Modifies the Let's Encrypt settings.
Set-RASLetsEncryptSettings [-AutoRenewCertBeforeExpirationDays <uint>] [-ExpirationEmails <string[]>] [-Replicate <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-TermsAccepted <bool>] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies the Let's Encrypt settings using the specified parameters and their values.
All parameters are optional.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID in which to modify the specified Let's Encrypt settings.
-TermsAccepted <bool> Whether Let's Encrypt Terms are accepted.
-ExpirationEmails <string[]> The list of email addresses where expiration emails will be sent.
-AutoRenewCertBeforeExpirationDays <uint> The amount of days before expiration for automatic renewal to take place. Accepted values: 1-60 days; 0 for 'Never'.
-Replicate <bool> >Whether Replicate is enabled.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Set-RASLetsEncryptSettings -SiteID 1 -TermsAccepted $true
Modifies the Let's Encrypt terms accepted to true.