Adds an Auto install font to Parallels RAS Universal Printing settings.
Add-RASPrintingAutoInstallFont -FontFilePath <string> [-ExcludeFont <SwitchParameter>] [-SiteId <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
Adds an Auto install font to Parallels RAS Universal Printing settings.
-SiteId <uint> The site ID.
To obtain the ID of a desired site, use the Get-Sites cmdlet.
-FontFilePath <string> Auto Install Font Path.
-ExcludeFont <SwitchParameter> Automatically Exclude Font from embedding.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ----------
Add-RASPrintingAutoInstallFont -FontFilePath "C:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf"
Adds the font to RAS Universal Printing Auto install fonts settings. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ----------
Add-RASPrintingAutoInstallFont -FontFilePath "C:\Windows\Fonts\arialbd.ttf" -ExcludeFont
Adds the font to RAS Universal Printing Auto install fonts settings and adds the font to the embedding exclusion list.