



Modifies the permissions of a RAS custom admin account.


Set-RASCustomPermission [-AdminId] <uint> -ObjectType {SecureGateways | Gateways | RemotePCs | Brokers | PublishingAgents | RDSHostPools | RDSHGroups | HALB | WinDevices | Themes | Publishing | Certificate | CustomRoutes | Monitoring | Reporting | Connection | AVD | AppPackages} -Permissions {None | View | Modify | ManageSessions | Add | Delete | Control} [-ObjId <uint>] [-SiteId <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]


Modifies the permissions of a RAS custom admin account.


-AdminId <uint> Admin ID to modify the specified RAS Custom Administrator Account.

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    0
        Default value                0
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-SiteId <uint> Site ID.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                0
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-ObjId <uint> ID of a particular RAS Farm object to assign permissions for.

        Required?                    false
        Position?                    named
        Default value                
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-ObjectType <PermissionObjectType> Permission Type. Possible values: SecureGateways, Gateways, RemotePCs, Brokers, PublishingAgents, RDSHostPools, RDSHGroups, HALB, WinDevices, Themes, Publishing, Certificate, CustomRoutes, Monitoring, Reporting, Connection, AVD, AppPackages

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value                0
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false

-Permissions <PermissionFlags> A set of permissions to assign. To form a set of permissions 'OR' individual permission enum IDs. Possible values: None, View, Modify, ManageSessions, Add, Delete, Control

        Required?                    true
        Position?                    named
        Default value                None
        Accept pipeline input?       false
        Accept wildcard characters?  false


        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
        about_CommonParameters . 






---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- Set-RASCustomPermission -AdminId 100 -ObjectType RDSHosts -Permissions View,Modify -SiteId 1 Modifies the permissions of the custom administrator with Id 100, to View and Modify all RDSHosts within the Site with Id 1. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- Set-RASCustomPermission -AdminId 100 -ObjectType RDSHosts -Permissions View,Modify -SiteId 1 -ObjId 10 Modifies the permissions of the custom administrator with Id 100, to View and Modify the RDSHost Object with Id 10, within the Site with Id 1.

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