Viewing Subscriptions and Subscription Details
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Your registered Parallels subscriptions are displayed on the Dashboard page. To access this page at any time, click the Dashboard link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen (the red area).
Each Parallels product you own has its own product card (a rectangular area with the product name at the top) containing some information, as well as links and buttons that you can interact with. We'll discuss some of them later in this guide.
Note: Only one copy of Parallels Desktop for Mac Enterprise Edition can be registered with any given Parallels Business Account. However, multiple Business subscriptions can be registered to the same account.
In the product card for Parallels Desktop for Mac Enterprise Edition, click on the Subscription Details row. This will open a page where you will be able to see:
The Status section displays the current subscription status, renewal information, activation date, and expiration date. The Order History link displays your purchase order history.
The Products section displays Parallels products included in the subscription and the number of licenses for each product. The Contract Details link opens a dialog where you can see your contract details and your sales representative information.
The License Seats section displays the number of remaining seats available with your license, along with how many license seats are reserved versus how many are dynamically allocated. To learn more about dynamic license allocation, read the respective section in the Creating Additional License Keys chapter.
To see the list of Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition subscriptions, click the Active subscriptions row inside its product card. The page opens, displaying the subscription list.
You can filter the list by clicking the Display drop-down menu and choosing from All, Active, Expiring soon, or Expired. You can also sort the list by clicking the Arrange by drop-down menu and choosing a desired option.
To see subscription details, click the subscription name. This opens the page containing the subscription information.
The page contains the following information:
The Status section displays the current subscription status, renewal info, activation, and expiration dates. The Order History link displays your purchase order history.
The Products section displays Parallels products included in the subscription and the number of licenses for each product. The Contract Details link opens a dialog where you can see your contract details and your sales representative information.
The License Keys table displays the primary license key included in your subscription and one or more additional license keys (also known as sublicenses), if any. You create additional license keys yourself by clicking the Create License Key link above the list. For more information, see Creating Additional License Keys. To sort the License Keys list by one of the license properties, click the desired column heading.
The License Keys table displays the primary license key included in your subscription and one or more additional license keys (also known as sublicenses), if any. You create additional license keys yourself by clicking the Create License Key link above the list. For more information, see Creating Additional License Keys. To sort the License Keys list by one of the license properties, click the desired column heading. .
The link (at the top of the page) allows you to change the subscription name. Click the link and then edit the name. When done, click the green checkmark icon to save the name.
The link on each license is used to invite users via email to install and activate Parallels Desktop on their computers. See Inviting Users to Install Parallels Desktop.
The link on each license key row opens a dialog where you can see the license key properties and manage license administrators. For more information, see Managing License Administrators.
The link (at the top of the page) allows you to change the subscription name. Click the link and then edit the name. When done, click the green checkmark icon to save the name.
The link on each license is used to invite users via email to install and activate Parallels Desktop on their computers. See Inviting Users to Install Parallels Desktop.
The link on each license key row opens a dialog where you can see the license key properties and manage license administrators. For more information, see Managing License Administrators.