User Profile Disks

To configure User Profile Disks, specify the following settings:

  1. When in the host "Properties" dialog, clear the Inherit default settings if you want to specify different settings for this host.

  2. In the Technology section, select User profile disk.

  3. In the drop-down list, select one of the following:

    • Do not change: Keep the current server settings (default).

    • Enabled: Enable the User Profile Disks functionality.

    • Disabled: Disable the functionality.

  4. Click the Configure advanced User Profile Disks settings button to open the User Profile Advanced Settings dialog.

  5. On the Disk tab, specify the following:

    • Disk location: If you selected Enabled in the previous step, specify a network location where the User Profile Disks should be created. Use the Microsoft Windows UNC format to specify a location (e.g. \\RAS\users\disks). Please note that the server must have full control permissions on the disk share.

    • Maximum size: Enter the maximum allowed disk size (in gigabytes).

  6. On the Folders tab, specify the following:

    • Store all user settings and data on the user profile disk: All folders, except those specified in the exclusion list, will be stored on the user profile disk. To add or remove folders to/from the exclusion list, click the [+] or [-] buttons.

    • Store only the following folders on the user profile disk: Only folders specified in the inclusion lists will be stored on the user profile disk. There are two inclusion lists. The first one contains standard user profile folders (e.g. Desktop, Documents, Downloads, etc.) and allows you to select the folders that you want to include. The second list allows you to specify additional folders. Click the [+] or [-] buttons to add or remove folders.

Note that when you enable User Profile Disks, you need to restart the server for the changes to take effect.