As a Parallels business customer, you get 24/7 business-class technical support with your Parallels RAS subscription. If you have an issue with deploying or using Parallels RAS, contact Parallels Support at any time either by phone or online. You can also see popular topics or search the Parallels Knowledge Base for a solution right from your Parallels business account.
Every time you request support, a support ticket is created for you. To view your support tickets (current and closed):
Click Support on the page header (the red area).
Click the Parallels Remote Application Server card.
Click My Tickets in the upper right. The My Tickets page opens displaying your current and closed support tickets.
The Status column displays the current ticket status, which is updated as the work on the ticket progresses. To filter the list on ticket status, click the drop-down menu in the upper right and select a status.
The Actions column contains links that allow you to perform the following actions on a ticket:
Reply — (current tickets). Allows you to send a message to Parallels Support and attach one or more files if necessary.
Close — (current tickets). Closes a ticket.
Reopen — (resolved tickets). Reopens a ticket.
Survey — (resolved tickets). Opens a survey page where you can rate your satisfactions with the Parallels products and services and to leave a feedback message.
When you open the My Tickets page, the link in the upper right changes to New Ticket. The link does exactly the same as the instructions in the beginning of this chapter — it opens a page where you can select a Parallels product and then create a support ticket.
To open the Support page in Parallels My Account:
Click Support on the page header (the red area).
Click the Parallels Remote Application Server card.
Click a category that best suits your inquiry.
To see popular topics, expand a subcategory and click on a link to a topic. To search for a solution for an issue, type the issue description in the box at the top of the page.
If you haven't found a solution for your issue you can request support as follows:
On a support category page (steps 3, 4 above), type a short issue description and click Request Support. Note that you need to type a description or the Request Support button will not take you to the next step.
Select a support method (a messenger, phone, email, etc.) and follow the onscreen instructions (see the notes below).
When contacting Parallels Support by email, phone, or Skype you'll need a ticket ID, which is displayed on the screen when you select one of these support methods. You can place a call immediately or you can click Book a Call to book it for another time. You can also see a ticket ID by clicking Support on a page header and then clicking the My Tickets link in the upper right. See Managing support tickets for more info.
When using email you can add additional watchers (other administrators of you Parallels business account) to receive notifications via email. To do so, on the Create Support Request page select the Add Watchers tab, then select an administrator and click the Add button. See also Adding watchers to a support ticket.
By default, all administrators of a Parallels business account can view and manage support tickets, but only you (the ticket owner) will receive email notifications about it. You can add other account administrators as watchers of a support ticket, so they can too receive email notifications.
To add ticket watchers:
Click Support on the page header (the red area).
Click the Parallels Remote Application Server card.
Click My Tickets in the upper right.
Select a ticket and click on the Subject column value (usually a combination of your company name and the issue description that you used when you created a ticket).
In the dialog that opens, click the Ticket Watchers tab.
Select an account administrator in the drop-down menu and then click Add.
Click Done.
To remove a watcher from a ticket, repeat the steps described above, but this time click the (X) icon next to the watcher and then click Done.