Removes a Rule from the Rule settings.
Remove-RASRule [-Id] <uint> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {ClientPolicy | PubItem} -RuleId <uint> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-RASRule [-InputObject] <RASListObj> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -RuleId <uint> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-RASRule [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -ObjType {ClientPolicy | PubItem} -RuleId <uint> [<CommonParameters>]
Removes a Rule from the Rule List within Published Items.
-RuleId <uint> The ID of the Rule to remove.
-Name <string> The name or server for which to modify the Rule settings.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID for which to modify the Rule settings.
If the parameter is omitted, the Licensing Server site ID will be used.
-Id <uint> The ID of a server for which to modify the Rule settings.
-InputObject <RASListObj> An object of type ClientPolicy or PubItem for which to modify the Rule settings.
-ObjType <RuleObjType> The Object Type for which to modify the Rule settings.
Possible values: ClientPolicy, PubItem
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Remove-RASRule -Id 1 -ObjType ClientPolicy -RuleId 2
Removes the rule with Id 2 from the Rule List within the Client Policy with Id 1.