
The Licensing category allows you to manage your Parallels RAS license. When you click on the Licensing category, the License details tab displays the license information. Note that depending on the license type (prepaid subscription, SPLA, NFR, trial), different information is displayed. Please also note that an NFR (Not for resale) license can be either a prepaid subscription or SPLA, so different information can also be shown for an NFR license.

The information that can be displayed on the License details tab includes the following:

  • License Type: The type of your Parallels RAS license (e.g. prepaid subscription, SPLA, NFR, trial).

  • License Key: The license key that was used to activate the Farm (only last characters are shown).

  • Support Expiration Date: The support plan expiration date.

  • Upgrade Insurance: The upgrade insurance expiration date which, in case of using subscription based licenses, is in line with Expiration date, since such licenses are automatically eligible for upgrades.

  • Expiration date: The license expiration date (or the number of days remaining for a trial license).

  • First Activation: The date the Farm was first activated.

  • Peak Users: Peak concurrent users to date. For a prepaid subscription, you can use this value to evaluate whether you might need to upgrade your subscription to include more concurrent users.

  • Usage Today: SPLA license only. The number of maximum concurrent users recorded for today. Note that "today" starts at midnight UTC.

  • Current Period Usage: SPLA license only. The combined usage for all Farms activated with the same license key (SPLA licenses allow the activation of multiple farms with the same key).

  • Billing period started: SPLA license only. The current billing period start date.

  • Billing period ends: SPLA license only. The current billing period end date.

  • Current Users: The number of users currently connected to your Parallels RAS Farm.

  • Maximum allowed concurrent users: Prepaid subscription and NFR licenses only. The maximum number of concurrent users that your license allows. For example, if you own a prepaid subscription and need more concurrent connections, you need to upgrade your subscription.

  • Parallels Account user email: Parallels business account email that was used to activate the Farm.

  • Parallels Account user name: Parallels business account user name.

  • Parallels Account company: Parallels business account company name.

Please note that you can also see these values (and more) in your Parallels Account. For more information, please read the Parallels RAS Licensing Guide and Parallels RAS SPLA Guide, which are available on the Parallels website.

The View Active Users button opens a dialog where you can view currently active users and license usage. Use the toolbar buttons to refresh the list and to copy the information to the clipboard.

The Manage license button allows you to switch to a different Parallels account and to activate Parallels RAS using a different license key. Click the button to open the Sign in to Parallels My Account dialog. Use the dialog to sign in using an existing account or click Register to create a new account. If you are creating a new account, you'll also have to register a Parallels RAS license key in it and activate your Parallels RAS Farm using that key (see below).

To activate Parallels RAS using a different license key:

  1. In the Sign In to Parallels My Account dialog, type the email address and password you used to register your account and click Sign In. You'll see the Activate Product dialog.

  2. Select the Activate using license key option and enter the key in the field provided. You can click the button next to the field to see the list of subscriptions and/or permanent license keys you have registered with Parallels My Account. If the list is empty, it means that you don't have a subscription yet and need to purchase one first.

  3. To purchase a subscription online, click the Purchase a license link.

  4. After entering a license key, click Activate. You should see the confirmation message that your Parallels RAS was activated successfully.

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