Modifies the Criteria settings.
Set-RASCriteria [-DefObjType] {MFA} [[-SiteId] <uint>] [-Access {DenyCriteriaWhen | AllowCriteriaWhen}] [-DevicesEnabled <bool>] [-DevicesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-GatewaysEnabled <bool>] [-GatewaysMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-HardwareIDsEnabled <bool>] [-HardwareIDsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-IPsEnabled <bool>] [-IPsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-OSsEnabled <bool>] [-OSsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-SecurityPrincipalsEnabled <bool>] [-SecurityPrincipalsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-ThemesEnabled <bool>] [-ThemesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [<CommonParameters>] Set-RASCriteria [-Id] <uint> -ObjType {ClientPolicy | PubItem | MFA | LogonHours} [-Access {DenyCriteriaWhen | AllowCriteriaWhen}] [-DevicesEnabled <bool>] [-DevicesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-GatewaysEnabled <bool>] [-GatewaysMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-HardwareIDsEnabled <bool>] [-HardwareIDsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-IPsEnabled <bool>] [-IPsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-OSsEnabled <bool>] [-OSsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-RuleId <uint>] [-SecurityPrincipalsEnabled <bool>] [-SecurityPrincipalsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-ThemesEnabled <bool>] [-ThemesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [<CommonParameters>] Set-RASCriteria [-InputObject] <RASListObj> [-Access {DenyCriteriaWhen | AllowCriteriaWhen}] [-DevicesEnabled <bool>] [-DevicesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-GatewaysEnabled <bool>] [-GatewaysMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-HardwareIDsEnabled <bool>] [-HardwareIDsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-IPsEnabled <bool>] [-IPsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-OSsEnabled <bool>] [-OSsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-RuleId <uint>] [-SecurityPrincipalsEnabled <bool>] [-SecurityPrincipalsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-ThemesEnabled <bool>] [-ThemesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [<CommonParameters>] Set-RASCriteria [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {ClientPolicy | PubItem | MFA | LogonHours} [-Access {DenyCriteriaWhen | AllowCriteriaWhen}] [-DevicesEnabled <bool>] [-DevicesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-GatewaysEnabled <bool>] [-GatewaysMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-HardwareIDsEnabled <bool>] [-HardwareIDsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-IPsEnabled <bool>] [-IPsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-OSsEnabled <bool>] [-OSsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-RuleId <uint>] [-SecurityPrincipalsEnabled <bool>] [-SecurityPrincipalsMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [-ThemesEnabled <bool>] [-ThemesMatchingMode {IsNotOneOfTheFollowing | IsOneOfTheFollowing}] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies the Criteria settings of a ClientPolicy, MFA or PubItem.
-Access <AccessType> The Access type Possible values: DenyCriteriaWhen, AllowCriteriaWhen
-SecurityPrincipalsEnabled <bool> Whether the Security Principals criteria is enabled or not
-SecurityPrincipalsMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The Security Principals criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-GatewaysEnabled <bool> Whether the Gateways criteria is enabled or not
-GatewaysMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The Gateways criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-ThemesEnabled <bool> Whether the Themes criteria is enabled or not
-ThemesMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The Themes criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-DevicesEnabled <bool> Whether the Devices criteria is enabled or not
-DevicesMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The Devices criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-OSsEnabled <bool> Whether the OSs criteria is enabled or not
-OSsMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The OSs criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-IPsEnabled <bool> Whether the IPs criteria is enabled or not
-IPsMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The IPs criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-HardwareIDsEnabled <bool> Whether the HardwareIDs criteria is enabled or not
-HardwareIDsMatchingMode <MatchingModeType> The HardwareIDs criteria matching mode type Possible values: IsNotOneOfTheFollowing, IsOneOfTheFollowing
-Name <string> The name or server for which to modify the Criteria settings.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID for which to modify the Criteria settings. If the parameter is omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.
-Id <uint> The ID of a server for which to modify the Criteria settings.
-InputObject <RASListObj> An object of type ClientPolicy, PubItem or MFA for which to modify the Criteria settings.
-ObjType <CriteriaObjType> The Object Type for which to modify the Criteria settings. Possible values: ClientPolicy, PubItem, MFA, LogonHours
-DefObjType <CriteriaDefObjType> The Default Object Type for which to modify the Criteria settings. Possible values: MFA
-RuleId <uint> The ID of the Rule to modify.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- Set-RASCriteria -Id 1 -ObjType MFA -SecurityPrincipalsEnabled $false Disables the SecurityPrincipal criteria within the Criteria settings of the MFA with Id 1.