Adding a Site to the Farm

To add a Site to the Farm:

  1. In the RAS Console, select the Farm category in the left pane and then select the Farm in the middle pane.

  2. In the Tasks drop-down list (the right pane, above the Site list), click Add (or click the + icon).

  3. In the Add Site dialog:

    • In the Site field, specify a Site name.

    • In the Server field, specify the IP address or FQDN of the server where the Primary Connection Broker and Secure Gateway should be installed.

    • Select the Enable HTML5 Gateway option to automatically create a self-signed certificate, enable SSL, and enable HTML5 support. For more info, please see Configure User Portal.

  4. Click Next.

  5. The Site Properties dialog opens. First, it verifies if RAS Connection Broker is installed on the specified Site server. If it isn't, it will indicate this in the Status field.

  6. Click the Install button to install the agent.

  7. In the Install RAS Connection Broker dialog, highlight the server name on which the RAS Connection Broker is to be installed.

  8. (Optional) Select the option Override system credentials to specify and use different credentials to connect to the server and install the agent.

  9. Click Install to install the Connection Broker and Secure Gateway. Click Done once it has been successfully installed.

Once a new Site is created, you can view and manage its configuration by right-clicking the Site in the RAS Console and choosing Switch to this Site.