Gateway mode and forwarding settings

A RAS Secure Gateway can operate in normal and forwarding modes. To set the desired mode and configure related settings click the Mode tab in the RAS Secure Gateway Properties dialog.

Using Site defaults

To use Site default settings, click the Inherit default settings option. To specify your own settings, clear the option. For more info, see Site Defaults (Gateways).

Setting the normal mode

To set the normal mode, in the Gateway mode drop-down list, select Normal.

The Forward requests to HTTP Server option allows you to forward requests that do not belong to RAS Secure Gateways (gateways handle HTML5 traffic, Wyse, and URL scheme). To specify multiple servers, separate them with a semicolon. An HTTP server can be specified using an IPv6 address if necessary. Please note that the HTTP server must support the same IP version as the browser making the request.

The Preferred Connection Broker drop-down list allows you to specify a RAS Connection Broker that the Secure Gateway should connect to. This is helpful when Site components are installed in multiple physical locations communicating through WAN. You can decrease network traffic by specifying a more appropriate Connection Broker. For the Secure Gateway to select a Connection Broker automatically, select the Automatic option.

Setting the forwarding mode

To configure the forwarding mode, in the Gateway mode drop-down list, select Forwarding.

Specify (or select) one or more forwarding Secure Gateways in the Forwarding RAS Secure Gateway(s) field.

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