Improving virtual machine and application performance

Windows 10 and Windows 11 contain many applications, services, and background tasks that are not optimized for use in virtual desktop environments. You can improve the user experience and decrease virtual machine boot times, sign-in times, and application start-up times by running the Microsoft Virtual Desktop Optimization Toolkit (VDOT) on your Golden Image.

To start VDOT:

  1. Sign in to Parallels DaaS Management Portal.

  2. Select the Golden Image category.

  3. Click the Edit button to start the virtual machine. Once the Golden Image virtual machine starts, open a browser in the VM and go to

4. Click the Code menu and select Download ZIP.

  1. Create a folder (ex. "C:\VDOT").

  2. Unblock the downloaded .zip file, either manually using File > Properties, or using the Unblock-File PowerShell command.

  3. Extract the VDOT download to the folder you created (ex. "C:\VDOT").

  4. Start an elevated PowerShell prompt.

  5. In PowerShell, change the directory to the folder that contains scripts (ex. "C:\VDOT").

  6. Run the following PowerShell commands:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process

This allows PowerShell script execution but only as long as the app is open.

.\Windows_VDOT.ps1 -Optimizations All -AdvancedOptimizations RemoveOneDrive -Verbose -AcceptEULA -Restart

This will run every VDOT optimization with verbose output, automatically accept the EULA, and restart the device.

  1. Once the machine reboots, reconnect and save your Golden Image.

You can find the full documentation and advanced parameters at

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