Modifies the day plan settings of LogonHours.
Set-RASDayPlan [-Id] <uint> -HourPlan {h00 | h01 | h02 | h03 | h04 | h05 | h06 | h07 | h08 | h09 | h10 | h11 | h12 | h13 | h14 | h15 | h16 | h17 | h18 | h19 | h20 | h21 | h22 | h23} -ObjType {LogonHours} -WeekDays {None | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday} [-Permission {Deny | Permit}] [<CommonParameters>] Set-RASDayPlan [-InputObject] <RASListObj> -HourPlan {h00 | h01 | h02 | h03 | h04 | h05 | h06 | h07 | h08 | h09 | h10 | h11 | h12 | h13 | h14 | h15 | h16 | h17 | h18 | h19 | h20 | h21 | h22 | h23} -WeekDays {None | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday} [-Permission {Deny | Permit}] [<CommonParameters>] Set-RASDayPlan [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -HourPlan {h00 | h01 | h02 | h03 | h04 | h05 | h06 | h07 | h08 | h09 | h10 | h11 | h12 | h13 | h14 | h15 | h16 | h17 | h18 | h19 | h20 | h21 | h22 | h23} -ObjType {LogonHours} -WeekDays {None | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday} [-Permission {Deny | Permit}] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies the day plan settings of LogonHours
-Name <string> The name of the object to modify the day plan.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID for which to modify the specified day plan of the object type specified. If the parameter is omitted, the Site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.
-Id <uint> The ID of the object to modify the day plan.
-InputObject <RASListObj> The permitted logon hours property to modify. To obtain an object of type LogonHours, use the Get-LogonHours cmdlet.
-ObjType <DayPlanObjType> The Object Type for which to update the Day Plan settings. Possible values: LogonHours
-Permission <Permission> Permission (Permit/Deny) Possible values: Deny, Permit
-WeekDays <WeekDays> Week Days Possible values: None, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
-HourPlan <HourPlan> Hour Plan Possible values: h00, h01, h02, h03, h04, h05, h06, h07, h08, h09, h10, h11, h12, h13, h14, h15, h16, h17, h18, h19, h20, h21, h22, h23
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- Set-RASDayPlan -Name LH1 -ObjType LogonHours -WeekDays Saturday -HourPlan h08,h09,h10,h11,h12 Modifies the Day Plan Settings of the LogonHours with name LH1 to permit Saturday between 8.00 am and 12.59 pm. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Set-RASDayPlan -Id 3 -ObjType LogonHours -WeekDays Sunday,Monday -Permission Deny -HourPlan h12,h13,h14,h15 Modifies the Day Plan Settings of the LogonHours with Id 3 to deny Sunday and Monday between 12.00 pm and 3.59 pm.