Managing logons

The logon management feature allows you to enable or disable logons from RD Session Hosts. The feature performs the same tasks as the change logon command-line utility.

To manage logons:

  1. In the Parallels RAS Console, navigate to Farm > <Site> > RD Session Hosts.

  2. Select an RD Session Host, click Tasks > Control and choose one of the following:

    • Enable logons: Enables logons from client sessions, but not from the console. This option performs the same action as the change logon /enable command.

    • Disable logons: Disables subsequent logons from client sessions, but not from the console. Does not affect currently logged on users. This option performs the same action as change logon /disable command.

    • Drain: Disables logons from new client sessions, but allows reconnections to existing sessions. Drain is kept even after reboot until the admin enables logons.

      Note that while a host is in drain mode, administrators may still log on to the physical console or remotely log on using the /admin or /console command-line option for MSTSC. This allows administrators to remotely maintain the RDS host via Tools > Remote Desktop.

    • Drain until reboot: Disables logons from new client sessions until the computer is restarted, but allows reconnections to existing sessions. Drain is kept until the host is restarted. Same action as the change logon /drainuntilrestart command.

To see the current logon control mode for an RD Session Host, click Tasks > Control. The checked-out option indicates the current logon control mode of the selected RD Session Host. To do this check from the command line, execute the change logon /QUERY command on the host.

Please also note the following:

  • When applying a logon control mode on a host, ensure that the agent status is updated accordingly.

  • You must set the logon control options for the hosts one-by-one. If you need to do it for a group of hosts, you can use the scheduler (see Using scheduler).

  • /Drain disables logons from new client sessions, but allows reconnections to existing sessions. Drain differs from Drainuntilrestart as far as it requires administrator intervention whereas the latter enables logons automatically after restart.

  • Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Remote Desktop Services / Remote Desktop Session Host / Connection / Allow users to connect remotely using remote desktop services must be set to Not configured, otherwise it takes precedence.

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