The cmdlet creates an object of type Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool.
New-RASAVDHostPool [[-SiteId] <uint>] -AzureId <string> -WorkspaceId <uint> [-AutoScaleEnabled <bool>] [-DefaultPowerState {PoweredOn | PoweredOff | Suspended}] [-DrainRemainsBelowSec <uint>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-HostName <string>] [-MaxServersFromTemplate <uint>] [-MinServersFromTemplate <uint>] [-RemoveServersAfterDrainAndPowerOff <bool>] [-ServersToAddPerRequest <uint>] [-TemplateId <uint>] [-TemplateVersionId <uint>] [-ValidationEnvironment <bool>] [-WorkLoadDrain <uint>] [-WorkloadThreshold <uint>] [<CommonParameters>] New-RASAVDHostPool [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -LoadBalancerType {BreadthFirst | DepthFirst | Persistent} -Location <string> -PoolType {Pooled | Personal} -ProvisioningType {Template | Standalone} -PublishingType {RemoteApp | Desktop} -ResourceGroup <string> -WorkspaceId <uint> [-AutoScaleEnabled <bool>] [-DefaultPowerState {PoweredOn | PoweredOff | Suspended}] [-Description <string>] [-DrainRemainsBelowSec <uint>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-FriendlyName <string>] [-HostName <string>] [-LimitHosts <uint>] [-MaxServersFromTemplate <uint>] [-MinServersFromTemplate <uint>] [-PowerOnHost <bool>] [-RemoveServersAfterDrainAndPowerOff <bool>] [-ServersToAddPerRequest <uint>] [-TemplateId <uint>] [-TemplateVersionId <uint>] [-ValidationEnvironment <bool>] [-WorkLoadDrain <uint>] [-WorkloadThreshold <uint>] [<CommonParameters>]
Creates a new Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool or imports an existing Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool This is an Experimental feature which is subject to slight changes.
-Name <string> The name of the AVD Host Pool.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID in which to modify the specified AVD Host Pool. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.
-WorkspaceId <uint> The Workspace ID.
-Description <string> Description of the AVD Host Pool.
-Enabled <bool> Enable or disable the AVD Host Pool upon creation. If the parameter is omitted, the AVD Host Pool is initialised as Disabled.
-FriendlyName <string> Friendly name of the AVD Host Pool.
-ResourceGroup <string> Resource Group of the AVD Host Pool.
-Location <string> Location of the AVD Host Pool.
-AzureId <string> The Azure ID of the AVD Host Pool.
-PoolType <PoolType> The Type of AVD Host Pool. Possible values: Pooled, Personal
-LimitHosts <uint> The Limit of session on host. Default: Pooled: 50, Personal: 1 (always).
-PublishingType <PublishingType> The Type of AVD Host Pool. Possible values: RemoteApp, Desktop
-LoadBalancerType <LoadBalancerType> The Type of AVD Host Pool. Possible values: BreadthFirst, DepthFirst, Persistent
-PowerOnHost <bool> The Type of AVD Host Pool.
-ValidationEnvironment <bool> Whether Validation Environment is Enabled or not.
-ProvisioningType <ProvisioningType> The Provisioning Type of the Host Pool Possible values: Template, Standalone
-TemplateId <uint> The Template ID.
-TemplateVersionId <uint> The RAS Template Version ID.
-AutoScaleEnabled <bool> Whether AutoScale is Enabled or not
-MinServersFromTemplate <uint> The Minimum Number of Hosts added from the template. Default: 1
-MaxServersFromTemplate <uint> The Maximum Number of Hosts added from the template. Default: 2
-HostName <string> The host name format. All VMs created from the template will have this name with %ID:N:S% replaced.
-DefaultPowerState <DefaultPowerState> The Default Power State Possible values: PoweredOn, PoweredOff, Suspended
-WorkloadThreshold <uint> The Workload Threshold. Default: 75
-ServersToAddPerRequest <uint> The amount of servers to add per request. Default: 1
-WorkLoadDrain <uint> The Drain Workload. Default: 20
-DrainRemainsBelowSec <uint> The Remaining Drain level. Default: 0 (Immediate)
-RemoveServersAfterDrainAndPowerOff <bool> Remove hosts from host pool after drain and power off.
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- New-RASAVDHostPool -Name "NGTstHostPool" -WorkspaceId 5 -ResourceGroup "NGResource" -Location "westeurope" -PoolType Pooled -PublishingType "Desktop" -ProvisioningType Template -LoadBalancer "DepthFirst" Creates a new Pooled Templated Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- New-RASAVDHostPool -Name "NGTstHostPool" -WorkspaceId 5 -ResourceGroup "NGResource" -Location "westeurope" -PoolType Personal -PublishingType "Desktop" -ProvisioningType Template -LoadBalancer "Persistent" Creates a new Personal Templated Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool. ---------- EXAMPLE 3 ---------- New-RASAVDHostPool -WorkspaceId 1 -ProviderId 1 -AzureId "subscriptions/b0375739-05f3-859f-ac89-20ef4dcd92cb/resourceGroups/My_Resource_Group/providers/Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools/my-hostpool" Imports an existing Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool.
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