Modifies a Schedule Message from a Schedule Item.
Set-RASScheduleMessage [-Id] <uint> -MessageId <uint> -ObjType {RDS | VDI | AVD} [-Enabled <bool>] [-Message <string>] [-MessageTitle <string>] [-SendMsgSecs <uint>] [-SendMsgWhen {Before | After}] [-TargetType {Host | HostPool}] [<CommonParameters>] Set-RASScheduleMessage [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -MessageId <uint> -ObjType {RDS | VDI | AVD} [-Enabled <bool>] [-Message <string>] [-MessageTitle <string>] [-SendMsgSecs <uint>] [-SendMsgWhen {Before | After}] [-TargetType {Host | HostPool}] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies a Schedule Message from a Schedule Item.
-MessageId <uint> Scheduler job message ID.
-Enabled <bool> Whether to enable or disable the message.
-MessageTitle <string> The title of the message.
-Message <string> A message that should be sent to users before the job starts.
-SendMsgSecs <uint> Time interval in seconds before the job starts when the message to users should be sent.
-SendMsgWhen <SendMsgWhen> Whether the message is sent Before/After the schedule is triggered. SendMsgWhen can only be set to After in the case of Reboot. Possible values: Before, After
-Name <string> Scheduler job name.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID to modify the schedule job.
-Id <uint> Scheduler job ID.
-ObjType <ScheduleObjType> Schedule message object type. Possible values: RDS, VDI, AVD
-TargetType <ScheduleTargetType> Schedule target type. Possible values: Host, HostPool
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- Set-RASScheduleMessage -ObjType VDI -Name "SchedItem" -Enabled 0 -SendMsgSecs 60 -SendMsgWhen Before -MessageTitle "messageTitle" -Message "messageBody" Modifies the specified message by id within the specified schedule item by name. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Set-RASScheduleMessage -ObjType VDI -Id 1 -MessageId 1 -Enabled 0 -SendMsgSecs 60 -SendMsgWhen Before -MessageTitle "messageTitle" -Message "messageBody" Modifies the specified message by id within the specified schedule item by id.