Working with applications

When you log in, you will see the list of available applications. You can start several applications and a browser simultaneously.

Opening an application

To open an application:

  1. Find the application you need in the application list. You can use the search bar on top of the list..

  2. Click the application. It will open in a new tab.

Note: When you open an application, you will see an indicator signifying that your session is safe. Depending on the policy set by your administrator, it may be a blue border, a toast notification, or a tab icon.

Using the browser

The browser is an application that allows you to open URLs, just like you would in any other browser. The list of URLs that you can access may be restricted by your administrator.

Opening a URL in the browser

To open a URL in the browser:

Copy or type the URL in the address bar on the top of the browser and press the Enter key.

Using the toolbar

The browser toolbar contains the address bar and navigation buttons.

The following elements are available in the toolbar:

  • Back and Forward buttons: The arrow pointing to the left returns you to the previous page, and the arrow pointing to the right lets you navigate to the page from which you returned.

  • Reload button: Reloads the page.

  • Print button: Prints the page. This button is available only if your administrator allows printing.

  • Home button: Returns you to the home page. Your administrator specifies the home page address.

  • Address bar: Allows to you enter the URL of the page you want to visit.

  • Info button: Show the policies set by your administrator.

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