
Desktops based on the Golden Image and all applications installed on it can be made available to users from the Applications category. This is called publishing resources.

How to publish a resource

To publish a resource:

  1. If you want to publish an application, make sure that it is installed on the Golden image. Desktops are always available for publishing.

  2. In the Applications category, click the Add/Remove apps button. You will see the lists of available resources.

  3. Toggle on the switch next to the resource you want to publish.

Note: If you cannot find your application in the list of available applications, make sure the shortcut to your application exists in the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs folder on the Golden Image, and if it's not there, create it and save the changes.

How to unpublish a resource

You can unpublish resources in two ways.

To unpublish a resource via the Published items list:

  1. In the Applications category, click the Add/Remove apps button. You will see the lists of available resources.

  2. Toggle off the switch next to the resource you want to unpublish.

To unpublish a resource via the Applications category:

In the Applications category, select the resource you want to unpublish and click the Unpublish button to the right of the Published Apps list.

Last updated

Other Resources


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