
To view the Parallel RAS licensing information, navigate to Farm Settings > Licensing. The following information is displayed:

  • License Type: The type of Parallels RAS license currently used (e.g. subscription, trial, etc.).

  • Expiration date: License expiration date (or the number of days remaining, depending on the license type).

  • Maximum allowed concurrent users: The maximum number of concurrent users that the current license allows.

  • Peak users: The number of peak concurrent users to date in case of subscription, or monthly peak users and daily usage in case of SPLA license.

  • Current users: The number of users currently connected to the Farm.

Please note that you can also see this information (and more) in your Parallels Account. For more information, please refer to the Parallels RAS Licensing Guide, which is available on the Parallels website.

Manage licensing

Click the Manage License link at the top of the Licensing page to open the Manage Licensing page.

If you have a Parallels Business account, sign in using the account credentials. If you don't have an account, click Register, enter the required information and click Register. A business account will be created for your organization. For more information about Parallels accounts and the Parallels My Account portal, please refer to the Parallels RAS Licensing Guide, which is available on the Parallels website at the following location:

Once signed in, you can do the following on the Manage Licensing page:

  • Activate the Farm using a license key included in your subscription. When you sign in using your Parallels business account, you license information is retrieved and is displayed on the screen. To activate the Farm, select a license key in the list and click Next.

  • Activate a trial — select the Activate a trial license option and click Next.

  • Deactivate the currently used license — select the Deactivate license option and click Next. The license key is released and can be used to activate a different Farm. You can re-activate the Farm at any time using the same or a different license key.

When you click Next in any of the scenarios above, the Progress page is shown displaying the progress of the operation. Once completed, the page is refreshed with results of the operation.

If you activated the Farm, you can begin managing it. If you deactivated the Farm, all controls in the Management Portal become disabled, except Licensing.

Last updated