© 2024 Parallels International GmbH. All rights reserved.
Duplicate a Client policy.
The ID of the client policy to duplicate
ID of the object.
User who created the object.
User who last modified the object.
Time when the object was created.
Time when the object was last modified.
Name of the client policy.
Whether the client policy is enabled or disabled.
Description of the client policy.
Order of the client policy.
Users and groups that the client policy applies to (deprecated).
Client Policy - Allowed Operating Systems
Gateway Rule Type.
Gateway List (deprecated).
MAC Rule Type.
MAC List (deprecated).
Client Policy
The Client Policy Assignment object.
const response = await fetch('/api/ClientPolicies/{id}/Duplicate', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
"id": 0,
"adminCreate": "text",
"adminLastMod": "text",
"timeCreate": "2025-01-04T23:01:26.765Z",
"timeLastMod": "2025-01-04T23:01:26.765Z",
"name": "text",
"enabled": false,
"description": "text",
"order": 0,
"usersGroups": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"allowedOSes": {
"chrome": false,
"android": false,
"webClient": false,
"iOS": false,
"linux": false,
"mac": false,
"windows": false
"gatewayRule": [
"0 = Any",
"1 = Connected",
"2 = NotConnected",
"3 = NotConnectedToGWs"
"gatewayList": [
"macRule": [
"0 = AnyMAC",
"1 = AllowedMACs",
"2 = NotAllowedMACs"
"macList": [
"clientPolicy": {
"redirection": {
"enabled": false,
"gateway": "text",
"mode": [
"0 = GatewayMode",
"1 = GatewaySSLMode",
"2 = DirectMode",
"3 = DirectSSLMode"
"serverPort": 0,
"altGateway": "text"
"session": {
"primaryConnection": {
"enabled": false,
"name": "text",
"autoLogin": false,
"authenticationType": [
"0 = Credentials",
"1 = SingleSignOn",
"2 = SmartCard",
"3 = Web"
"savePassword": false,
"domain": "text"
"secondaryConnections": {
"enabled": false,
"connectionList": [
"mode": [
"0 = GatewayMode",
"1 = DirectMode",
"2 = GatewaySSLMode",
"3 = DirectSSLMode"
"server": "text",
"serverPort": 0
"reconnection": {
"enabled": false,
"enableReconnection": false,
"connectionRetries": 0,
"connectionBannerDelay": 0
"computerName": {
"enabled": false,
"overrideComputerName": "text"
"connectionAdvancedSettings": {
"enabled": false,
"connectionTimeout": 0,
"connectionBannerDelay": 0,
"showDesktopTimeout": 0
"webAuthentication": {
"enabled": false,
"defaultOsBrowser": false,
"openBrowserOnLogout": false
"multiFactorAuthentication": {
"enabled": false,
"rememberLastUsedMethod": false
"sessionPreLaunch": {
"enabled": false,
"preLaunchMode": [
"0 = Off",
"1 = Basic",
"2 = MachineLearning"
"preLaunchExclude": [
"localProxyAddress": {
"enabled": false,
"useLocalHostProxyIP": false
"settings": {
"enabled": false,
"colorDepths": [
"0 = Colors256",
"1 = HighColor15Bit",
"2 = HighColor16Bit",
"3 = TrueColor24Bit",
"4 = HighestQuality32Bit"
"graphicsAcceleration": [
"0 = None",
"1 = Basic",
"2 = RemoteFx",
"3 = RemoteFxAdaptive",
"4 = AVCAdaptive"
"multiMonitor": {
"enabled": false,
"useAllMonitors": false,
"displayConfig": [
"0 = Primary",
"1 = All",
"2 = Selected"
"publishedApplications": {
"enabled": false,
"usePrimaryMonitor": false,
"useDynamicDesktopResizing": false
"desktopOptions": {
"enabled": false,
"smartSizing": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = Scale",
"2 = Resize"
"embedDesktop": false,
"spanDesktops": false,
"fullScreenBar": [
"0 = DoNotShow",
"1 = ShowPinned",
"2 = ShowUnPinned"
"browser": {
"enabled": false,
"browserOpenIn": [
"0 = SameTab",
"1 = NewTab"
"printing": {
"enabled": false,
"redirectPrinterTech": [
"0 = None",
"1 = RasUniversalPrintingTechnology",
"2 = MicrosoftBasicPrintingTechnology",
"3 = RasUniversalPrintingAndMsBasicTechnologies"
"redirectPrinters": [
"0 = All",
"1 = DefaultOnly",
"2 = SpecificOnly"
"redirectPrintersList": [
"printingOptions": {
"dataFormat": [
"0 = ViewPDF_ExtApp",
"1 = EMF",
"2 = BMP",
"4 = PrintPDF_ExtApp",
"5 = PrintPDF"
"printerPreference": [
"0 = ServerPrefAllPrinters",
"1 = ClientPrefAllPrinters",
"2 = ClientPrefSpecificPrinters"
"specificPreferredPrinter": "text"
"defaultPrintingSettings": {
"defaultPrinterTech": [
"0 = None",
"1 = RasUniversalPrintingTechnology",
"2 = MicrosoftBasicPrintingTechnology",
"3 = RasUniversalPrintingAndMsBasicTechnologies"
"forceTime": 0,
"matchExactPrinterName": false,
"updateRemoteDefPrinter": false
"scanning": {
"enabled": false,
"scanTech": [
"0 = None",
"1 = WIA",
"2 = TWAIN",
"3 = WIAandTWAIN"
"scanRedirect": [
"0 = All",
"1 = SpecificOnly"
"scanListTwain": [
"scanListWia": [
"audio": {
"enabled": false,
"audioModes": [
"0 = BringToThisComputer",
"1 = DoNotPlay",
"2 = LeaveAtRemoteComputer"
"audioQuality": [
"0 = AdjustDynamically",
"1 = UseMediumQuality",
"2 = UseUncompressedQuality"
"audioRec": false
"keyboard": {
"enabled": false,
"keyboardWindow": [
"0 = LocalComputer",
"1 = RemoteComputer",
"2 = FullScreenMode"
"sendUnicodeChars": false
"clipboard": {
"enabled": false,
"clipboardDirection": [
"0 = None",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"diskDrives": {
"enabled": false,
"redirectDrives": false,
"dynamicDrives": false,
"redirectToDrives": [
"useAllDrives": false,
"driveCacheMode": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable",
"2 = Fast"
"devices": {
"enabled": false,
"redirectDevices": false,
"dynamicDevices": false,
"useAllDevices": false,
"redirectToDevices": [
"ports": {
"enabled": false,
"redirectCOMPorts": false
"smartCards": {
"enabled": false,
"redirectSmartCards": false
"windowsTouchInput": {
"enabled": false,
"touchInput": false
"videoCaptureDevices": {
"enabled": false,
"enableCameras": false,
"dynamicCameras": false,
"videoCaptureUseAllDevices": false,
"camerasIDs": [
"avdMultimediaRedirection": {
"enabled": false,
"avdMultimediaRedir": false
"fileTransfer": {
"enabled": false,
"fileTransferMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"performance": {
"enabled": false,
"netType": [
"0 = Modem",
"1 = LowSpeedBroadband",
"2 = Satellite",
"3 = HighSpeedBroadband",
"4 = WAN",
"5 = LAN",
"6 = DetectConnectionQualityAuto"
"desktopBackground": false,
"fontSmoothing": false,
"windowMenuAnimation": false,
"desktopComposition": false,
"themes": false,
"bitmapCaching": false,
"moveSizeFullDrag": false,
"showContent": false
"compression": {
"enabled": false,
"compress": false,
"scanningCompression": [
"0 = CompressionDisabled",
"1 = BestSpeed",
"2 = BestSize",
"3 = BasedOnConnectionSpeed"
"printingCompression": [
"0 = CompressionDisabled",
"1 = BestSpeed",
"2 = BestSize",
"3 = BasedOnConnectionSpeed"
"network": {
"enabled": false,
"useProxyServer": false,
"proxyHost": "text",
"proxyPort": 0,
"proxyAuthentication": false,
"proxyUseLogonCredentials": false,
"proxyUsername": "text",
"proxyType": [
"0 = SOCKS4",
"1 = SOCKS4A",
"2 = SOCKS5",
"3 = HTTP1_1"
"advancedSettings": {
"enabled": false,
"useClientColors": false,
"useClientSettings": false,
"createShrtCut": false,
"registerExt": false,
"urlRedirection": false,
"mailRedirection": false,
"credAlwaysAsk": false,
"allowSrvCmd": false,
"promptSrvCmd": false,
"credSSP": false,
"redirPOS": false,
"pre2000Cred": false,
"disableRUDP": false,
"doNotShowDriveRedirectionDlg": false
"serverAuthentication": {
"enabled": false,
"sessionAuthFailureAction": [
"0 = Connect",
"1 = DoNotConnect",
"2 = Warn"
"clientOptions": {
"enabled": false,
"appearance": {
"enabled": false,
"uiType": [
"0 = Modern",
"1 = Classic",
"2 = User"
"promptSwitchToModern": false
"connection": {
"enabled": false,
"connectionBannerType": [
"0 = SplashWindow",
"1 = TaskBarToastWindow",
"2 = None"
"autoRefreshFarms": false,
"autoRefreshTime_Mins": 0,
"whenAllSessionClosedAction": [
"0 = Nothing",
"1 = LockWorkstation",
"2 = LogOff"
"logging": {
"enabled": false,
"logLevel": [
"3 = Standard",
"4 = Extended",
"5 = Verbose"
"loggingStartDateTime": "2025-01-04T23:01:26.765Z",
"loggingDuration": 0,
"allowViewLog": false,
"allowClearLog": false
"pcKeyboard": {
"enabled": false,
"forcePCKeybd": false,
"pcKeybd": [
"1028 = ChineseTraditional",
"1031 = German",
"1033 = EnglishUS",
"1034 = Spanish",
"1036 = French",
"1040 = Italian",
"1041 = Japanese",
"1042 = Korean",
"1043 = Dutch",
"1046 = PortugueseBrazil",
"1049 = Russian",
"1053 = Swedish",
"1082 = Maltese",
"2052 = ChineseSimplified",
"2057 = EnglishUK",
"2068 = NorwegianNynorsk",
"2070 = Portuguese",
"3084 = FrenchCanada"
"update": {
"enabled": false,
"checkForUpdateOnLaunch": false,
"updateClientXmlUrl": "text"
"singleSignOn": {
"enabled": false,
"forceThirdPartySSO": false,
"ssoProvGUID": "text"
"advanced": {
"enabled": false,
"global": {
"enabled": false,
"showFolders": false,
"minimizeToTrayOnClose": false,
"graphicsAccel": false,
"clientWorkAreaBackground": false,
"sslNoWarning": false,
"swapMouse": false,
"dpiAware": false,
"autoAddFarm": false,
"dontPromptAutoAddFarm": false,
"suppErrMsgs": false,
"clearCookies": false,
"turnOffUDPOnClient": false
"language": {
"enabled": false,
"lang": [
"0 = Default",
"1 = English",
"2 = German",
"3 = Japanese",
"5 = French",
"6 = Spanish",
"7 = Italian",
"8 = Portuguese",
"9 = ChineseSimplified",
"10 = ChineseTraditional",
"11 = Korean",
"12 = Dutch"
"printing": {
"enabled": false,
"printInstallFonts": false,
"printRawSupport": false,
"allowEMFRasterization": false,
"printUseCache": false,
"printRefreshCache": false,
"printUseFontsCache": false
"windowsClient": {
"enabled": false,
"autohide": false,
"autoLaunch": false
"remoteFxUsbRedirection": {
"enabled": false,
"remoteFXUSBRedir": false
"customerExperienceProgram": {
"enabled": false,
"participateInCEP": false
"controlSettings": {
"controlSettingsConnections": {
"enabled": false,
"dontAddNewASXGConns": false,
"dontAddNewStdConns": false
"credentials": {
"enabled": false,
"dontSaveUsername": false,
"dontSavePwds": false,
"dontChangePwds": false
"importExport": {
"enabled": false,
"dontImportExport": false,
"dontImport": false,
"dontExport": false
"version": 0,
"assignment": {
"rules": [
"id": 0,
"priority": 0,
"enabled": false,
"name": "text",
"description": "text",
"criteria": {
"securityPrincipals": {
"enabled": false,
"matchingMode": [
"0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
"1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
"members": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"gateways": {
"enabled": false,
"matchingMode": [
"0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
"1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
"members": [
"gatewayIP": "text"
"oSs": {
"enabled": false,
"matchingMode": [
"0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
"1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
"allowedOSes": {
"chrome": false,
"android": false,
"webClient": false,
"iOS": false,
"linux": false,
"mac": false,
"wyse": false,
"windows": false
"iPs": {
"enabled": false,
"matchingMode": [
"0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
"1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
"allowedIPs": {
"iPv4s": [
"from": "text",
"to": "text"
"iPv6s": [
"from": "text",
"to": "text"
"hardwareIDs": {
"enabled": false,
"matchingMode": [
"0 = IsNotOneOfTheFollowing",
"1 = IsOneOfTheFollowing"
"members": [
"hardwareID": "text"
"access": [
"0 = DenyCriteriaWhen",
"1 = AllowCriteriaWhen"
"default": [
"0 = Deny",
"1 = Allow"