Publish a desktop
To publish a desktop:
In the RAS Management Portal, select the Publishing category
In the middle pane, click the plus-sign icon (or choose Add from the ellipsis menu). The publishing wizard opens.
On the Publishing Type page, select Desktop and click Next.
On the Sites page, select one or more Sites (if available) from which the application should be available.
Click Next.
On the Publish from page, select from the following options:
All servers in the Site: Publish from all hosts that are available in this Site.
Server host pools: Specify one or more host pools from which to publish the application.
Individual servers: Specify one or more specific individual hosts.
Click Next.
On the Desktop page, specify the following:
In the Published Resource Settings section, specify the following:
Name: Type a name for this desktop.
Description: Type an optional description.
Connect to administrative session: Select this option if you want users to connect to the administrative session.
Start automatically when user logs in: Select if you want to open the desktop as soon as the user logs in.
Exclude from session prelaunch: The desktop will not be considered in session prelaunch scenarios.
Icon: Select an application icon.
In the Desktop Session Settings section, specify the following:
Desktop size: Specify the size. You can select from the available options and screen resolutions or you can specify custom settings. To set custom width and height, select Custom and specify the desired values in the fields provided.
Multi-Monitor: Select whether the multi-monitor support should be enabled or whether the client settings should be used.
On the next page, specify the initial status of the resource. Choose from the following options:
Enabled: End users can launch the resource.
Disabled: The resource will not appear in Parallels Client.
In maintenance: The resource will appear in Parallels Client but users will not be able to launch it. When a resource is in maintenance and a user tries to launch it, they will see a message. To customize the message, click the Configure button. For more info, see Site Defaults (Publishing).
Click Next and then click Finish to publish the desktop.
Last updated