
List AVD Host Sessions

Retrieve a list of Host Sessions by Site Id.

Query parameters


idnullable string

ID of RAS Agent.

siteIdinteger (int32)

ID of Site.


Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected

RAS Status Type

1 = RDSHost,2 = Provider,3 = Gateway,4 = Guest,7 = PA,9 = Site,16 = RDSGroup,25 = HALBDevice,45 = TenantBroker,46 = Enrollment,51 = HALB,64 = AVDWorkspace,65 = AVDHostPool,66 = AVDTemplate,67 = AVDHost,95 = VDITemplateVersion,96 = AVDTemplateVersion,97 = RDSTemplateVersion,107 = RDSTemplate,108 = VDITemplate,2013 = VDIHost,-1 = All
agentVernullable string

Agent Version.

servernullable string

Server name.

serverOSnullable string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineIdnullable string

Id of the machine


RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
cpuLoadinteger (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoadinteger (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskReadinteger (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWriteinteger (int32)

Disk Write.


Whether the object is enabled or not.

hostIPnullable string

Host IP Address.


Power State

0 = Unknown,1 = PoweringOn,2 = PoweredOn,4 = PoweringOff,8 = PoweredOff,16 = Suspending,32 = Suspended,64 = FailedToCreate,512 = Sysprep,1024 = Cloning,2048 = Deleting,4096 = Rasprep,4097 = Connected,4098 = Disconnected

Host Assignment Type

1 = User,2 = Device
usernullable string


disksnullable string


avdAgentnullable string

AVD Agent name.

subnetNamenullable string

Subnet name.


AVD user session

const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/VM/AVDHost/Session', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "id": "text",
    "siteId": 1,
    "agentState": [
      "0 = OK",
      "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
      "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
      "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
      "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
      "5 = ConnectionFailed",
      "6 = InvalidCredentials",
      "7 = NeedsSysprep",
      "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
      "9 = CloningFailed",
      "10 = Synchronising",
      "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
      "14 = LogonDrain",
      "15 = LogonDisabled",
      "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
      "17 = CloningCanceled",
      "18 = RASprepInProgress",
      "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
      "21 = RebootPending",
      "22 = PortMismatch",
      "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
      "24 = NotApplied",
      "25 = CloningInProgress",
      "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
      "27 = StandBy",
      "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
      "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
      "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
      "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
      "33 = NotJoined",
      "35 = LicenseExpired",
      "36 = JoinBroken",
      "37 = InUse",
      "38 = NotInUse",
      "39 = Unsupported",
      "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
      "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
      "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
      "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
      "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
      "45 = InvalidESSettings",
      "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
      "47 = NoDevices",
      "48 = NeedsAttention",
      "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
      "50 = ImageOptimization",
      "51 = Unavailable",
      "52 = UnderConstruction",
      "53 = Broken",
      "54 = NonRAS",
      "55 = Provisioning",
      "56 = Invalid",
      "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
      "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
      "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
      "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
      "61 = PendingRecreation",
      "62 = RemovingMembers",
      "63 = AddingMembers",
      "64 = DeleteInProgress",
      "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
      "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
      "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
      "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
      "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
      "-6 = Unknown",
      "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
      "-4 = NotVerified",
      "-3 = ServerDeleted",
      "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
      "-1 = Disconnected"
    "serverType": [
      "1 = RDSHost",
      "2 = Provider",
      "3 = Gateway",
      "4 = Guest",
      "7 = PA",
      "9 = Site",
      "16 = RDSGroup",
      "25 = HALBDevice",
      "45 = TenantBroker",
      "46 = Enrollment",
      "51 = HALB",
      "64 = AVDWorkspace",
      "65 = AVDHostPool",
      "66 = AVDTemplate",
      "67 = AVDHost",
      "95 = VDITemplateVersion",
      "96 = AVDTemplateVersion",
      "97 = RDSTemplateVersion",
      "107 = RDSTemplate",
      "108 = VDITemplate",
      "2013 = VDIHost",
      "-1 = All"
    "agentVer": "text",
    "server": "text",
    "serverOS": "text",
    "serviceStartTime": "text",
    "systemBootTime": "text",
    "unhandledExceptions": 1,
    "machineId": "text",
    "logLevel": [
      "0 = Critical",
      "1 = Error",
      "2 = Warning",
      "3 = Standard",
      "4 = Extended",
      "5 = Verbose",
      "-1 = None"
    "cpuLoad": 1,
    "memLoad": 1,
    "diskRead": 1,
    "diskWrite": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "hostIP": "text",
    "powerState": [
      "0 = Unknown",
      "1 = PoweringOn",
      "2 = PoweredOn",
      "4 = PoweringOff",
      "8 = PoweredOff",
      "16 = Suspending",
      "32 = Suspended",
      "64 = FailedToCreate",
      "512 = Sysprep",
      "1024 = Cloning",
      "2048 = Deleting",
      "4096 = Rasprep",
      "4097 = Connected",
      "4098 = Disconnected"
    "assignment": [
      "1 = User",
      "2 = Device"
    "user": "text",
    "disks": "text",
    "avdAgent": "text",
    "subnetName": "text",
    "session": {
      "sessionID": 1,
      "ip": "text",
      "serverID": 1,
      "type": [
        "0 = Desktop",
        "1 = PublishedApps",
        "2 = Application",
        "3 = VDI",
        "4 = VDIApp",
        "5 = PC",
        "6 = PCApp",
        "7 = Admin",
        "8 = Unknown",
        "9 = RemoteApps",
        "10 = DirectRDP",
        "-1 = All"
      "user": "text",
      "themeID": 1,
      "connectionMode": [
        "0 = GatewayMode",
        "1 = DirectMode",
        "2 = GatewaySSLMode",
        "3 = DirectSSLMode",
        "4 = DirectRDPMode",
        "200 = Unknown"
      "authenticationType": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Credentials",
        "2 = SCard",
        "3 = SAML"
      "idleStartTime": "2025-02-05T03:55:36.900Z",
      "mfaProvider": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Deepnet",
        "2 = SafeNet",
        "3 = Radius",
        "4 = AzureRadius",
        "5 = DuoRadius",
        "6 = FortiRadius",
        "7 = TekRadius",
        "8 = GAuthTOTP",
        "9 = TOTP",
        "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
        "11 = EmailOTP"
      "rfiCount": 1,
      "rfiInfoList": [
          "type": [
            "0 = Unknown",
            "1 = HALBInst",
            "2 = Gateway",
            "3 = ForwardingGateway",
            "4 = HALBDevice",
            "5 = HTML5",
            "6 = Other",
            "7 = AVDGateway"
          "ip": "text"
      "logonDuration": 1,
      "connectionDuration": 1,
      "authenticationDuration": 1,
      "rasPolicyLookup": 1,
      "hostPreparation": 1,
      "groupPolicyLoadTime": 1,
      "userProfileLoadTime": 1,
      "desktopLoadTime": 1,
      "logonOthersDuration": 1,
      "userProfileType": [
        "0 = Unknown",
        "1 = Others",
        "2 = UPD",
        "3 = FSLogix"
      "uxEvaluator": 1,
      "connectionQuality": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Poor",
        "2 = Fair",
        "3 = Good",
        "4 = Excellent"
      "latency": 1,
      "protocol": [
        "0 = Console",
        "2 = RDP",
        "10 = RDP_UDP"
      "bandwidthAvailability": 1,
      "lastReconnects": 1,
      "reconnects": 1,
      "disconnectReason": "text",
      "state": [
        "0 = Active",
        "1 = Connected",
        "2 = ConnectQuery",
        "3 = Shadow",
        "4 = Disconnected",
        "5 = Idle",
        "6 = Listen",
        "7 = Reset",
        "8 = Down",
        "9 = Init",
        "-1 = All"
      "logonTime": "2025-02-05T03:55:36.900Z",
      "sessionLength": 1,
      "idleTime": 1,
      "incomingData": 1,
      "outgoingData": 1,
      "verticalResolution": 1,
      "horizontalResolution": 1,
      "colourDepth": [
        "1 = COLOURDEPTH_4BIT",
        "2 = COLOURDEPTH_8BIT",
        "4 = COLOURDEPTH_16BIT",
        "8 = COLOURDEPTH_3BYTE",
        "16 = COLOURDEPTH_15BIT",
        "24 = COLOURDEPTH_24BIT",
        "32 = COLOURDEPTH_32BIT"
      "bandwidthUsage": 1,
      "deviceName": "text",
      "clientIPAddress": "text",
      "clientOS": "text",
      "clientOSVersion": "text",
      "clientVersion": "text",
      "hostId": "text"

List AVD Host Sessions by Provider Id

Retrieve a list of Host Sessions by Provider Id.

Path parameters
providerId*integer (int32)

The Provider Id from which to retrieve the Hosts.

Query parameters


idnullable string

ID of RAS Agent.

siteIdinteger (int32)

ID of Site.


Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected

RAS Status Type

1 = RDSHost,2 = Provider,3 = Gateway,4 = Guest,7 = PA,9 = Site,16 = RDSGroup,25 = HALBDevice,45 = TenantBroker,46 = Enrollment,51 = HALB,64 = AVDWorkspace,65 = AVDHostPool,66 = AVDTemplate,67 = AVDHost,95 = VDITemplateVersion,96 = AVDTemplateVersion,97 = RDSTemplateVersion,107 = RDSTemplate,108 = VDITemplate,2013 = VDIHost,-1 = All
agentVernullable string

Agent Version.

servernullable string

Server name.

serverOSnullable string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineIdnullable string

Id of the machine


RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
cpuLoadinteger (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoadinteger (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskReadinteger (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWriteinteger (int32)

Disk Write.


Whether the object is enabled or not.

hostIPnullable string

Host IP Address.


Power State

0 = Unknown,1 = PoweringOn,2 = PoweredOn,4 = PoweringOff,8 = PoweredOff,16 = Suspending,32 = Suspended,64 = FailedToCreate,512 = Sysprep,1024 = Cloning,2048 = Deleting,4096 = Rasprep,4097 = Connected,4098 = Disconnected

Host Assignment Type

1 = User,2 = Device
usernullable string


disksnullable string


avdAgentnullable string

AVD Agent name.

subnetNamenullable string

Subnet name.


AVD user session

const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/AVDHost/Session', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "id": "text",
    "siteId": 1,
    "agentState": [
      "0 = OK",
      "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
      "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
      "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
      "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
      "5 = ConnectionFailed",
      "6 = InvalidCredentials",
      "7 = NeedsSysprep",
      "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
      "9 = CloningFailed",
      "10 = Synchronising",
      "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
      "14 = LogonDrain",
      "15 = LogonDisabled",
      "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
      "17 = CloningCanceled",
      "18 = RASprepInProgress",
      "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
      "21 = RebootPending",
      "22 = PortMismatch",
      "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
      "24 = NotApplied",
      "25 = CloningInProgress",
      "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
      "27 = StandBy",
      "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
      "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
      "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
      "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
      "33 = NotJoined",
      "35 = LicenseExpired",
      "36 = JoinBroken",
      "37 = InUse",
      "38 = NotInUse",
      "39 = Unsupported",
      "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
      "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
      "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
      "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
      "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
      "45 = InvalidESSettings",
      "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
      "47 = NoDevices",
      "48 = NeedsAttention",
      "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
      "50 = ImageOptimization",
      "51 = Unavailable",
      "52 = UnderConstruction",
      "53 = Broken",
      "54 = NonRAS",
      "55 = Provisioning",
      "56 = Invalid",
      "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
      "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
      "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
      "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
      "61 = PendingRecreation",
      "62 = RemovingMembers",
      "63 = AddingMembers",
      "64 = DeleteInProgress",
      "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
      "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
      "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
      "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
      "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
      "-6 = Unknown",
      "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
      "-4 = NotVerified",
      "-3 = ServerDeleted",
      "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
      "-1 = Disconnected"
    "serverType": [
      "1 = RDSHost",
      "2 = Provider",
      "3 = Gateway",
      "4 = Guest",
      "7 = PA",
      "9 = Site",
      "16 = RDSGroup",
      "25 = HALBDevice",
      "45 = TenantBroker",
      "46 = Enrollment",
      "51 = HALB",
      "64 = AVDWorkspace",
      "65 = AVDHostPool",
      "66 = AVDTemplate",
      "67 = AVDHost",
      "95 = VDITemplateVersion",
      "96 = AVDTemplateVersion",
      "97 = RDSTemplateVersion",
      "107 = RDSTemplate",
      "108 = VDITemplate",
      "2013 = VDIHost",
      "-1 = All"
    "agentVer": "text",
    "server": "text",
    "serverOS": "text",
    "serviceStartTime": "text",
    "systemBootTime": "text",
    "unhandledExceptions": 1,
    "machineId": "text",
    "logLevel": [
      "0 = Critical",
      "1 = Error",
      "2 = Warning",
      "3 = Standard",
      "4 = Extended",
      "5 = Verbose",
      "-1 = None"
    "cpuLoad": 1,
    "memLoad": 1,
    "diskRead": 1,
    "diskWrite": 1,
    "enabled": true,
    "hostIP": "text",
    "powerState": [
      "0 = Unknown",
      "1 = PoweringOn",
      "2 = PoweredOn",
      "4 = PoweringOff",
      "8 = PoweredOff",
      "16 = Suspending",
      "32 = Suspended",
      "64 = FailedToCreate",
      "512 = Sysprep",
      "1024 = Cloning",
      "2048 = Deleting",
      "4096 = Rasprep",
      "4097 = Connected",
      "4098 = Disconnected"
    "assignment": [
      "1 = User",
      "2 = Device"
    "user": "text",
    "disks": "text",
    "avdAgent": "text",
    "subnetName": "text",
    "session": {
      "sessionID": 1,
      "ip": "text",
      "serverID": 1,
      "type": [
        "0 = Desktop",
        "1 = PublishedApps",
        "2 = Application",
        "3 = VDI",
        "4 = VDIApp",
        "5 = PC",
        "6 = PCApp",
        "7 = Admin",
        "8 = Unknown",
        "9 = RemoteApps",
        "10 = DirectRDP",
        "-1 = All"
      "user": "text",
      "themeID": 1,
      "connectionMode": [
        "0 = GatewayMode",
        "1 = DirectMode",
        "2 = GatewaySSLMode",
        "3 = DirectSSLMode",
        "4 = DirectRDPMode",
        "200 = Unknown"
      "authenticationType": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Credentials",
        "2 = SCard",
        "3 = SAML"
      "idleStartTime": "2025-02-05T03:55:36.900Z",
      "mfaProvider": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Deepnet",
        "2 = SafeNet",
        "3 = Radius",
        "4 = AzureRadius",
        "5 = DuoRadius",
        "6 = FortiRadius",
        "7 = TekRadius",
        "8 = GAuthTOTP",
        "9 = TOTP",
        "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
        "11 = EmailOTP"
      "rfiCount": 1,
      "rfiInfoList": [
          "type": [
            "0 = Unknown",
            "1 = HALBInst",
            "2 = Gateway",
            "3 = ForwardingGateway",
            "4 = HALBDevice",
            "5 = HTML5",
            "6 = Other",
            "7 = AVDGateway"
          "ip": "text"
      "logonDuration": 1,
      "connectionDuration": 1,
      "authenticationDuration": 1,
      "rasPolicyLookup": 1,
      "hostPreparation": 1,
      "groupPolicyLoadTime": 1,
      "userProfileLoadTime": 1,
      "desktopLoadTime": 1,
      "logonOthersDuration": 1,
      "userProfileType": [
        "0 = Unknown",
        "1 = Others",
        "2 = UPD",
        "3 = FSLogix"
      "uxEvaluator": 1,
      "connectionQuality": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Poor",
        "2 = Fair",
        "3 = Good",
        "4 = Excellent"
      "latency": 1,
      "protocol": [
        "0 = Console",
        "2 = RDP",
        "10 = RDP_UDP"
      "bandwidthAvailability": 1,
      "lastReconnects": 1,
      "reconnects": 1,
      "disconnectReason": "text",
      "state": [
        "0 = Active",
        "1 = Connected",
        "2 = ConnectQuery",
        "3 = Shadow",
        "4 = Disconnected",
        "5 = Idle",
        "6 = Listen",
        "7 = Reset",
        "8 = Down",
        "9 = Init",
        "-1 = All"
      "logonTime": "2025-02-05T03:55:36.900Z",
      "sessionLength": 1,
      "idleTime": 1,
      "incomingData": 1,
      "outgoingData": 1,
      "verticalResolution": 1,
      "horizontalResolution": 1,
      "colourDepth": [
        "1 = COLOURDEPTH_4BIT",
        "2 = COLOURDEPTH_8BIT",
        "4 = COLOURDEPTH_16BIT",
        "8 = COLOURDEPTH_3BYTE",
        "16 = COLOURDEPTH_15BIT",
        "24 = COLOURDEPTH_24BIT",
        "32 = COLOURDEPTH_32BIT"
      "bandwidthUsage": 1,
      "deviceName": "text",
      "clientIPAddress": "text",
      "clientOS": "text",
      "clientOSVersion": "text",
      "clientVersion": "text",
      "hostId": "text"

Get AVD Host Session

Retrieve the Host Sessions.

Path parameters
providerId*integer (int32)

The Provider Id from which to retrieve the Hosts.


The ID of the Host for which to retrieve the status.

Query parameters


idnullable string

ID of RAS Agent.

siteIdinteger (int32)

ID of Site.


Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected

RAS Status Type

1 = RDSHost,2 = Provider,3 = Gateway,4 = Guest,7 = PA,9 = Site,16 = RDSGroup,25 = HALBDevice,45 = TenantBroker,46 = Enrollment,51 = HALB,64 = AVDWorkspace,65 = AVDHostPool,66 = AVDTemplate,67 = AVDHost,95 = VDITemplateVersion,96 = AVDTemplateVersion,97 = RDSTemplateVersion,107 = RDSTemplate,108 = VDITemplate,2013 = VDIHost,-1 = All
agentVernullable string

Agent Version.

servernullable string

Server name.

serverOSnullable string

Server Operating System.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

machineIdnullable string

Id of the machine


RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
cpuLoadinteger (int32)

CPU load percentage.

memLoadinteger (int32)

Memory load percentage.

diskReadinteger (int32)

Disk Read.

diskWriteinteger (int32)

Disk Write.


Whether the object is enabled or not.

hostIPnullable string

Host IP Address.


Power State

0 = Unknown,1 = PoweringOn,2 = PoweredOn,4 = PoweringOff,8 = PoweredOff,16 = Suspending,32 = Suspended,64 = FailedToCreate,512 = Sysprep,1024 = Cloning,2048 = Deleting,4096 = Rasprep,4097 = Connected,4098 = Disconnected

Host Assignment Type

1 = User,2 = Device
usernullable string


disksnullable string


avdAgentnullable string

AVD Agent name.

subnetNamenullable string

Subnet name.


AVD user session

const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{id}/AVDHost/Session', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
  "id": "text",
  "siteId": 1,
  "agentState": [
    "0 = OK",
    "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
    "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
    "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
    "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
    "5 = ConnectionFailed",
    "6 = InvalidCredentials",
    "7 = NeedsSysprep",
    "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
    "9 = CloningFailed",
    "10 = Synchronising",
    "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
    "14 = LogonDrain",
    "15 = LogonDisabled",
    "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
    "17 = CloningCanceled",
    "18 = RASprepInProgress",
    "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
    "21 = RebootPending",
    "22 = PortMismatch",
    "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
    "24 = NotApplied",
    "25 = CloningInProgress",
    "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
    "27 = StandBy",
    "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
    "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
    "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
    "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
    "33 = NotJoined",
    "35 = LicenseExpired",
    "36 = JoinBroken",
    "37 = InUse",
    "38 = NotInUse",
    "39 = Unsupported",
    "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
    "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
    "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
    "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
    "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
    "45 = InvalidESSettings",
    "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
    "47 = NoDevices",
    "48 = NeedsAttention",
    "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
    "50 = ImageOptimization",
    "51 = Unavailable",
    "52 = UnderConstruction",
    "53 = Broken",
    "54 = NonRAS",
    "55 = Provisioning",
    "56 = Invalid",
    "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
    "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
    "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
    "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
    "61 = PendingRecreation",
    "62 = RemovingMembers",
    "63 = AddingMembers",
    "64 = DeleteInProgress",
    "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
    "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
    "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
    "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
    "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
    "-6 = Unknown",
    "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
    "-4 = NotVerified",
    "-3 = ServerDeleted",
    "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
    "-1 = Disconnected"
  "serverType": [
    "1 = RDSHost",
    "2 = Provider",
    "3 = Gateway",
    "4 = Guest",
    "7 = PA",
    "9 = Site",
    "16 = RDSGroup",
    "25 = HALBDevice",
    "45 = TenantBroker",
    "46 = Enrollment",
    "51 = HALB",
    "64 = AVDWorkspace",
    "65 = AVDHostPool",
    "66 = AVDTemplate",
    "67 = AVDHost",
    "95 = VDITemplateVersion",
    "96 = AVDTemplateVersion",
    "97 = RDSTemplateVersion",
    "107 = RDSTemplate",
    "108 = VDITemplate",
    "2013 = VDIHost",
    "-1 = All"
  "agentVer": "text",
  "server": "text",
  "serverOS": "text",
  "serviceStartTime": "text",
  "systemBootTime": "text",
  "unhandledExceptions": 1,
  "machineId": "text",
  "logLevel": [
    "0 = Critical",
    "1 = Error",
    "2 = Warning",
    "3 = Standard",
    "4 = Extended",
    "5 = Verbose",
    "-1 = None"
  "cpuLoad": 1,
  "memLoad": 1,
  "diskRead": 1,
  "diskWrite": 1,
  "enabled": true,
  "hostIP": "text",
  "powerState": [
    "0 = Unknown",
    "1 = PoweringOn",
    "2 = PoweredOn",
    "4 = PoweringOff",
    "8 = PoweredOff",
    "16 = Suspending",
    "32 = Suspended",
    "64 = FailedToCreate",
    "512 = Sysprep",
    "1024 = Cloning",
    "2048 = Deleting",
    "4096 = Rasprep",
    "4097 = Connected",
    "4098 = Disconnected"
  "assignment": [
    "1 = User",
    "2 = Device"
  "user": "text",
  "disks": "text",
  "avdAgent": "text",
  "subnetName": "text",
  "session": {
    "sessionID": 1,
    "ip": "text",
    "serverID": 1,
    "type": [
      "0 = Desktop",
      "1 = PublishedApps",
      "2 = Application",
      "3 = VDI",
      "4 = VDIApp",
      "5 = PC",
      "6 = PCApp",
      "7 = Admin",
      "8 = Unknown",
      "9 = RemoteApps",
      "10 = DirectRDP",
      "-1 = All"
    "user": "text",
    "themeID": 1,
    "connectionMode": [
      "0 = GatewayMode",
      "1 = DirectMode",
      "2 = GatewaySSLMode",
      "3 = DirectSSLMode",
      "4 = DirectRDPMode",
      "200 = Unknown"
    "authenticationType": [
      "0 = None",
      "1 = Credentials",
      "2 = SCard",
      "3 = SAML"
    "idleStartTime": "2025-02-05T03:55:36.900Z",
    "mfaProvider": [
      "0 = None",
      "1 = Deepnet",
      "2 = SafeNet",
      "3 = Radius",
      "4 = AzureRadius",
      "5 = DuoRadius",
      "6 = FortiRadius",
      "7 = TekRadius",
      "8 = GAuthTOTP",
      "9 = TOTP",
      "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
      "11 = EmailOTP"
    "rfiCount": 1,
    "rfiInfoList": [
        "type": [
          "0 = Unknown",
          "1 = HALBInst",
          "2 = Gateway",
          "3 = ForwardingGateway",
          "4 = HALBDevice",
          "5 = HTML5",
          "6 = Other",
          "7 = AVDGateway"
        "ip": "text"
    "logonDuration": 1,
    "connectionDuration": 1,
    "authenticationDuration": 1,
    "rasPolicyLookup": 1,
    "hostPreparation": 1,
    "groupPolicyLoadTime": 1,
    "userProfileLoadTime": 1,
    "desktopLoadTime": 1,
    "logonOthersDuration": 1,
    "userProfileType": [
      "0 = Unknown",
      "1 = Others",
      "2 = UPD",
      "3 = FSLogix"
    "uxEvaluator": 1,
    "connectionQuality": [
      "0 = None",
      "1 = Poor",
      "2 = Fair",
      "3 = Good",
      "4 = Excellent"
    "latency": 1,
    "protocol": [
      "0 = Console",
      "2 = RDP",
      "10 = RDP_UDP"
    "bandwidthAvailability": 1,
    "lastReconnects": 1,
    "reconnects": 1,
    "disconnectReason": "text",
    "state": [
      "0 = Active",
      "1 = Connected",
      "2 = ConnectQuery",
      "3 = Shadow",
      "4 = Disconnected",
      "5 = Idle",
      "6 = Listen",
      "7 = Reset",
      "8 = Down",
      "9 = Init",
      "-1 = All"
    "logonTime": "2025-02-05T03:55:36.900Z",
    "sessionLength": 1,
    "idleTime": 1,
    "incomingData": 1,
    "outgoingData": 1,
    "verticalResolution": 1,
    "horizontalResolution": 1,
    "colourDepth": [
      "1 = COLOURDEPTH_4BIT",
      "2 = COLOURDEPTH_8BIT",
      "4 = COLOURDEPTH_16BIT",
      "8 = COLOURDEPTH_3BYTE",
      "16 = COLOURDEPTH_15BIT",
      "24 = COLOURDEPTH_24BIT",
      "32 = COLOURDEPTH_32BIT"
    "bandwidthUsage": 1,
    "deviceName": "text",
    "clientIPAddress": "text",
    "clientOS": "text",
    "clientOSVersion": "text",
    "clientVersion": "text",
    "hostId": "text"

Last updated

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