Creates a Certificate by Importing a Certificate/Pfx file, generating a self-signed certificate or generating a certificate request.
New-RASCertificate [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -CommonName <string> -Email <string> -RequestFile <string> [-AlternateNames <string>] [-City <string>] [-CountryCode <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-FullStateOrProvince <string>] [-KeySize {KeySize1024 | KeySize2048 | KeySize4096 | KeySize3072 | KeySize521 | KeySizeUnknown}] [-Organisation <string>] [-OrganisationUnit <string>] [-Usage {None | Gateway | HALB}] [<CommonParameters>] New-RASCertificate [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -CommonName <string> -Email <string> [-AlternateNames <string>] [-City <string>] [-CountryCode <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-ExpireInMonths <uint>] [-FullStateOrProvince <string>] [-KeySize {KeySize1024 | KeySize2048 | KeySize4096 | KeySize3072 | KeySize521 | KeySizeUnknown}] [-Organisation <string>] [-OrganisationUnit <string>] [-Usage {None | Gateway | HALB}] [<CommonParameters>] New-RASCertificate [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -CertificateFile <string> -PrivateKeyFile <string> [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-Usage {None | Gateway | HALB}] [<CommonParameters>] New-RASCertificate [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -PfxFile <string> [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-PfxPassword <SecureString>] [-Usage {None | Gateway | HALB}] [<CommonParameters>] New-RASCertificate [-Name] <string> [[-SiteId] <uint>] -CommonName <string> -Email <string> -LetsEncrypt <SwitchParameter> [-AlternateNames <string>] [-City <string>] [-CountryCode <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Enabled <bool>] [-FullStateOrProvince <string>] [-KeySize {KeySize1024 | KeySize2048 | KeySize4096 | KeySize3072 | KeySize521 | KeySizeUnknown}] [-Organisation <string>] [-OrganisationUnit <string>] [-Usage {None | Gateway | HALB}] [<CommonParameters>]
By default, one is guided to create a Self-Signed Certificate. A certificate is imported by either specifying a CertificateFile and PrivateKeyFile, or specifying a PfxFile with an optional PfxPassword. A certificate request can be created by specifying a RequestFile path to output the request to.
-Name <string> The name of the target Certificate.
-SiteId <uint> Site ID in which to add the Certificate.
-Description <string> A user-defined Certificate description.
-PfxFile <string> Certificate file name in pfx format.
-PfxPassword <SecureString> The password of the pfx file specified in the PfxFile parameter.
-PrivateKeyFile <string> Private key file name.
-CertificateFile <string> Certificate file name.
-Usage <CertificateUsages> A set of usages to assign. To form a set of usages 'OR' individual usage enum IDs. Possible values: None, Gateway, HALB
-Enabled <bool> Whether to enable or disable the certificate being created.
-KeySize <CertificateKeySize> The Key Size for the certificate to be generated. Possible values: KeySize1024, KeySize2048, KeySize4096, KeySize3072, KeySize521, KeySizeUnknown
-CountryCode <string> The Country Code for the certificate to be generated. By default, the country code from the PowerShell region information is used.
-ExpireInMonths <uint> Specifies the length of validity of the certificate being generated.
-FullStateOrProvince <string> The Full State or Province for the certificate to be generated.
-City <string> The City for the certificate to be generated.
-Organisation <string> The Organisation for the certificate to be generated.
-OrganisationUnit <string> The Organisation Unit for the certificate to be generated.
-Email <string> The Email for the certificate to be generated.
-CommonName <string> The Common Name for the certificate to be generated.
-AlternateNames <string> The Alternate Names for the certificate to be generated. eg. IP:,
-RequestFile <string> Request file name to output Request Certificate to.
-LetsEncrypt <SwitchParameter> Let's Encrypt SwitchParameter
---------- EXAMPLE 1 ---------- New-RASCertificate -Name "ImportedCert" -SiteId 1 -Description "Certificate" -Usage Gateway -Enabled $true -PrivateKeyFile "C:\key.pem" -CertificateFile "C:\cert.pem" Imports a certificate from the files key.pem and cert.pem to a certificate object with Name "ImportedCert" on Site 1. ---------- EXAMPLE 2 ---------- New-RASCertificate -Name "ImportedPfx" -SiteId 1 -Description "Certificate" -Usage Gateway -Enabled $true -PfxFile "C:\cert.pfx" -PfxPassword $pfxPassword Imports a certificate from a pfx file cert.pfx to a certificate object with Name "ImportedPfx" on Site 1. ---------- EXAMPLE 3 ---------- New-RASCertificate -Name "SelfSignedCert" -SiteId 1 -Description "Certificate" -Usage Gateway -Enabled $true -Email "" -CommonName "TestCert" -AlternateNames "DNS:*,IP:,IP:::1" Generates a self-signed certificate with Name "SelfSignedCert" on Site 1. ---------- EXAMPLE 4 ---------- New-RASCertificate -Name "CertRequest" -SiteId 1 -Description "Certificate" -Usage Gateway -Enabled $true -Email "" -CommonName "TestCert" -RequestFile "C:\req.crt" -AlternateNames ",IP:,IP:::1" Generates a certificate request with Name "CertRequest" on Site 1, and saves the request to req.crt
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