Multi Session
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Retrieve the Azure Virtaul Desktop Default settings.
Site ID
AVD Default Object Type
Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Agent Settings
User Profile Settings
Application Packages Assigned
Image Optimization
Action Settings
Host Pool Printer Settings
Auto-upgrade Settings
const response = await fetch('/api/AVD/DefaultSettings/MultiSession', {
method: 'GET',
headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
"siteId": 1,
"defObjType": [
"71 = AVDMultiSessionDefaultSettings",
"72 = AVDSingleSessionDefaultSettings"
"agent": {
"disconnectActiveSessionAfter": 1,
"logoffDisconnectedSessionAfter": 1,
"sessionReadinessTimeout": 1,
"allowURLAndMailRedirection": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = Enabled",
"2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration"
"supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": true,
"dragAndDropMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"allowRemoteExec": true,
"manageRDPTransportProtocol": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = BothUDPTCP",
"2 = OnlyTCP",
"3 = EitherUDPTCP"
"fileTransferMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"fileTransferLocation": "text",
"fileTransferLockLocation": true,
"enableDriveRedirectionCache": true,
"manageRDPShortpath": true,
"appMonitor": true,
"useRDPShortpath": true,
"useSmallerPortRange": true,
"minRDPShortpathPort": 1,
"maxRDPShortpathPort": 1
"userProfile": {
"technology": [
"0 = DoNotManage",
"1 = UPD",
"2 = FSLogix"
"fsLogix": {
"profileContainer": {
"enabled": true,
"locationType": [
"0 = SMBLocation",
"1 = CloudCache"
"vhdLocations": [
"ccdLocations": [
"profileDiskFormat": [
"0 = VHD",
"1 = VHDX"
"allocationType": [
"0 = Dynamic",
"1 = Full"
"defaultSize": 1,
"userInclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"userExclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"cloudCache": {
"useMaxCacheSizeInMBs": true,
"maxCacheSizeInMBs": 1,
"useClearCacheOnLogoff": true,
"clearCacheOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": 1,
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": 1,
"useUnregisterTimeout": true,
"unregisterTimeout": 1,
"useClearCacheOnForcedUnregister": true,
"clearCacheOnForcedUnregister": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"customizeProfileFolders": true,
"excludeCommonFolders": [
"1 = Contacts",
"2 = Desktop",
"4 = Documents",
"8 = Links",
"16 = MusicPodcasts",
"32 = PicturesVideos",
"64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses",
"128 = Downloads"
"folderInclusionList": [
"folderExclusionList": [
"folder": "text",
"excludeFolderCopy": [
"0 = None",
"1 = CopyBase",
"2 = CopyBack"
"advancedSettings": {
"useLockedRetryCount": true,
"lockedRetryCount": 1,
"useLockedRetryInterval": true,
"lockedRetryInterval": 1,
"useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": true,
"accessNetworkAsComputerObject": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useAttachVHDSDDL": true,
"attachVHDSDDL": "text",
"useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": true,
"diffDiskParentFolderPath": "text",
"useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": true,
"flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useNoProfileContainingFolder": true,
"noProfileContainingFolder": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useOutlookCachedMode": true,
"outlookCachedMode": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithFailure": true,
"preventLoginWithFailure": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": true,
"preventLoginWithTempProfile": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useReAttachRetryCount": true,
"reAttachRetryCount": 1,
"useReAttachIntervalSeconds": true,
"reAttachIntervalSeconds": 1,
"useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": true,
"removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamSearch": true,
"roamSearch": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = SingleUser",
"2 = MultiUser"
"useSIDDirNameMatch": true,
"sidDirNameMatch": "text",
"useSIDDirNamePattern": true,
"sidDirNamePattern": "text",
"useSIDDirSDDL": true,
"sidDirSDDL": "text",
"useVHDNameMatch": true,
"vhdNameMatch": "text",
"useVHDNamePattern": true,
"vhdNamePattern": "text",
"useVHDXSectorSize": true,
"vhdxSectorSize": [
"0 = SystemDefault",
"512 = Size_512",
"4096 = Size_4096"
"useVolumeWaitTimeMS": true,
"volumeWaitTimeMS": 1,
"useIgnoreNonAVD": true,
"ignoreNonAVD": [
"0 = AnySession",
"1 = AVDSessions"
"useRedirectType": true,
"redirectType": [
"1 = Legacy",
"2 = Advanced"
"useKeepLocalDir": true,
"keepLocalDir": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": true,
"deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useProfileDirSDDL": true,
"profileDirSDDL": "text",
"useProfileType": true,
"profileType": [
"0 = NormalProfile",
"1 = OnlyRWProfile",
"2 = OnlyROProfile",
"3 = RWROProfile"
"useSetTempToLocalPath": true,
"setTempToLocalPath": [
"0 = TakeNoAction",
"1 = RedirectTempAndTmp",
"2 = RedirectINetCache",
"3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache"
"useCleanOutNotifications": true,
"cleanOutNotifications": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useInstallAppxPackages": true,
"installAppxPackages": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRebootOnUserLogoff": true,
"rebootOnUserLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamIdentity": true,
"roamIdentity": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useShutdownOnUserLogoff": true,
"shutdownOnUserLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"officeContainer": {
"enabled": true,
"locationType": [
"0 = SMBLocation",
"1 = CloudCache"
"vhdLocations": [
"ccdLocations": [
"profileDiskFormat": [
"0 = VHD",
"1 = VHDX"
"allocationType": [
"0 = Dynamic",
"1 = Full"
"defaultSize": 1,
"userInclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"userExclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"cloudCache": {
"useMaxCacheSizeInMBs": true,
"maxCacheSizeInMBs": 1,
"useClearCacheOnLogoff": true,
"clearCacheOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": 1,
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": 1,
"useUnregisterTimeout": true,
"unregisterTimeout": 1,
"useClearCacheOnForcedUnregister": true,
"clearCacheOnForcedUnregister": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"advancedSettings": {
"useLockedRetryCount": true,
"lockedRetryCount": 1,
"useLockedRetryInterval": true,
"lockedRetryInterval": 1,
"useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": true,
"accessNetworkAsComputerObject": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useAttachVHDSDDL": true,
"attachVHDSDDL": "text",
"useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": true,
"diffDiskParentFolderPath": "text",
"useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": true,
"flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useNoProfileContainingFolder": true,
"noProfileContainingFolder": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useOutlookCachedMode": true,
"outlookCachedMode": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithFailure": true,
"preventLoginWithFailure": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": true,
"preventLoginWithTempProfile": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useReAttachRetryCount": true,
"reAttachRetryCount": 1,
"useReAttachIntervalSeconds": true,
"reAttachIntervalSeconds": 1,
"useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": true,
"removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamSearch": true,
"roamSearch": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = SingleUser",
"2 = MultiUser"
"useSIDDirNameMatch": true,
"sidDirNameMatch": "text",
"useSIDDirNamePattern": true,
"sidDirNamePattern": "text",
"useSIDDirSDDL": true,
"sidDirSDDL": "text",
"useVHDNameMatch": true,
"vhdNameMatch": "text",
"useVHDNamePattern": true,
"vhdNamePattern": "text",
"useVHDXSectorSize": true,
"vhdxSectorSize": [
"0 = SystemDefault",
"512 = Size_512",
"4096 = Size_4096"
"useVolumeWaitTimeMS": true,
"volumeWaitTimeMS": 1,
"useIgnoreNonAVD": true,
"ignoreNonAVD": [
"0 = AnySession",
"1 = AVDSessions"
"useRedirectType": true,
"redirectType": [
"1 = Legacy",
"2 = Advanced"
"useIncludeOfficeActivation": true,
"includeOfficeActivation": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOneDrive": true,
"includeOneDrive": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOneNote": true,
"includeOneNote": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOneNoteUWP": true,
"includeOneNoteUWP": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOutlook": true,
"includeOutlook": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOutlookPersonalization": true,
"includeOutlookPersonalization": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeSharepoint": true,
"includeSharepoint": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeSkype": true,
"includeSkype": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeTeams": true,
"includeTeams": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useMirrorLocalOSTToVHD": true,
"mirrorLocalOSTToVHD": [
"0 = DoNothing",
"1 = Copy",
"2 = Move"
"useNumSessionVHDsToKeep": true,
"numSessionVHDsToKeep": 1,
"useOutlookFolderPath": true,
"outlookFolderPath": "text",
"useRefreshUserPolicy": true,
"refreshUserPolicy": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useVHDAccessMode": true,
"vhdAccessMode": [
"0 = NormalDirectAccess",
"1 = DiffDiskNetwork",
"2 = DiffDiskLocal",
"3 = UniqueVHDPerSession"
"generalSettings": {
"appServices": {
"useCleanupInvalidSessions": true,
"cleanupInvalidSessions": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamRecycleBin": true,
"roamRecycleBin": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useVHDCompactDisk": true,
"vhdCompactDisk": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"cloudCacheGeneral": {
"useCacheDirectory": true,
"cacheDirectory": "text",
"useWriteCacheDirectory": true,
"writeCacheDirectory": "text",
"useProxyDirectory": true,
"proxyDirectory": "text",
"useSilenceACLWarning": true,
"silenceACLWarning": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"logging": {
"logEnabled": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Specific",
"2 = All"
"logLevel": [
"0 = Debug",
"1 = Information",
"2 = Warning",
"3 = Error"
"logFileKeepingPeriod": 1,
"logDirectory": "text",
"robocopyLogPath": "text",
"logSpecificComponents": [
"1 = ProfileConfigTool",
"2 = IEPlugin",
"4 = RuleEditor",
"8 = JavaRuleEditor",
"16 = FSLogixAgentService",
"32 = Profile",
"64 = JavaLauncher",
"128 = OfficeContainer",
"256 = RuleCompilation",
"512 = FontVisibility",
"1024 = Network",
"2048 = PrinterVisibility",
"4096 = ADSComputerGroup",
"8192 = DriverInterface",
"16384 = WindowsSearchRoaming",
"32768 = WindowsSearchPlugin",
"65536 = ProcessStartMonitor"
"appPackagesAssigned": {
"applicationPackagesAssigned": [
"version": "text",
"tagName": "text",
"tagId": 1,
"packageName": "text"
"optimization": {
"enableOptimization": true,
"optimizationType": [
"0 = Automatic",
"1 = Manual"
"windowsDefenderATP": {
"winDefATPTurnOffOn": [
"0 = TurnOffWindowsDefenderATP",
"1 = TurnOnWindowsDefenderATP"
"disableRealTimeProtection": true,
"excludeFolders": [
"excludeProcesses": [
"excludeExtension": [
"windowsComponents": {
"windowsComponentsList": [
"type": [
"0 = Predefined",
"1 = Custom"
"componentName": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"aliases": "text"
"windowsDefenderATPEnabled": true,
"windowsComponentsEnabled": true,
"windowsServicesEnabled": true,
"windowsScheduledTasksEnabled": true,
"windowsAdvancedOptionsEnabled": true,
"networkPerformanceEnabled": true,
"registryEnabled": true,
"visualEffectsEnabled": true,
"diskCleanupEnabled": true,
"customScriptEnabled": true,
"windowsServices": {
"windowsServicesList": [
"type": [
"0 = Predefined",
"1 = Custom"
"serviceName": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"aliases": "text"
"windowsAdvancedOptions": {
"partialStartLayoutContent": "text",
"hibernate": true,
"teleCollection": true,
"systemRestore": true,
"additionalErrorReport": true,
"tiles": true,
"cortana": true,
"microsoftConsumerExperience": true,
"windowsTips": true,
"commonProgramGroups": true,
"partialStartMenu": true
"networkPerformance": {
"dirCacheMax": 1,
"dormantFileLimit": 1,
"fileNotFoundCache": 1,
"fileInfoCache": 1,
"fileInfoCacheEnable": true,
"directoryCacheEnable": true,
"fileNotFoundCacheEnable": true,
"dormantFileLimitEnable": true,
"disableTCP": true,
"disableIPv6CompEnable": true,
"disableIPv6ToIPv4": true,
"disableIsaTap": true
"customScript": {
"arguments": "text",
"command": "text",
"initDir": "text",
"user": "text"
"diskCleanup": {
"cleanupWinSxSFolder": true,
"cleanupSystemFiles": true,
"cleanupTemporaryFileLogs": true,
"removeOneDrive": true,
"deleteUserProfiles": true
"visualEffects": {
"visualEffectsTypes": [
"0 = LetWindowsChooseWhatsBest",
"1 = AdjustForBestAppearance",
"2 = AdjustForBestPerformance",
"3 = Custom"
"animateControlSelectElements": true,
"animateWindowsWhenMinimizingMaximizing": true,
"animateTaskbar": true,
"enablePeek": true,
"fadeSlideMenus": true,
"fadeSlideToolTips": true,
"fadeOutMenuItems": true,
"saveTaskbarThumbnail": true,
"showShadowUnderMouse": true,
"shadowUnderWindows": true,
"thumbnailsInsteadOfIcons": true,
"showTranslucentSelection": true,
"showWindowsContentWhilstDragging": true,
"slideOpenComboBoxes": true,
"smoothEdgesScreenFonts": true,
"smoothScrollListBoxes": true,
"dropShadowsIcon": true
"windowsScheduledTasks": {
"windowsScheduledTasksList": [
"task": "text",
"location": "text",
"type": [
"0 = Folder",
"1 = Task"
"registry": {
"registryList": [
"id": 1,
"action": [
"0 = Add",
"1 = Modify",
"2 = Delete"
"registryName": "text",
"dwordValue": 1,
"displayName": "text",
"hiveType": [
"path": "text",
"regType": [
"0 = REG_SZ",
"1 = REG_DWORD",
"2 = REG_QWORD",
"stringValue": "text"
"uwpApps": {
"allExcept": [
"followingPkgs": [
"removeType": [
"0 = AllExcept",
"1 = FollowingPkgs"
"action": {
"sessionAction": [
"0 = Disconnect",
"1 = Logoff"
"performAction": [
"0 = DoNothing",
"2 = Shutdown",
"4 = Suspend",
"7 = Delete",
"8 = Restart",
"9 = Unassign",
"10 = Recreate"
"performActionAfterSec": 1
"rdpPrinter": {
"printerNameFormat": [
"0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES",
"1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN",
"2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES"
"removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": true,
"removeClientNameFromPrinterName": true
"autoUpgrade": {
"enabled": true,
"startDateTime": "2025-02-05T03:46:46.998Z",
"drainModeDurationInSecs": 1,
"forceLogoffSessions": true,
"repeat": [
"0 = Never",
"1 = EveryDay",
"2 = EveryWeek",
"3 = Every2Weeks",
"4 = EveryMonth",
"5 = EveryYear",
"6 = SpecificDays"
"specificDays": [
"0 = Never",
"1 = Sunday",
"2 = Monday",
"4 = Tuesday",
"8 = Wednesday",
"16 = Thursday",
"32 = Friday",
"64 = Saturday"
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"messageTitle": "text",
"message": "text",
"sendMsgSecs": 1,
"sendMsgWhen": [
"0 = Before",
"1 = After"
Update the Azure Virtaul Desktop default settings.
Azure Virtaul Desktop default settings.
User Profile Technology values.
Disconnect active session after (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'.
Logoff disconnected session after (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-1641600 seconds; 0 for 'Never'; 1 for 'Immediate'.
Session readiness timeout (in seconds). Accepted values: 20-3600 seconds.
Specifies if 'Allow 2XRemoteExec to send command to the client' option is enabled or disabled.
URL and Mail Redirection values.
Specifies if 'Support Shell URL Namespace Objects' option is enabled or disabled.
Manage RDP transport protocol.
Specifies if 'Allow RDP Shortpath' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow Application Monitoring' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Allow RDP Shortpath' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Use Smaller Port' option is enabled or disabled.
The minimum RDP Shortpath Port.
The maximum RDP Shortpath Port.
Drag and drop redirection values.
File Transfer Control modes.
Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
Lock Location where the File Transfer takes place, if and where it is allowed.
Specifies if the 'Enable Drive Redirection Cache' option is enabled or disabled.
Session Action type
Perform Action type
Perform action after (in seconds)
Printer Name Format
Specifies if 'Remove session number from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.
Specifies if 'Remove client name from printer name' option is enabled or disabled.
No Content
const response = await fetch('/api/AVD/DefaultSettings/MultiSession', {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; api-version=1.0"
body: JSON.stringify({
"technology": [
"0 = DoNotManage",
"1 = UPD",
"2 = FSLogix"
"allowURLAndMailRedirection": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = Enabled",
"2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration"
"manageRDPTransportProtocol": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = BothUDPTCP",
"2 = OnlyTCP",
"3 = EitherUDPTCP"
"dragAndDropMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"fileTransferMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"sessionAction": [
"0 = Disconnect",
"1 = Logoff"
"performAction": [
"0 = DoNothing",
"2 = Shutdown",
"4 = Suspend",
"7 = Delete",
"8 = Restart",
"9 = Unassign",
"10 = Recreate"
"printerNameFormat": [
"0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES",
"1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN",
"2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES"
const data = await response.json();
"type": "text",
"title": "text",
"status": 1,
"detail": "text",
"instance": "text",