Retrieves the List of Predefined Components/Services/Tasks.
Get-RASImageOptimizationPredefined -Type {RDSHost | RDS | VDI} -WindowsComponent <SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-RASImageOptimizationPredefined -Type {RDSHost | RDS | VDI} -WindowsScheduledTask <SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]
Get-RASImageOptimizationPredefined -Type {RDSHost | RDS | VDI} -WindowsService <SwitchParameter> [<CommonParameters>]
Retrieves the List of Predefined Components/Services/Tasks.
-Type <PredefinedServerObjType> Specifies the Server object type.
Possible values: RDSHost, RDS, VDI
-WindowsComponent <SwitchParameter> Windows Component switch parameter.
-WindowsScheduledTask <SwitchParameter> Windows Scheduled Task switch parameter.
-WindowsService <SwitchParameter> Windows Service swtich parameter.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Get-RASImageOptimizationPredefines -Id 30 -ObjType RDS
Retrieves the List of Predefined Components/Services/Tasks.