Publishing local applications

To publish a local application, follow the below procedure:

  1. In the RAS Console, select the Publishing category and then click the Add icon below the Published Resources tree (or right-click inside the Published Resources box and click Add in the context menu). This will launch the publishing wizard.

Note: If the wizard has all options disabled, it means that there are no resources (servers) in the Farm from which publishing can be configured.

  1. On the Select Item Type wizard page, select Application and click Next.

  2. On the Select Server Type page, select Local Device and click Next.

  3. On the Application page, specify the application settings as follows:

    • Name. Choose and type a name for the application.

    • Description. Type an optional description.

    • Start automatically when user logs on. Select this option if you want to start an application as soon as a user logs on. This option works on desktop versions of Parallels Client only.

    • Change Icon. Change the application icon (optional).

    • Target. Specify the application executable path and file name.

    • Start in. If the Target field is valid, this field will be populated automatically. You can specify your own path if needed.

    • Parameters. If the application accepts startup parameters, you can specify them in this field.

    • Run. Select the application window state (normal window, minimized, maximized).

  4. Click Next.

  5. (Optional) On the Alternate access by URL page, specify the URL to the web version of the application. Parallels RAS will launch the web version if it cannot access the locally installed application.

  6. Click Next.

  7. On the next page, specify the initial status of the resource. Choose from Enabled (end users can launch the resource), Disabled (the resource will not appear in Parallels Client).

  8. When done, click Finish to publish the application.

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