Add a Dataset

Add a dataset as follows:

  1. In the Report Builder, right-click the Datasets folder in the left pane and then click Add Dataset.

  2. In the Dataset Properties dialog, type a data set name and then select the Use a dataset embedded in my report option.

  3. In the Data source field, select the data source that you created earlier.

  4. In the Query type section, select Text to use an embedded SQL as your query.

  5. Enter the following query into the Query edit box:


    m.Name as [Machine Name],

    mt.MachineType as [Machine Type],

    mt.SortingID as [SortingID]


    dbo.Machines m RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.MachineType mt ON mt.MachineType_ID = m.MachineType_fk

  6. To test the query, click the Query Designer button. In the dialog that opens, click the exclamation sign icon (at the top) to run it. If the query is valid, you will see the result set.

  7. Close the Query Designer dialog and then click OK to save the dataset.