization - Windows Scheduled Tasks A List of Windows Scheduled Task settings
The Windows Scheduled Tasks List
Scheduled Task
Scheduled Task Location
Whether file type is a folder or a task.
Image Optimization - Registries A list of Registries
The Registry List
The Id of the registry
The action type for add registry entry
Registry Name
Display Name
The hive type for add registry entry
The value type for add registry entry
String Value
Image Optimization - UWPApps
All Except List
Following Pkgs List
Remove Type
Action Settings
Session Action type
Perform Action type
Perform action after (in seconds).
Host Pool Printer Settings
Printer Name Format
Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.
Auto-upgrade Settings
Enable auto-upgrade maintenance window
Start Date
Drain mode duration
Force logoff sessions at the end of the drain mode period
Repeat Type
Repeat Specific Days
ID of the object.
Message title
Seconds before message is sent
Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. Send Message When can only be set to After in the case of Reboot.
Retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Specifies if the Container is enabled or disabled.
Location Type values.
Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.
Specifies the 'CCDLocations'.
Profile Disk Format values.
Allocation Type values.
Specifies the 'Default size'.
Specifies the 'User Inclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Specifies the 'User Exclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
FSLogix Cloud Cache Settings
Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.
Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies whether the 'Customize Profile Folders' is enabled or disabled.
Exclude Common Folders.
Specifies the 'Folder Inclusion List'.
Specifies the 'Folder Exclusion List'.
Specifies the 'Folder' path.
Exclude Folder Copy values.
FSLogix Profile Container Advanced Settings
Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Roam search values.
Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.
Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Ignore non-AVD values.
Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Redirect type values.
Specifies if the 'Keep local profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory'.
Specifies if the 'Profile type' option is enabled or disabled.
Profile Type values.
Specifies if the 'Temporary folders redirection mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Temporary Folder Redirection Mode values.
Specifies if the 'Clean out notifications' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the Install Appx packages' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Reboot computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Roam identity' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Shutdown computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Retrieves the FSLogix Office Container settings of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to retrieve the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
Specifies if the Container is enabled or disabled.
Location Type values.
Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.
Specifies the 'CCDLocations'.
Profile Disk Format values.
Allocation Type values.
Specifies the 'Default size'.
Specifies the 'User Inclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
Specifies the 'User Exclusion List'.
The name of the user/group account the filter is added to.
User Type
The SID of the user/group account the filter is added to.
FSLogix Cloud Cache Settings
Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.
Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
FSLogix Office Container Advanced Settings
Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Roam search values.
Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.
Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Ignore non-AVD values.
Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Redirect type values.
Specifies if the 'Include Office Activation' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneDrive' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneNote' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneNote UWP' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Outlook Personalization' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Sharepoint' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Skype' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Teams' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Mirror Local OST-VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Mirror Local OST-VHD values.
Specifies if the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep'.
Specifies if the 'Outlook Folder Path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Outlook Folder Path'.
Specifies if the 'Refresh User Policy' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'VHD Access Mode' option is enabled or disabled.
VHD Access Mode values.
Update the FSLogix Profile Container settings of a Site Defaults object.
The SiteId of a Site Defaults object for which to modify the FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
FSLogix Profile Container settings (optional).
Specifies if the Profile Container is enabled or disabled..
Location Type values.
Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.
Specifies the 'CDD Locations'.
Profile Disk Format values.
Allocation Type values.
Specifies the 'Default size'.
Enable or disable the 'Customize Profile Folders' option.
Exclude Common Folders.
Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Roam search values.
Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.
Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Ignore non-AVD values.
Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Redirect type values.
Specifies if the 'Keep local profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Delete local profile when loading from VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Custom SDDL for profile directory'.
Specifies if the 'Profile type' option is enabled or disabled.
Profile Type values.
Specifies if the 'Temporary folders redirection mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Temporary Folder Redirection Mode values.
Specifies if the 'Clean out notifications' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the Install Appx packages' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Reboot computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Roam identity' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Shutdown computer when user logs off' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.
Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
No Content
Update the FSLogix Office Container settings of a Site Defaults object.
The Site ID of an object for which to modify the FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
FSLogix Office Container settings (optional).
Specifies if the Office Container is enabled or disabled.
Location Type values.
Specifies the 'VHD Locations'.
Specifies the 'CDD Locations'.
Profile Disk Format values.
Allocation Type values.
Specifies the 'Default size'.
Specifies if the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Delay between locked VHD(X) retries'.
Specifies if the 'Access network as computer object' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'SDDL used when attaching the VHD'.
Specifies if the 'Diff disk parent folder path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Diff disk parent folder path'.
Specifies if the 'Swap SID and username in profile directory names' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Do not create a folder for new profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Enable Cached mode for Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with failures' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Prevent logons with temp profiles' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach retry limit' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach retry limit'.
Specifies if the 'Re-attach interval' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Re-attach interval'.
Specifies if the 'Remove duplicate OST files on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Search roaming feature mode' option is enabled or disabled.
Roam search values.
Specifies if the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'User-to-Profile matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Profile folder naming pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile folder naming pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Use SSDL on creation of SID container folder'.
Specifies if the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Profile VHD(X) file matching pattern'.
Specifies if the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Naming pattern for new VHD(X) files'.
Specifies if the 'VHDX sector size' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Volume wait time' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Volume wait time'.
Specifies if the 'Ignore non-AVD sessions' option is enabled or disabled (Experimental).
Ignore non-AVD values.
Specifies if the 'Redirect type' option is enabled or disabled.
Redirect type values.
Specifies if the 'Include Office Activation' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneDrive' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneNote' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include OneNote UWP' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Outlook' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Outlook Personalization' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Sharepoint' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Skype' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Include Teams' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Mirror Local OST-VHD' option is enabled or disabled.
Mirror Local OST-VHD values.
Specifies if the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Number of Session VHDs to Keep'.
Specifies if the 'Outlook Folder Path' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Outlook Folder Path'.
Specifies if the 'Refresh User Policy' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'VHD Access Mode' option is enabled or disabled.
VHD Access Mode values.
Specifies if the 'Max cache size in MBs' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Max cache size in MBs'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on logoff' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for register' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for register'.
Specifies if the 'Healthy providers required for unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Healthy providers required for unregister'.
Specifies if the 'Unregister timeout' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies the 'Unregister timeout'.
Specifies if the 'Clear cache on forced unregister' option is enabled or disabled.
Enable State values.
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