Removes Windows Custom Service property from the list
Remove-RASImageOptimizationWindowsService -DefObjType {RDSDef | VDIDef | AVDSingleSessionDefaultSettings | AVDMultiSessionDefaultSettings | VDIGuestDef} [-ServiceName <string>] [-SiteId <uint>] [<CommonParameters>] Remove-RASImageOptimizationWindowsService [-Id] <uint> -ObjType {RDSHost | RDS | VDIHostPool | AVDHostPool | RDSTemplate | VDITemplate | AVDTemplate} [-ServiceName <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Remove-RASImageOptimizationWindowsService [-InputObject] <RASSerilazableObj> [-ServiceName <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Remove-RASImageOptimizationWindowsService [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {RDSHost | RDS | VDIHostPool | AVDHostPool | RDSTemplate | VDITemplate | AVDTemplate} [-ServiceName <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
Removes Windows Custom Service property from the list
-ServiceName <string>
-Name <string> The name or server for which to modify the Image Optimization settings.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID from which to modify the Image Optimization settings. If the parameter is omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.
-Id <uint> The ID of a server for which to modify the Image Optimization settings.
-InputObject <RASSerilazableObj> An object of type RDS, VDITemplate or VDIDesktop for which to modify the Image Optimization settings.
-ObjType <OptimizationServerObjType> The Object Type for which to modify the Image Optimization settings. Possible values: RDSHost, RDS, VDIHostPool, AVDHostPool, RDSTemplate, VDITemplate, AVDTemplate
-DefObjType <ServerDefObjType> The Default Object Type for which to modify the Image Optimization settings. Possible values: RDSDef, VDIDef, AVDSingleSessionDefaultSettings, AVDMultiSessionDefaultSettings, VDIGuestDef
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- Remove-RASImageOptimizationWindowsService -Id 30 -ObjType RDS -DisplayName Name Removes the Windows Custom Service of the object type RDS.