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Creates an Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool from an existing Host Pool.
Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool settings.
Site ID in which to modify the specified AVD Host Pool. If the parameter is omitted, the site ID of the Licensing Server will be used.
The Workspace ID.
Enable or disable the AVD Host Pool upon creation. If the parameter is omitted, the AVD Host Pool is initialised as Disabled.
The Azure ID of the AVD Host Pool.
Whether Validation Environment is Enabled or not.
The Template ID.
The RAS Template Version ID.
Whether AutoScale is Enabled or not
The Minimum Number of Hosts added from the template. Default: 1
The Maximum Number of Hosts added from the template. Default: 2
The host name format. All VMs created from the template will have this name with %ID:N:S% replaced.
Session Type
The Workload Threshold. Default: 75
The amount of servers to add per request. Default: 1
The Drain Workload. Default: 20
The Remaining Drain level. Default: 0 (Immediate)
Remove hosts from host pool after drain and power off.
ID of the object.
User who created the object.
User who last modified the object.
Time when the object was created.
Time when the object was last modified.
Whether host pool is enabled or not.
The Name of the Host Pool
The Friendly Name of the Host Pool
The Description of the Host Pool
The Resource Group of the Host Pool
The location of the Host Pool
The Azure ID
The Workspace ID.
The Linked Desktop Application Group.
The Linked Remote Application Group.
AVD Configuration Settings
Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Provisioning Settings
The Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Assignment Settings
If true, default Agent settings will be inherited.
Azure Virtual Desktop Host Pool Agent Settings
If true, default User Profile settings will be inherited.
User Profile Settings
If true, default app package settings will be inherited.
Application Packages Assigned
If true, default optimization settings will be inherited.
Image Optimization
If true, default Actions settings will be inherited.
Action Settings
If true, default Printing settings will be inherited.
Host Pool Printer Settings
If true, default Auto-upgrade settings will be inherited.
Auto-upgrade Settings
const response = await fetch('/api/AVD/HostPool/Existing', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json; api-version=1.0"
body: JSON.stringify({
"workspaceId": 1,
"azureId": "text",
"defaultPowerState": [
"0 = PoweredOn",
"1 = PoweredOff",
"2 = Suspended"
const data = await response.json();
"id": 1,
"adminCreate": "text",
"adminLastMod": "text",
"timeCreate": "2025-02-05T04:00:01.422Z",
"timeLastMod": "2025-02-05T04:00:01.422Z",
"enabled": true,
"name": "text",
"friendlyName": "text",
"description": "text",
"resourceGroup": "text",
"location": "text",
"azureId": "text",
"workspaceId": 1,
"linkedDesktopApplicationGroup": "text",
"linkedRemoteApplicationGroup": "text",
"configuration": {
"poolType": [
"0 = Pooled",
"1 = Personal"
"publishingType": [
"0 = RemoteApp",
"1 = Desktop"
"provisioningType": [
"0 = Template",
"1 = Standalone"
"loadBalancerType": [
"0 = BreadthFirst",
"1 = DepthFirst",
"2 = Persistent"
"powerOnHost": true,
"validationEnvironment": true,
"limitHosts": 1,
"defaultLicenseType": [
"0 = DoNotConfigure",
"1 = WindowsClient",
"2 = WindowsServer"
"provisioningSettings": {
"hostName": "text",
"defaultPowerState": [
"0 = PoweredOn",
"1 = PoweredOff",
"2 = Suspended"
"maxHosts": 1,
"preCreatedHosts": 1,
"duration": 1,
"autoScale": {
"templateId": 1,
"templateVersionId": 1,
"autoScaleEnabled": true,
"minServersFromTemplate": 1,
"maxServersFromTemplate": 1,
"workloadThreshold": 1,
"serversToAddPerRequest": 1,
"workLoadDrain": 1,
"drainRemainsBelowSec": 1,
"removeServersAfterDrainAndPowerOff": true
"overwriteSize": true,
"vmSize": {
"vmSize": "text",
"offering": "text",
"family": "text",
"vcpUs": 1,
"ram": "text",
"dataDisk": 1,
"maximumIOPS": "text",
"tempStorage": 1,
"premiumDiskSupport": [
"0 = No",
"1 = Yes"
"assignments": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text",
"azureActiveDirectory": "text",
"azureActiveDirectoryId": "text"
"inheritDefaultAgentSettings": true,
"agent": {
"disconnectActiveSessionAfter": 1,
"logoffDisconnectedSessionAfter": 1,
"sessionReadinessTimeout": 1,
"allowURLAndMailRedirection": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = Enabled",
"2 = EnabledWithAppRegistration"
"supportShellURLNamespaceObjects": true,
"dragAndDropMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"allowRemoteExec": true,
"manageRDPTransportProtocol": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = BothUDPTCP",
"2 = OnlyTCP",
"3 = EitherUDPTCP"
"fileTransferMode": [
"0 = Disabled",
"1 = ClientToServer",
"2 = ServerToClient",
"3 = Bidirectional"
"fileTransferLocation": "text",
"fileTransferLockLocation": true,
"enableDriveRedirectionCache": true,
"manageRDPShortpath": true,
"appMonitor": true,
"useRDPShortpath": true,
"useSmallerPortRange": true,
"minRDPShortpathPort": 1,
"maxRDPShortpathPort": 1
"inheritDefaultUserProfileSettings": true,
"userProfile": {
"technology": [
"0 = DoNotManage",
"1 = UPD",
"2 = FSLogix"
"fsLogix": {
"profileContainer": {
"enabled": true,
"locationType": [
"0 = SMBLocation",
"1 = CloudCache"
"vhdLocations": [
"ccdLocations": [
"profileDiskFormat": [
"0 = VHD",
"1 = VHDX"
"allocationType": [
"0 = Dynamic",
"1 = Full"
"defaultSize": 1,
"userInclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"userExclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"cloudCache": {
"useMaxCacheSizeInMBs": true,
"maxCacheSizeInMBs": 1,
"useClearCacheOnLogoff": true,
"clearCacheOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": 1,
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": 1,
"useUnregisterTimeout": true,
"unregisterTimeout": 1,
"useClearCacheOnForcedUnregister": true,
"clearCacheOnForcedUnregister": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"customizeProfileFolders": true,
"excludeCommonFolders": [
"1 = Contacts",
"2 = Desktop",
"4 = Documents",
"8 = Links",
"16 = MusicPodcasts",
"32 = PicturesVideos",
"64 = FoldersLowIntegProcesses",
"128 = Downloads"
"folderInclusionList": [
"folderExclusionList": [
"folder": "text",
"excludeFolderCopy": [
"0 = None",
"1 = CopyBase",
"2 = CopyBack"
"advancedSettings": {
"useLockedRetryCount": true,
"lockedRetryCount": 1,
"useLockedRetryInterval": true,
"lockedRetryInterval": 1,
"useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": true,
"accessNetworkAsComputerObject": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useAttachVHDSDDL": true,
"attachVHDSDDL": "text",
"useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": true,
"diffDiskParentFolderPath": "text",
"useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": true,
"flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useNoProfileContainingFolder": true,
"noProfileContainingFolder": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useOutlookCachedMode": true,
"outlookCachedMode": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithFailure": true,
"preventLoginWithFailure": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": true,
"preventLoginWithTempProfile": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useReAttachRetryCount": true,
"reAttachRetryCount": 1,
"useReAttachIntervalSeconds": true,
"reAttachIntervalSeconds": 1,
"useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": true,
"removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamSearch": true,
"roamSearch": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = SingleUser",
"2 = MultiUser"
"useSIDDirNameMatch": true,
"sidDirNameMatch": "text",
"useSIDDirNamePattern": true,
"sidDirNamePattern": "text",
"useSIDDirSDDL": true,
"sidDirSDDL": "text",
"useVHDNameMatch": true,
"vhdNameMatch": "text",
"useVHDNamePattern": true,
"vhdNamePattern": "text",
"useVHDXSectorSize": true,
"vhdxSectorSize": [
"0 = SystemDefault",
"512 = Size_512",
"4096 = Size_4096"
"useVolumeWaitTimeMS": true,
"volumeWaitTimeMS": 1,
"useIgnoreNonAVD": true,
"ignoreNonAVD": [
"0 = AnySession",
"1 = AVDSessions"
"useRedirectType": true,
"redirectType": [
"1 = Legacy",
"2 = Advanced"
"useKeepLocalDir": true,
"keepLocalDir": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useDeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": true,
"deleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useProfileDirSDDL": true,
"profileDirSDDL": "text",
"useProfileType": true,
"profileType": [
"0 = NormalProfile",
"1 = OnlyRWProfile",
"2 = OnlyROProfile",
"3 = RWROProfile"
"useSetTempToLocalPath": true,
"setTempToLocalPath": [
"0 = TakeNoAction",
"1 = RedirectTempAndTmp",
"2 = RedirectINetCache",
"3 = RedirectTempTmpAndINetCache"
"useCleanOutNotifications": true,
"cleanOutNotifications": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useInstallAppxPackages": true,
"installAppxPackages": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRebootOnUserLogoff": true,
"rebootOnUserLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamIdentity": true,
"roamIdentity": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useShutdownOnUserLogoff": true,
"shutdownOnUserLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"officeContainer": {
"enabled": true,
"locationType": [
"0 = SMBLocation",
"1 = CloudCache"
"vhdLocations": [
"ccdLocations": [
"profileDiskFormat": [
"0 = VHD",
"1 = VHDX"
"allocationType": [
"0 = Dynamic",
"1 = Full"
"defaultSize": 1,
"userInclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"userExclusionList": [
"account": "text",
"type": [
"1 = User",
"2 = Group",
"3 = ForeignSecurityPrincipal",
"4 = Computer"
"sid": "text"
"cloudCache": {
"useMaxCacheSizeInMBs": true,
"maxCacheSizeInMBs": 1,
"useClearCacheOnLogoff": true,
"clearCacheOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForRegister": 1,
"useHealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": true,
"healthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister": 1,
"useUnregisterTimeout": true,
"unregisterTimeout": 1,
"useClearCacheOnForcedUnregister": true,
"clearCacheOnForcedUnregister": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"advancedSettings": {
"useLockedRetryCount": true,
"lockedRetryCount": 1,
"useLockedRetryInterval": true,
"lockedRetryInterval": 1,
"useAccessNetworkAsComputerObject": true,
"accessNetworkAsComputerObject": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useAttachVHDSDDL": true,
"attachVHDSDDL": "text",
"useDiffDiskParentFolderPath": true,
"diffDiskParentFolderPath": "text",
"useFlipFlopProfileDirectoryName": true,
"flipFlopProfileDirectoryName": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useNoProfileContainingFolder": true,
"noProfileContainingFolder": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useOutlookCachedMode": true,
"outlookCachedMode": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithFailure": true,
"preventLoginWithFailure": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"usePreventLoginWithTempProfile": true,
"preventLoginWithTempProfile": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useReAttachRetryCount": true,
"reAttachRetryCount": 1,
"useReAttachIntervalSeconds": true,
"reAttachIntervalSeconds": 1,
"useRemoveOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": true,
"removeOrphanedOSTFilesOnLogoff": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamSearch": true,
"roamSearch": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = SingleUser",
"2 = MultiUser"
"useSIDDirNameMatch": true,
"sidDirNameMatch": "text",
"useSIDDirNamePattern": true,
"sidDirNamePattern": "text",
"useSIDDirSDDL": true,
"sidDirSDDL": "text",
"useVHDNameMatch": true,
"vhdNameMatch": "text",
"useVHDNamePattern": true,
"vhdNamePattern": "text",
"useVHDXSectorSize": true,
"vhdxSectorSize": [
"0 = SystemDefault",
"512 = Size_512",
"4096 = Size_4096"
"useVolumeWaitTimeMS": true,
"volumeWaitTimeMS": 1,
"useIgnoreNonAVD": true,
"ignoreNonAVD": [
"0 = AnySession",
"1 = AVDSessions"
"useRedirectType": true,
"redirectType": [
"1 = Legacy",
"2 = Advanced"
"useIncludeOfficeActivation": true,
"includeOfficeActivation": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOneDrive": true,
"includeOneDrive": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOneNote": true,
"includeOneNote": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOneNoteUWP": true,
"includeOneNoteUWP": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOutlook": true,
"includeOutlook": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeOutlookPersonalization": true,
"includeOutlookPersonalization": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeSharepoint": true,
"includeSharepoint": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeSkype": true,
"includeSkype": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useIncludeTeams": true,
"includeTeams": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useMirrorLocalOSTToVHD": true,
"mirrorLocalOSTToVHD": [
"0 = DoNothing",
"1 = Copy",
"2 = Move"
"useNumSessionVHDsToKeep": true,
"numSessionVHDsToKeep": 1,
"useOutlookFolderPath": true,
"outlookFolderPath": "text",
"useRefreshUserPolicy": true,
"refreshUserPolicy": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useVHDAccessMode": true,
"vhdAccessMode": [
"0 = NormalDirectAccess",
"1 = DiffDiskNetwork",
"2 = DiffDiskLocal",
"3 = UniqueVHDPerSession"
"generalSettings": {
"appServices": {
"useCleanupInvalidSessions": true,
"cleanupInvalidSessions": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useRoamRecycleBin": true,
"roamRecycleBin": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"useVHDCompactDisk": true,
"vhdCompactDisk": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"cloudCacheGeneral": {
"useCacheDirectory": true,
"cacheDirectory": "text",
"useWriteCacheDirectory": true,
"writeCacheDirectory": "text",
"useProxyDirectory": true,
"proxyDirectory": "text",
"useSilenceACLWarning": true,
"silenceACLWarning": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Enable"
"logging": {
"logEnabled": [
"0 = Disable",
"1 = Specific",
"2 = All"
"logLevel": [
"0 = Debug",
"1 = Information",
"2 = Warning",
"3 = Error"
"logFileKeepingPeriod": 1,
"logDirectory": "text",
"robocopyLogPath": "text",
"logSpecificComponents": [
"1 = ProfileConfigTool",
"2 = IEPlugin",
"4 = RuleEditor",
"8 = JavaRuleEditor",
"16 = FSLogixAgentService",
"32 = Profile",
"64 = JavaLauncher",
"128 = OfficeContainer",
"256 = RuleCompilation",
"512 = FontVisibility",
"1024 = Network",
"2048 = PrinterVisibility",
"4096 = ADSComputerGroup",
"8192 = DriverInterface",
"16384 = WindowsSearchRoaming",
"32768 = WindowsSearchPlugin",
"65536 = ProcessStartMonitor"
"inheritDefaultAppPackageSettings": true,
"appPackagesAssigned": {
"applicationPackagesAssigned": [
"version": "text",
"tagName": "text",
"tagId": 1,
"packageName": "text"
"inheritDefaultOptimizationSettings": true,
"optimization": {
"enableOptimization": true,
"optimizationType": [
"0 = Automatic",
"1 = Manual"
"windowsDefenderATP": {
"winDefATPTurnOffOn": [
"0 = TurnOffWindowsDefenderATP",
"1 = TurnOnWindowsDefenderATP"
"disableRealTimeProtection": true,
"excludeFolders": [
"excludeProcesses": [
"excludeExtension": [
"windowsComponents": {
"windowsComponentsList": [
"type": [
"0 = Predefined",
"1 = Custom"
"componentName": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"aliases": "text"
"windowsDefenderATPEnabled": true,
"windowsComponentsEnabled": true,
"windowsServicesEnabled": true,
"windowsScheduledTasksEnabled": true,
"windowsAdvancedOptionsEnabled": true,
"networkPerformanceEnabled": true,
"registryEnabled": true,
"visualEffectsEnabled": true,
"diskCleanupEnabled": true,
"customScriptEnabled": true,
"windowsServices": {
"windowsServicesList": [
"type": [
"0 = Predefined",
"1 = Custom"
"serviceName": "text",
"displayName": "text",
"aliases": "text"
"windowsAdvancedOptions": {
"partialStartLayoutContent": "text",
"hibernate": true,
"teleCollection": true,
"systemRestore": true,
"additionalErrorReport": true,
"tiles": true,
"cortana": true,
"microsoftConsumerExperience": true,
"windowsTips": true,
"commonProgramGroups": true,
"partialStartMenu": true
"networkPerformance": {
"dirCacheMax": 1,
"dormantFileLimit": 1,
"fileNotFoundCache": 1,
"fileInfoCache": 1,
"fileInfoCacheEnable": true,
"directoryCacheEnable": true,
"fileNotFoundCacheEnable": true,
"dormantFileLimitEnable": true,
"disableTCP": true,
"disableIPv6CompEnable": true,
"disableIPv6ToIPv4": true,
"disableIsaTap": true
"customScript": {
"arguments": "text",
"command": "text",
"initDir": "text",
"user": "text"
"diskCleanup": {
"cleanupWinSxSFolder": true,
"cleanupSystemFiles": true,
"cleanupTemporaryFileLogs": true,
"removeOneDrive": true,
"deleteUserProfiles": true
"visualEffects": {
"visualEffectsTypes": [
"0 = LetWindowsChooseWhatsBest",
"1 = AdjustForBestAppearance",
"2 = AdjustForBestPerformance",
"3 = Custom"
"animateControlSelectElements": true,
"animateWindowsWhenMinimizingMaximizing": true,
"animateTaskbar": true,
"enablePeek": true,
"fadeSlideMenus": true,
"fadeSlideToolTips": true,
"fadeOutMenuItems": true,
"saveTaskbarThumbnail": true,
"showShadowUnderMouse": true,
"shadowUnderWindows": true,
"thumbnailsInsteadOfIcons": true,
"showTranslucentSelection": true,
"showWindowsContentWhilstDragging": true,
"slideOpenComboBoxes": true,
"smoothEdgesScreenFonts": true,
"smoothScrollListBoxes": true,
"dropShadowsIcon": true
"windowsScheduledTasks": {
"windowsScheduledTasksList": [
"task": "text",
"location": "text",
"type": [
"0 = Folder",
"1 = Task"
"registry": {
"registryList": [
"id": 1,
"action": [
"0 = Add",
"1 = Modify",
"2 = Delete"
"registryName": "text",
"dwordValue": 1,
"displayName": "text",
"hiveType": [
"path": "text",
"regType": [
"0 = REG_SZ",
"1 = REG_DWORD",
"2 = REG_QWORD",
"stringValue": "text"
"uwpApps": {
"allExcept": [
"followingPkgs": [
"removeType": [
"0 = AllExcept",
"1 = FollowingPkgs"
"inheritDefaultActionsSettings": true,
"action": {
"sessionAction": [
"0 = Disconnect",
"1 = Logoff"
"performAction": [
"0 = DoNothing",
"2 = Shutdown",
"4 = Suspend",
"7 = Delete",
"8 = Restart",
"9 = Unassign",
"10 = Recreate"
"performActionAfterSec": 1
"inheritDefaultRDPPrinterSettings": true,
"rdpPrinter": {
"printerNameFormat": [
"0 = PrnFormat_PRN_CMP_SES",
"1 = PrnFormat_SES_CMP_PRN",
"2 = PrnFormat_PRN_REDSES"
"removeSessionNumberFromPrinterName": true,
"removeClientNameFromPrinterName": true
"inheritDefaultAutoUpgradeSettings": true,
"autoUpgrade": {
"enabled": true,
"startDateTime": "2025-02-05T04:00:01.422Z",
"drainModeDurationInSecs": 1,
"forceLogoffSessions": true,
"repeat": [
"0 = Never",
"1 = EveryDay",
"2 = EveryWeek",
"3 = Every2Weeks",
"4 = EveryMonth",
"5 = EveryYear",
"6 = SpecificDays"
"specificDays": [
"0 = Never",
"1 = Sunday",
"2 = Monday",
"4 = Tuesday",
"8 = Wednesday",
"16 = Thursday",
"32 = Friday",
"64 = Saturday"
"messages": [
"id": 1,
"enabled": true,
"messageTitle": "text",
"message": "text",
"sendMsgSecs": 1,
"sendMsgWhen": [
"0 = Before",
"1 = After"