Help and Support

The Help and Support category contains links to resources to help you find answers to questions, resolve issues, download software and documentation, and contact Parallels Support.

Note that some links take you to the Parallels My Account page where you need to sign in. If you own a Parallels RAS subscription, you already have an account. If you don't have a Parallels Account yet, you need to create one.

Contacting Parallels Support

To contact Parallels Support, use the links in the Support section:

  • Send system report to Parallels: Collects the necessary data and sends a system report to Parallels. Please note that this is not an official support request.

  • Download system report: Collects the data and saves it to the specified location. This may be helpful if a Parallels Support representative asks you to send a report.

  • Create Support Request: Sends an official support request to Parallels, which can also include a system report providing more environment information to Parallels support. Click this link and follow the onscreen instructions to generate and send a request.

Contacting the local support

If your root administrator added a URL to the local support portal, you can navigate to it using the Request Support link in the Support section.

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