What Happens after a Trial Ends

If your organization is subscribed to Parallels Desktop for Mac Business Edition and then decides to try the Enterprise Edition, you will need to contact your Parallels sales representative to receive a separate, time-limited trial key in your Parallels My Account.

Note: If you try to add a purchased Enterprise Edition license to a Parallels business account with an active Enterprise Edition trial, you will be offered to suspend the trial license or abort the license registration process.

Once the trial ends and you decide to upgrade to Enterprise Edition, the recommended way forward is to contact your Parallels sales representative and convert a Business Edition license of your choice to an Enterprise Edition one.

Attention: If your organization's business account holds multiple Business Edition licenses, make sure to communicate clearly which one you want to be upgraded to Enterprise Edition.

In this scenario:

  1. The Enterprise Edition trial license will be suspended;

  2. The Golden Images added during the trial will become available to the users of the new Enterprise Edition setup;

  3. The policies created during the trial will be saved but not applied to any sublicense keys/user groups. You will have to reassign them.

[NOT RECOMMENDED] Technically, your trial Enterprise Edition license can also be converted to a long-term one, keeping your existing Business Edition setup intact, on the following condition:

  • If your Business Edition license seats have been activated using the per-device/license key method, your trial Enterprise Edition license can be converted to a long-term one, albeit with much effort;

  • If your Business Edition license seats have been activated using the per-user/SSO method, your trial Enterprise Edition license cannot be converted to a long-term one, and you'll need to convert one of the existing Business Edition ones.

Creating a completely new setup with new sublicense keys and user groups and migrating your users to it is a daunting task, so we don't recommend this path.

Last updated

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