Launch Published Resources (LaunchApp)
The LaunchApp command is used to configure a connection in Parallels Client, authenticate a user, and launch published resources.
Note that the LaunchApp command passes sensitive information inside a URL, including server name, port, and possibly username and password. If this is a concern, use a more secure Get2xa command.
The following table describes the LaunchApp command options:
Key | Datatype | Value |
Command | String | The name of the command to execute. In this instance, it's "LaunchApp". |
AppID | Int | The application ID to launch. You can look up the ID in the RAS Console (Publishing > select a resource > Information tab > look at the first field on the tab page, which displays the resource ID followed by resource name). Note that the ID must be specified without the pound sign (#). You can also obtain a resource ID via RAS PowerShell by executing If this parameter is empty, Parallels Client will perform an application listing. |
MultiID | A comma separated list of applications to be launched by the client. This is used for the 'Start On Logon' option. If this is present, AppID will be ignored. Note: Currently not used by mobile clients. | |
Alias | String | Connection name (when creating a new connection). |
ConnType | Int | Connection type:
ConnMode | Int | Connection mode:
Server | String | The server FQDN or IP address. |
Backup | String | The secondary connection server (if available and required). |
Port | Int | The port number. |
UserName | String | Deprecated, but still supported for backwards compatibility. For new integrations, use LoginEx. User name. If this parameter is empty, the user will be prompted to enter a name. |
LoginEx | String | User name. If this parameter is empty, the user will be prompted to enter a name. Usernames can have 'username', 'domain\user', or 'username@domain' format. |
Password | Plain text password. If neither this key nor the “EncPass” (see below) is included, the user will be prompted for password when connecting. | |
EncPass | String | Encrypted ('hashed') password. If neither this key nor the “Password” is included, the user will be prompted for password when connecting. |
SessionID | String | The Auth Session ID. |
Connect | Boolean | Whether to connect to Parallels RAS right after the connection is configured. "YES" -- connect. "NO" -- don't connect (this should be used when you only want to create a connection without launching a published resource). Note that the values are case sensitive. |
Save | Boolean | Whether to save the connection in Parallels Client. If set to "YES", the connection information will be saved (possibly overwriting existing settings). The default value is "NO". Note that the values are case sensitive. |
Request Page | String | [Optional] The exact path of the web portal page from where the original URL was launched. This parameter is used on iOS devices, so that the iOS client can redirect the user back to the original web portal page after closing the application. |
SSO | String | [Optional] Custom 3rd party SSO GUID. Used only by Windows clients. Currently only used by invitation emails. |
HelpDeskEmail | String | [Optional] Helpdesk or support contact email. Currently only used by Parallels Clients for Android and iOS. |
OverrideArgs | String | Override application arguments. Currently only used by Parallels Client for Mac. |
URL example
The following URL creates a new connection (but doesn't save it in Parallels Client as the "Save" key is set to "NO"), authenticates a user using the specified credentials, and launches an application in Parallels Client.
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