
List Host Statuses by Site ID

Retrieve the list of all statuses.

Query parameters


namenullable string

Provider name.

servernullable string

FQDN or IP address of the RAS Server.

stateVDIHostState (enum)

VDI Host State

0 = On,1 = OnAgentConnected,2 = Off,3 = Paused,4 = RASTemplate,5 = MaintenanceMode,6 = Cloning,7 = Personalizing,8 = FailedToCreate,-1 = Unknown
connectionVDIHostConn (enum)

VDI Host Connection

0 = Disconnected,1 = Preparing,2 = Waiting,3 = Connected,4 = RASTemplate,-1 = Unknown
templateNamenullable string

Template Name.

templateIDinteger (int32)

Template ID.

templateTypeHostSessionType (enum)

Host Session Type

0 = SingleSession,1 = MultiSession
usernullable string

Provider user name.

ipnullable string

IP of the Provider.

hostIDnullable string

Host ID.

providerIDinteger (int32)

Provider ID.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

logLevelRASLogLevel (enum)

RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
sessionVDIRDPSession (object)

VDI user session


Whether the Provider is in maintenance or not.


Whether the Provider is a template or not.

agentStateAgentState (enum)

Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected
const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/VM/Host/Status', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "name": "text",
    "server": "text",
    "state": [
      "0 = On",
      "1 = OnAgentConnected",
      "2 = Off",
      "3 = Paused",
      "4 = RASTemplate",
      "5 = MaintenanceMode",
      "6 = Cloning",
      "7 = Personalizing",
      "8 = FailedToCreate",
      "-1 = Unknown"
    "connection": [
      "0 = Disconnected",
      "1 = Preparing",
      "2 = Waiting",
      "3 = Connected",
      "4 = RASTemplate",
      "-1 = Unknown"
    "templateName": "text",
    "templateType": [
      "0 = SingleSession",
      "1 = MultiSession"
    "user": "text",
    "ip": "text",
    "hostID": "text",
    "serviceStartTime": "text",
    "systemBootTime": "text",
    "logLevel": [
      "0 = Critical",
      "1 = Error",
      "2 = Warning",
      "3 = Standard",
      "4 = Extended",
      "5 = Verbose",
      "-1 = None"
    "session": {
      "ip": "text",
      "type": [
        "0 = Desktop",
        "1 = PublishedApps",
        "2 = Application",
        "3 = VDI",
        "4 = VDIApp",
        "5 = PC",
        "6 = PCApp",
        "7 = Admin",
        "8 = Unknown",
        "9 = RemoteApps",
        "10 = DirectRDP",
        "-1 = All"
      "user": "text",
      "connectionMode": [
        "0 = GatewayMode",
        "1 = DirectMode",
        "2 = GatewaySSLMode",
        "3 = DirectSSLMode",
        "4 = DirectRDPMode",
        "200 = Unknown"
      "authenticationType": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Credentials",
        "2 = SCard",
        "3 = SAML"
      "idleStartTime": "2024-10-05T05:46:03.929Z",
      "mfaProvider": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Deepnet",
        "2 = SafeNet",
        "3 = Radius",
        "4 = AzureRadius",
        "5 = DuoRadius",
        "6 = FortiRadius",
        "7 = TekRadius",
        "8 = GAuthTOTP",
        "9 = TOTP",
        "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
        "11 = EmailOTP"
      "rfiInfoList": [
          "type": [
            "0 = Unknown",
            "1 = HALBInst",
            "2 = Gateway",
            "3 = ForwardingGateway",
            "4 = HALBDevice",
            "5 = HTML5",
            "6 = Other",
            "7 = AVDGateway"
          "ip": "text"
      "userProfileType": [
        "0 = Unknown",
        "1 = Others",
        "2 = UPD",
        "3 = FSLogix"
      "connectionQuality": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Poor",
        "2 = Fair",
        "3 = Good",
        "4 = Excellent"
      "protocol": [
        "0 = Console",
        "2 = RDP",
        "10 = RDP_UDP"
      "disconnectReason": "text",
      "state": [
        "0 = Active",
        "1 = Connected",
        "2 = ConnectQuery",
        "3 = Shadow",
        "4 = Disconnected",
        "5 = Idle",
        "6 = Listen",
        "7 = Reset",
        "8 = Down",
        "9 = Init",
        "-1 = All"
      "logonTime": "2024-10-05T05:46:03.929Z",
      "colourDepth": [
        "1 = COLOURDEPTH_4BIT",
        "2 = COLOURDEPTH_8BIT",
        "4 = COLOURDEPTH_16BIT",
        "8 = COLOURDEPTH_3BYTE",
        "16 = COLOURDEPTH_15BIT",
        "24 = COLOURDEPTH_24BIT",
        "32 = COLOURDEPTH_32BIT"
      "deviceName": "text",
      "clientIPAddress": "text",
      "clientOS": "text",
      "clientOSVersion": "text",
      "clientVersion": "text",
      "hostId": "text"
    "isMaintenance": false,
    "isTemplate": false,
    "agentState": [
      "0 = OK",
      "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
      "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
      "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
      "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
      "5 = ConnectionFailed",
      "6 = InvalidCredentials",
      "7 = NeedsSysprep",
      "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
      "9 = CloningFailed",
      "10 = Synchronising",
      "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
      "14 = LogonDrain",
      "15 = LogonDisabled",
      "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
      "17 = CloningCanceled",
      "18 = RASprepInProgress",
      "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
      "21 = RebootPending",
      "22 = PortMismatch",
      "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
      "24 = NotApplied",
      "25 = CloningInProgress",
      "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
      "27 = StandBy",
      "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
      "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
      "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
      "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
      "33 = NotJoined",
      "35 = LicenseExpired",
      "36 = JoinBroken",
      "37 = InUse",
      "38 = NotInUse",
      "39 = Unsupported",
      "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
      "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
      "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
      "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
      "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
      "45 = InvalidESSettings",
      "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
      "47 = NoDevices",
      "48 = NeedsAttention",
      "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
      "50 = ImageOptimization",
      "51 = Unavailable",
      "52 = UnderConstruction",
      "53 = Broken",
      "54 = NonRAS",
      "55 = Provisioning",
      "56 = Invalid",
      "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
      "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
      "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
      "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
      "61 = PendingRecreation",
      "62 = RemovingMembers",
      "63 = AddingMembers",
      "64 = DeleteInProgress",
      "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
      "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
      "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
      "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
      "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
      "-6 = Unknown",
      "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
      "-4 = NotVerified",
      "-3 = ServerDeleted",
      "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
      "-1 = Disconnected"

List Host Statuses by Provider ID

Retrieve a list of statuses for a specific Provider.

Path parameters
providerId*integer (int32)

The ID of the Provider server.



namenullable string

Provider name.

servernullable string

FQDN or IP address of the RAS Server.

stateVDIHostState (enum)

VDI Host State

0 = On,1 = OnAgentConnected,2 = Off,3 = Paused,4 = RASTemplate,5 = MaintenanceMode,6 = Cloning,7 = Personalizing,8 = FailedToCreate,-1 = Unknown
connectionVDIHostConn (enum)

VDI Host Connection

0 = Disconnected,1 = Preparing,2 = Waiting,3 = Connected,4 = RASTemplate,-1 = Unknown
templateNamenullable string

Template Name.

templateIDinteger (int32)

Template ID.

templateTypeHostSessionType (enum)

Host Session Type

0 = SingleSession,1 = MultiSession
usernullable string

Provider user name.

ipnullable string

IP of the Provider.

hostIDnullable string

Host ID.

providerIDinteger (int32)

Provider ID.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

logLevelRASLogLevel (enum)

RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
sessionVDIRDPSession (object)

VDI user session


Whether the Provider is in maintenance or not.


Whether the Provider is a template or not.

agentStateAgentState (enum)

Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected
const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/Host/Status', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
    "name": "text",
    "server": "text",
    "state": [
      "0 = On",
      "1 = OnAgentConnected",
      "2 = Off",
      "3 = Paused",
      "4 = RASTemplate",
      "5 = MaintenanceMode",
      "6 = Cloning",
      "7 = Personalizing",
      "8 = FailedToCreate",
      "-1 = Unknown"
    "connection": [
      "0 = Disconnected",
      "1 = Preparing",
      "2 = Waiting",
      "3 = Connected",
      "4 = RASTemplate",
      "-1 = Unknown"
    "templateName": "text",
    "templateType": [
      "0 = SingleSession",
      "1 = MultiSession"
    "user": "text",
    "ip": "text",
    "hostID": "text",
    "serviceStartTime": "text",
    "systemBootTime": "text",
    "logLevel": [
      "0 = Critical",
      "1 = Error",
      "2 = Warning",
      "3 = Standard",
      "4 = Extended",
      "5 = Verbose",
      "-1 = None"
    "session": {
      "ip": "text",
      "type": [
        "0 = Desktop",
        "1 = PublishedApps",
        "2 = Application",
        "3 = VDI",
        "4 = VDIApp",
        "5 = PC",
        "6 = PCApp",
        "7 = Admin",
        "8 = Unknown",
        "9 = RemoteApps",
        "10 = DirectRDP",
        "-1 = All"
      "user": "text",
      "connectionMode": [
        "0 = GatewayMode",
        "1 = DirectMode",
        "2 = GatewaySSLMode",
        "3 = DirectSSLMode",
        "4 = DirectRDPMode",
        "200 = Unknown"
      "authenticationType": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Credentials",
        "2 = SCard",
        "3 = SAML"
      "idleStartTime": "2024-10-05T05:46:03.929Z",
      "mfaProvider": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Deepnet",
        "2 = SafeNet",
        "3 = Radius",
        "4 = AzureRadius",
        "5 = DuoRadius",
        "6 = FortiRadius",
        "7 = TekRadius",
        "8 = GAuthTOTP",
        "9 = TOTP",
        "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
        "11 = EmailOTP"
      "rfiInfoList": [
          "type": [
            "0 = Unknown",
            "1 = HALBInst",
            "2 = Gateway",
            "3 = ForwardingGateway",
            "4 = HALBDevice",
            "5 = HTML5",
            "6 = Other",
            "7 = AVDGateway"
          "ip": "text"
      "userProfileType": [
        "0 = Unknown",
        "1 = Others",
        "2 = UPD",
        "3 = FSLogix"
      "connectionQuality": [
        "0 = None",
        "1 = Poor",
        "2 = Fair",
        "3 = Good",
        "4 = Excellent"
      "protocol": [
        "0 = Console",
        "2 = RDP",
        "10 = RDP_UDP"
      "disconnectReason": "text",
      "state": [
        "0 = Active",
        "1 = Connected",
        "2 = ConnectQuery",
        "3 = Shadow",
        "4 = Disconnected",
        "5 = Idle",
        "6 = Listen",
        "7 = Reset",
        "8 = Down",
        "9 = Init",
        "-1 = All"
      "logonTime": "2024-10-05T05:46:03.929Z",
      "colourDepth": [
        "1 = COLOURDEPTH_4BIT",
        "2 = COLOURDEPTH_8BIT",
        "4 = COLOURDEPTH_16BIT",
        "8 = COLOURDEPTH_3BYTE",
        "16 = COLOURDEPTH_15BIT",
        "24 = COLOURDEPTH_24BIT",
        "32 = COLOURDEPTH_32BIT"
      "deviceName": "text",
      "clientIPAddress": "text",
      "clientOS": "text",
      "clientOSVersion": "text",
      "clientVersion": "text",
      "hostId": "text"
    "isMaintenance": false,
    "isTemplate": false,
    "agentState": [
      "0 = OK",
      "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
      "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
      "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
      "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
      "5 = ConnectionFailed",
      "6 = InvalidCredentials",
      "7 = NeedsSysprep",
      "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
      "9 = CloningFailed",
      "10 = Synchronising",
      "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
      "14 = LogonDrain",
      "15 = LogonDisabled",
      "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
      "17 = CloningCanceled",
      "18 = RASprepInProgress",
      "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
      "21 = RebootPending",
      "22 = PortMismatch",
      "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
      "24 = NotApplied",
      "25 = CloningInProgress",
      "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
      "27 = StandBy",
      "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
      "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
      "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
      "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
      "33 = NotJoined",
      "35 = LicenseExpired",
      "36 = JoinBroken",
      "37 = InUse",
      "38 = NotInUse",
      "39 = Unsupported",
      "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
      "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
      "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
      "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
      "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
      "45 = InvalidESSettings",
      "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
      "47 = NoDevices",
      "48 = NeedsAttention",
      "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
      "50 = ImageOptimization",
      "51 = Unavailable",
      "52 = UnderConstruction",
      "53 = Broken",
      "54 = NonRAS",
      "55 = Provisioning",
      "56 = Invalid",
      "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
      "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
      "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
      "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
      "61 = PendingRecreation",
      "62 = RemovingMembers",
      "63 = AddingMembers",
      "64 = DeleteInProgress",
      "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
      "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
      "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
      "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
      "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
      "-6 = Unknown",
      "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
      "-4 = NotVerified",
      "-3 = ServerDeleted",
      "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
      "-1 = Disconnected"

Get Host Status

Retrieve a specific Host Status.

Path parameters
providerId*integer (int32)

The ID of the Provider server.





namenullable string

Provider name.

servernullable string

FQDN or IP address of the RAS Server.

stateVDIHostState (enum)

VDI Host State

0 = On,1 = OnAgentConnected,2 = Off,3 = Paused,4 = RASTemplate,5 = MaintenanceMode,6 = Cloning,7 = Personalizing,8 = FailedToCreate,-1 = Unknown
connectionVDIHostConn (enum)

VDI Host Connection

0 = Disconnected,1 = Preparing,2 = Waiting,3 = Connected,4 = RASTemplate,-1 = Unknown
templateNamenullable string

Template Name.

templateIDinteger (int32)

Template ID.

templateTypeHostSessionType (enum)

Host Session Type

0 = SingleSession,1 = MultiSession
usernullable string

Provider user name.

ipnullable string

IP of the Provider.

hostIDnullable string

Host ID.

providerIDinteger (int32)

Provider ID.

serviceStartTimenullable string

Service start time.

systemBootTimenullable string

System boot time.

unhandledExceptionsinteger (int32)

Number of unhandled exceptions.

logLevelRASLogLevel (enum)

RAS Log Level

0 = Critical,1 = Error,2 = Warning,3 = Standard,4 = Extended,5 = Verbose,-1 = None
sessionVDIRDPSession (object)

VDI user session


Whether the Provider is in maintenance or not.


Whether the Provider is a template or not.

agentStateAgentState (enum)

Agent State

0 = OK,1 = EnumSessionsFailed,2 = RDSRoleDisabled,3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions,4 = RASScheduleInProgress,5 = ConnectionFailed,6 = InvalidCredentials,7 = NeedsSysprep,8 = SysPrepInProgress,9 = CloningFailed,10 = Synchronising,13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart,14 = LogonDrain,15 = LogonDisabled,16 = ForcedDisconnect,17 = CloningCanceled,18 = RASprepInProgress,20 = InstallingRDSRole,21 = RebootPending,22 = PortMismatch,23 = NeedsDowngrade,24 = NotApplied,25 = CloningInProgress,26 = MarkedForDeletion,27 = StandBy,28 = UnsupportedVDIType,29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported,30 = ManagedESXNotSupported,32 = InvalidHostVersion,33 = NotJoined,35 = LicenseExpired,36 = JoinBroken,37 = InUse,38 = NotInUse,39 = Unsupported,40 = NoAvailableGateways,41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized,42 = EnrollmentUnavailable,43 = InvalidCAConfig,44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials,45 = InvalidESSettings,46 = FSLogixNotAvail,47 = NoDevices,48 = NeedsAttention,49 = ImageOptimizationPending,50 = ImageOptimization,51 = Unavailable,52 = UnderConstruction,53 = Broken,54 = NonRAS,55 = Provisioning,56 = Invalid,57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate,58 = NoMembersAvailable,59 = MembersNeedUpdate,60 = FailedPerfCounters,61 = PendingRecreation,62 = RemovingMembers,63 = AddingMembers,64 = DeleteInProgress,66 = JoiningToHostPool,67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress,68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated,-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached,-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed,-6 = Unknown,-5 = NeedsUpdate,-4 = NotVerified,-3 = ServerDeleted,-2 = DisabledFromSettings,-1 = Disconnected
const response = await fetch('/api/Provider/{providerId}/VM/{vmId}/Host/Status', {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {},
const data = await response.json();
  "name": "text",
  "server": "text",
  "state": [
    "0 = On",
    "1 = OnAgentConnected",
    "2 = Off",
    "3 = Paused",
    "4 = RASTemplate",
    "5 = MaintenanceMode",
    "6 = Cloning",
    "7 = Personalizing",
    "8 = FailedToCreate",
    "-1 = Unknown"
  "connection": [
    "0 = Disconnected",
    "1 = Preparing",
    "2 = Waiting",
    "3 = Connected",
    "4 = RASTemplate",
    "-1 = Unknown"
  "templateName": "text",
  "templateType": [
    "0 = SingleSession",
    "1 = MultiSession"
  "user": "text",
  "ip": "text",
  "hostID": "text",
  "serviceStartTime": "text",
  "systemBootTime": "text",
  "logLevel": [
    "0 = Critical",
    "1 = Error",
    "2 = Warning",
    "3 = Standard",
    "4 = Extended",
    "5 = Verbose",
    "-1 = None"
  "session": {
    "ip": "text",
    "type": [
      "0 = Desktop",
      "1 = PublishedApps",
      "2 = Application",
      "3 = VDI",
      "4 = VDIApp",
      "5 = PC",
      "6 = PCApp",
      "7 = Admin",
      "8 = Unknown",
      "9 = RemoteApps",
      "10 = DirectRDP",
      "-1 = All"
    "user": "text",
    "connectionMode": [
      "0 = GatewayMode",
      "1 = DirectMode",
      "2 = GatewaySSLMode",
      "3 = DirectSSLMode",
      "4 = DirectRDPMode",
      "200 = Unknown"
    "authenticationType": [
      "0 = None",
      "1 = Credentials",
      "2 = SCard",
      "3 = SAML"
    "idleStartTime": "2024-10-05T05:46:03.929Z",
    "mfaProvider": [
      "0 = None",
      "1 = Deepnet",
      "2 = SafeNet",
      "3 = Radius",
      "4 = AzureRadius",
      "5 = DuoRadius",
      "6 = FortiRadius",
      "7 = TekRadius",
      "8 = GAuthTOTP",
      "9 = TOTP",
      "10 = MicrosoftTOTP",
      "11 = EmailOTP"
    "rfiInfoList": [
        "type": [
          "0 = Unknown",
          "1 = HALBInst",
          "2 = Gateway",
          "3 = ForwardingGateway",
          "4 = HALBDevice",
          "5 = HTML5",
          "6 = Other",
          "7 = AVDGateway"
        "ip": "text"
    "userProfileType": [
      "0 = Unknown",
      "1 = Others",
      "2 = UPD",
      "3 = FSLogix"
    "connectionQuality": [
      "0 = None",
      "1 = Poor",
      "2 = Fair",
      "3 = Good",
      "4 = Excellent"
    "protocol": [
      "0 = Console",
      "2 = RDP",
      "10 = RDP_UDP"
    "disconnectReason": "text",
    "state": [
      "0 = Active",
      "1 = Connected",
      "2 = ConnectQuery",
      "3 = Shadow",
      "4 = Disconnected",
      "5 = Idle",
      "6 = Listen",
      "7 = Reset",
      "8 = Down",
      "9 = Init",
      "-1 = All"
    "logonTime": "2024-10-05T05:46:03.929Z",
    "colourDepth": [
      "1 = COLOURDEPTH_4BIT",
      "2 = COLOURDEPTH_8BIT",
      "4 = COLOURDEPTH_16BIT",
      "8 = COLOURDEPTH_3BYTE",
      "16 = COLOURDEPTH_15BIT",
      "24 = COLOURDEPTH_24BIT",
      "32 = COLOURDEPTH_32BIT"
    "deviceName": "text",
    "clientIPAddress": "text",
    "clientOS": "text",
    "clientOSVersion": "text",
    "clientVersion": "text",
    "hostId": "text"
  "isMaintenance": false,
  "isTemplate": false,
  "agentState": [
    "0 = OK",
    "1 = EnumSessionsFailed",
    "2 = RDSRoleDisabled",
    "3 = MaxNonCompletedSessions",
    "4 = RASScheduleInProgress",
    "5 = ConnectionFailed",
    "6 = InvalidCredentials",
    "7 = NeedsSysprep",
    "8 = SysPrepInProgress",
    "9 = CloningFailed",
    "10 = Synchronising",
    "13 = LogonDrainUntilRestart",
    "14 = LogonDrain",
    "15 = LogonDisabled",
    "16 = ForcedDisconnect",
    "17 = CloningCanceled",
    "18 = RASprepInProgress",
    "20 = InstallingRDSRole",
    "21 = RebootPending",
    "22 = PortMismatch",
    "23 = NeedsDowngrade",
    "24 = NotApplied",
    "25 = CloningInProgress",
    "26 = MarkedForDeletion",
    "27 = StandBy",
    "28 = UnsupportedVDIType",
    "29 = FreeESXLicenseNotSupported",
    "30 = ManagedESXNotSupported",
    "32 = InvalidHostVersion",
    "33 = NotJoined",
    "35 = LicenseExpired",
    "36 = JoinBroken",
    "37 = InUse",
    "38 = NotInUse",
    "39 = Unsupported",
    "40 = NoAvailableGateways",
    "41 = EnrollServerNotInitialized",
    "42 = EnrollmentUnavailable",
    "43 = InvalidCAConfig",
    "44 = InvalidEAUserCredentials",
    "45 = InvalidESSettings",
    "46 = FSLogixNotAvail",
    "47 = NoDevices",
    "48 = NeedsAttention",
    "49 = ImageOptimizationPending",
    "50 = ImageOptimization",
    "51 = Unavailable",
    "52 = UnderConstruction",
    "53 = Broken",
    "54 = NonRAS",
    "55 = Provisioning",
    "56 = Invalid",
    "57 = FSLogixNeedsUpdate",
    "58 = NoMembersAvailable",
    "59 = MembersNeedUpdate",
    "60 = FailedPerfCounters",
    "61 = PendingRecreation",
    "62 = RemovingMembers",
    "63 = AddingMembers",
    "64 = DeleteInProgress",
    "66 = JoiningToHostPool",
    "67 = AutoUpgradeInProgress",
    "68 = AutoUpgradeInitiated",
    "-8 = AutoUpgradeLimitReached",
    "-7 = AutoUpgradeFailed",
    "-6 = Unknown",
    "-5 = NeedsUpdate",
    "-4 = NotVerified",
    "-3 = ServerDeleted",
    "-2 = DisabledFromSettings",
    "-1 = Disconnected"

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