Edit Connection Settings

To edit your Remote Application Server or RDP connection parameters, do the following:

Note: Parallels Client supports the RAS policies. Due to these policies, some of the settings described below may be grayed out or cannot be changed. If you notice such a setting, please contact your administrator for assistance.

  1. Open Parallels Client.

Note: This icon may be absent if your Android device has a physical or virtual menu button. Use this button instead.

  1. Tap the Gear icon below the connection which settings you want to modify. The following screen appears:

You can edit the following parameters:

  • Friendly name. In this field, you can change the name of your connection.

  • Server address. In this field, you can change the remote server IP address or host name.

  • Authentication type. Tap this menu to select the desired method of authentication:

    • Credentials. Select this option and then enter your username and password. You will be authenticated on the remote server using the specified credentials.

    • Web: Select this option to use the SAML SSO authentication.

Once ready, tap Save in the top right corner.

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