Desktop access

The Desktop Access tab allows you to restrict remote desktop access to certain users.

To use default settings, select the Inherit default settings option. See Using default settings.

By default, all users who have access to remote applications on an RD Session Host can also connect to the server via a standard RDP connection. If you want to restrict remote desktop access to certain users, do the following:

  1. On the Desktop Access tab, select the Restrict direct desktop access to the following users option. If you have the Inherit default settings option selected, click the Edit Defaults link to see (and modify if needed) the default configuration. The rest of the steps apply to both the Server Properties and Default Server Properties dialogs.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Select the desired users. To include multiple users, separate them by a semicolon.

  4. Click OK.

  5. The selected users will appear in the list on the Desktop Access tab.

Users in this list will still be able to access remote applications using Parallels Client, but will be denied direct remote desktop access to this server.

Note: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Connection > Allow users to connect remotely using remote desktop services must be set to Not configured, otherwise it takes precedence.

Please note that members of the Administrator group will still be able to connect to the remote desktop even if they are included in this list.