Modifies properties of a published AVD application.
Set-RASPubAVDApp [-Id] <uint> -AVDHostPoolID <uint> [-CreateShortcutInStartFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutOnDesktop <bool>] [-Description <string>] [-EnabledMode {Disabled | Enabled | Maintenance}] [-ExcludePrelaunch <bool>] [-Icon <string>] [-IconIndex <uint>] [-InheritMaintenance <bool>] [-InheritShortcutDefaultSettings <bool>] [-MaintenanceMessage_de_DE <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_en_US <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_es_ES <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_fr_FR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_it_IT <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_ja_JP <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_ko_KR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_nl_NL <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_pt_BR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_zh_CN <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_zh_TW <string>] [-Name <string>] [-Package <string>] [-PackagedApp <string>] [-Parameters <string>] [-PreferredRoutingEnabled <bool>] [-PublishToSite <Site[]>] [-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]>] [-ReplicateMaintenance <bool>] [-ReplicateShortcutSettings <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-StartIn <string>] [-StartOnLogon <bool>] [-StartPath <string>] [-Target <string>] [-WinType {Normal | Maximized | Minimized}] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-RASPubAVDApp [-InputObject] <PubItem> -AVDHostPoolID <uint> [-CreateShortcutInStartFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder <bool>] [-CreateShortcutOnDesktop <bool>] [-Description <string>] [-EnabledMode {Disabled | Enabled | Maintenance}] [-ExcludePrelaunch <bool>] [-Icon <string>] [-IconIndex <uint>] [-InheritMaintenance <bool>] [-InheritShortcutDefaultSettings <bool>] [-MaintenanceMessage_de_DE <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_en_US <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_es_ES <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_fr_FR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_it_IT <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_ja_JP <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_ko_KR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_nl_NL <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_pt_BR <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_zh_CN <string>] [-MaintenanceMessage_zh_TW <string>] [-Name <string>] [-Package <string>] [-PackagedApp <string>] [-Parameters <string>] [-PreferredRoutingEnabled <bool>] [-PublishToSite <Site[]>] [-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]>] [-ReplicateMaintenance <bool>] [-ReplicateShortcutSettings <bool>] [-SiteId <uint>] [-StartIn <string>] [-StartOnLogon <bool>] [-StartPath <string>] [-Target <string>] [-WinType {Normal | Maximized | Minimized}] [<CommonParameters>]
Modifies properties of a published AVD application.
Use only the parameters (application properties) that you want to modify.
To set filtering options, use the Pub Filtering cmdlets.
This is an Experimental feature which is subject to slight changes.
-AVDHostPoolID <uint> The AVD Host Pool ID.
-Target <string> File name and path of a published application executable.
-StartIn <string> Folder name in which to start a published application.
-Parameters <string> Optional parameters to pass to the published application executable.
-Package <string> The MSIX Package.
-PackagedApp <string> The application within the MSIX package.
-WinType <WindowType> Published application window type. Acceptable values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized.
Possible values: Normal, Maximized, Minimized
-ReplicateShortcutSettings <bool> Replicate shortcut settings to all sites.
-CreateShortcutOnDesktop <bool> Create a shortcut on a client's desktop.
-CreateShortcutInStartFolder <bool> Create a shortcut in the client's Start folder.
-CreateShortcutInStartUpFolder <bool> Create a shortcut in the client's Auto Start folder.
-StartPath <string> Specifies the path in the Start folder where the shortcut will be created.
-InheritShortcutDefaultSettings <bool> Inherit default shortcut settings.
-StartOnLogon <bool> Start a resource automatically when a user logs on.
-ExcludePrelaunch <bool> Exclude application from prelaunch.
-Name <string> A new name to assign to the published resource.
-Icon <string> Published resource icon file name. Can be an executable (.exe), a .dll or a .ico file.
-IconIndex <uint> Icon index
Specifies the index of the icon that will be loaded from the binary specified in the Icon property
-ReplicateMaintenance <bool> Replicate Maintenance
-InheritMaintenance <bool> Inherit Maintenance
-EnabledMode <PubResourceEnabledMode> Changes the availability status of the published resource.
Possible values: Disabled, Enabled, Maintenance
-MaintenanceMessage_en_US <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in English.
-MaintenanceMessage_ja_JP <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Japanese.
-MaintenanceMessage_fr_FR <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in French.
-MaintenanceMessage_es_ES <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Spanish.
-MaintenanceMessage_it_IT <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Italian.
-MaintenanceMessage_pt_BR <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Portuguese.
-MaintenanceMessage_nl_NL <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Dutch.
-MaintenanceMessage_de_DE <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in German.
-MaintenanceMessage_zh_TW <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Traditional).
-MaintenanceMessage_zh_CN <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Chinese (Simplified).
-MaintenanceMessage_ko_KR <string> Maintenance message for the published resource in Korean.
-Description <string> Published resource description.
-PublishToSite <Site[]> An array of sites to which to publish a resource.
-PublishToSiteIds <uint[]> An array of sites to which to publish a resource.
-PreferredRoutingEnabled <bool> Enable or disable Preferred Routing.
-Id <uint> Published resource ID.
-InputObject <PubItem> An object specifying the published resource.
To obtain the object, use the Get-PubItem cmdlet.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Set-RASPubAVDApp -Id 1 -Enabled $false
Disables a published application specified by ID. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------
Set-RASPubAVDApp $PubAVDApp -Enabled $false
Disables a published application specified by the $PubAVDApp object. ---------- EXAMPLE 3 ----------
Get-RASPubAVDApp -Id 1 | Set-RASPubAVDApp -Enabled $false
Disables a published application specified by an object obtained from the pipeline output. ---------- EXAMPLE 4 ----------
Set-RASPubAVDApp -Id 1 -Package "AppPackage2" -PackagedApp "TestApp2"
Modifies the package and application package details of the published application specified by ID.