Creates new event notification.
New-RASNotificationEvent [-Type] {Agent | VDI | PubItem | License | Authentication | Tenant | FailedTunneledSess} [-AllServers <bool>] [-EnableGracePeriod <bool>] [-EnableInterval <SwitchParameter>] [-ExecuteScript <SwitchParameter>] [-GracePeriod <uint>] [-Interval <uint>] [-Recipients <string[]>] [-ScriptId <uint>] [-ScriptObject <NotificationScript>] [-SendEmail <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-TargetIds <List`1>] [-TargetType {AllServers | RDSHostPools | RDSHGroups | VDIHostPools | VDIPools | AVDHostPools | RemotePCs | SecureGateways | Gateways | Brokers | PublishingAgents | EnrollmentServers | ForceAllAgents}] [-WaitUntilRecovered <SwitchParameter>] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates notifications for events such as license activation, agent disconect/connect etc.
-Type <RASNotificationEventType> Notification type. Possible values: Agent, VDI, PubItem, License, Authentication, Tenant, FailedTunneledSess
-SiteId <uint> Site ID where notification event is setup. Current site ID is used if siteId is omitted.
-GracePeriod <uint> Grace period after the notification was done (minutes).
-EnableGracePeriod <bool> Enable/Disable grace period.
-Recipients <string[]> Recipients to notify of the event.
-SendEmail <bool> Enable/Disable email notification.
-ScriptId <uint> Script to execute which has this ID.
-ScriptObject <NotificationScript> Script Object.
-ExecuteScript <SwitchParameter>
-Interval <uint> Invocation interval (minutes).
-EnableInterval <SwitchParameter> Enable/Disable notification intervals.
-WaitUntilRecovered <SwitchParameter> Wait until recovered.
-AllServers <bool> All servers in site.
-TargetType <TargetType> Target type. Possible values: AllServers, RDSHostPools, RDSHGroups, VDIHostPools, VDIPools, AVDHostPools, RemotePCs, SecureGateways, Gateways, Brokers, PublishingAgents, EnrollmentServers, ForceAllAgents
-TargetIds <List`1> Target Ids.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- New-RASNotificationEvent -Type Agent Creates a new notification for agent events.