Modifies Parallels RAS load balancing settings.
Set-RASLBSettings [-CPUCounter <bool>] [-DeadTimeout <uint>] [-DisableRDSLB <bool>] [-EnableCPULB <bool>] [-MaxConnectionRequests <uint>] [-MemoryCounter <bool>] [-Method {ResourceBased | RoundRobin}] [-ReconnectDisconnect <bool>] [-ReconnectUser <bool>] [-ReconnectUsingIPOnly <bool>] [-RefreshTimeout <uint>] [-Replicate <bool>] [-SessionsCounter <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Set-RASLBSettings cmdlet modifies Parallels RAS load balancing settings using the specified parameters and their values. All parameters are optional.
-SiteId <uint> The site ID to which the RAS LB settings refer.
-Method <LBMethod> Specifies the load balancing method (Round-robin or Resource based). Accepted values: ResourceBased [0], RoundRobin [1]. Possible values: ResourceBased, RoundRobin
-CPUCounter <bool> Enable or disable the CPU counter.
-MemoryCounter <bool> Enable or disable the Memory counter.
-SessionsCounter <bool> Enable or disable the Sessions counter.
-ReconnectDisconnect <bool> Enable or disable the "Reconnect to disconnected sessions" option.
-ReconnectUsingIPOnly <bool> Enable or disable the "Reconnect sessions using client's IP address only" option.
-ReconnectUser <bool> Enable or disable the "Limit user to one session per desktop" option.
-DisableRDSLB <bool> Enable or disable the "Disable Microsoft RD Connection Broker" option.
-DeadTimeout <uint> Set the value (number of seconds) of the "Declare Agent dead if not responding for" property.
-RefreshTimeout <uint> Set the value (number of seconds) of the "Agent Refresh Time" property.
-Replicate <bool> Enable or disable the "Replicate settings" option (replicate settings to all sites).
-EnableCPULB <bool> Enable or disable the "CPU Load Balancer" option. Deprecated: use 'Set-RASCPUOptimizationSettings -EnableCPUOptimization $true' to enable CPU Load Balancer.
-MaxConnectionRequests <uint> Maximum number of connection requests for an Agent.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- Set-RASLBSettings -ReconnectUser $false -DisableRDSLB $false Modifies the specified load balancing parameters.