Modifies properties of a published application.
Set-RASPubLocalApp [-Id] <uint> [-AndroidEnabled <bool>] [-CreateShortcutInStartFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutOnDesktop <bool>] [-Description <string>] [-EnabledMode {Disabled | Enabled | Maintenance}] [-ExcludePrelaunch <bool>] [-Icon <string>] [-IconIndex <uint>] [-InheritShortcutDefaultSettings <bool>] [-iOSEnabled <bool>] [-LinuxEnabled <bool>] [-MacEnabled <bool>] [-Name <string>] [-PreferredRoutingEnabled <bool>] [-PublishToSite <Site[]>] [-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]>] [-ReplicateLocalAppSettings <bool>] [-ReplicateShortcutSettings <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-StartOnLogon <bool>] [-StartPath <string>] [-URL <string>] [-UserPortalEnabled <bool>] [-WindowsEnabled <bool>] [-WindowsParameters <string>] [-WindowsStartIn <string>] [-WindowsTarget <string>] [-WindowsUseIfAvailable <bool>] [-WindowsWinType {Normal | Maximized | Minimized}] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASPubLocalApp [-InputObject] <PubItem> [-AndroidEnabled <bool>] [-CreateShortcutInStartFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutOnDesktop <bool>] [-Description <string>] [-EnabledMode {Disabled | Enabled | Maintenance}] [-ExcludePrelaunch <bool>] [-Icon <string>] [-IconIndex <uint>] [-InheritShortcutDefaultSettings <bool>] [-iOSEnabled <bool>] [-LinuxEnabled <bool>] [-MacEnabled <bool>] [-Name <string>] [-PreferredRoutingEnabled <bool>] [-PublishToSite <Site[]>] [-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]>] [-ReplicateLocalAppSettings <bool>] [-ReplicateShortcutSettings <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-StartOnLogon <bool>] [-StartPath <string>] [-URL <string>] [-UserPortalEnabled <bool>] [-WindowsEnabled <bool>] [-WindowsParameters <string>] [-WindowsStartIn <string>] [-WindowsTarget <string>] [-WindowsUseIfAvailable <bool>] [-WindowsWinType {Normal | Maximized | Minimized}] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies properties of a published application.
Use only the parameters (application properties) that you want to modify.
To set filtering options, use the Pub Filtering cmdlets (e.g. Set-RASPubItemClientFilter).
-URL <string> URL.
-WindowsEnabled <bool> Windows: Whether the application is enabled for the operating system or not.
-WindowsUseIfAvailable <bool> Windows: Use the following application if available on local device.
-WindowsStartIn <string> Windows: Application working directory.
-WindowsTarget <string> Windows: Application target file. (i.e. calc.exe, file.txt, etc.).
-WindowsParameters <string> Windows: Application parameters.
-WindowsWinType <WindowType> Windows: Window Type: 0=Normal, 1=Maximized, 2=Minimized.
Possible values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized
-MacEnabled <bool> Mac: Whether the application is enabled for the operating system or not.
-LinuxEnabled <bool> Linux: Whether the application is enabled for the operating system or not.
-iOSEnabled <bool> iOS: Whether the application is enabled for the operating system or not.
-AndroidEnabled <bool> Android: Whether the application is enabled for the operating system or not.
-UserPortalEnabled <bool> UserPortal: Whether the application is enabled for the operating system or not.
-ReplicateLocalAppSettings <bool> Whether to replicate local application settings or not.
-ReplicateShortcutSettings <bool> Replicate shortcut settings to all sites.
-CreateShortcutOnDesktop <bool> Create a shortcut on a client's desktop.
-CreateShortcutInStartFolder <bool> Create a shortcut in the client's Start folder.
-CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder <bool> Create a shortcut in the client's Auto Start folder.
-StartPath <string> Specifies the path in the Start folder where the shortcut will be created.
-InheritShortcutDefaultSettings <bool> Inherit default shortcut settings.
-StartOnLogon <bool> Start a resource automatically when a user logs on.
-ExcludePrelaunch <bool> Exclude application from prelaunch.
-Name <string> A new name to assign to the published resource.
-Icon <string> Published resource icon file name. Can be an executable (.exe), a .dll or a .ico file.
-IconIndex <uint> Icon index
Specifies the index of the icon that will be loaded from the binary specified in the Icon property
-EnabledMode <PubResourceEnabledMode> Changes the availability status of the published resource.
Possible values: Disabled, Enabled, Maintenance
-Description <string> Published resource description.
-PublishToSite <Site[]> An array of sites to which to publish a resource.
-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]> An array of sites to which to publish a resource.
-PreferredRoutingEnabled <bool> Enable or disable Preferred Routing.
-Id <uint> Published resource ID.
-InputObject <PubItem> An object specifying the published resource.
To obtain the object, use the Get-PubItem cmdlet.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Set-RASPubLocalApp -Id 1 -Enabled $false
Disables a published application specified by ID. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------
Get-RASPubLocalApp -Id 1 | Set-RASPubLocalApp -Enabled $false
Disables a published application specified by an object obtained from the pipeline output. ---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------
Set-RASPubLocalApp -Id 56 -URL "mock/example/url"
Modify the URL parameter (application properties) according to passed string.